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Having to start all over again.

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    Having to start all over again.

    This is a long post... sorry

    I've finally hit that realisation that i can no longer drink, no matter what. After hundreds of relapses it finally clicked. I've been sober for over 30 days now. I don't even think of AL. No matter what the situation, AL never pops up anymore. What i have found is that i feel like i'm having to start the basics of life ALL over again.

    The last 3 weeks have been all over the place, lots of pain in my back, lots of doctors appointments... we have tried to sell our house on and off for 9-10 months at a time for 3 years now but have never had any luck due to the fact that our house is RIGHT on a main road. Anyway, me and hubby decided to give it one last shot as although our house is PERFECT, if (god forbid) one of my children got out, the chances are they would get hit by a car. Same with the dog. I've already lost a cat due to the road so yes, one last shot. SO 2 weeks on the market and it sold, ?6000 under the asking price, which my husband raised anyway so it sold on the vaule the estate agents gave us. We were told we need to be done by middle of Jan but we haven't even looked at any houses SO yesterday we spent all day searching and viewing houses and luckily found 2 perfect ones. So now i need to pack the houses ect ect AND i have my operation on my spine on the 16th so i need to get MOST of it done before then.
    ALSO My mums cat sadly died which very emtional for me, the upcoming operation is weighing on my mind, had 2 ill children... Oh the list goes on on and ON. Had food posioning, sickness bug and more ='(

    Throughout all of this, i haven't once thought about even lifting a drink.

    HOWEVER, like i said at the start of the post, i've found i am having to learn the basics of life again. Dealing with emtions has been very confusing for me. I've got 2 children and as they grow you can see them learning how to deal with there emotions. For example, My little girl is 3 and when she gets happy she bursts in to tears as she hasn't yet figured out how to control them. My little 7 month get fustrated and again doesn't yet know how to deal with them and now I AM THE SAME. No matter what happened in the past, anything good, anything bad, just because, i used to reach for that drink and numb it all. Now i'm learning how to cope with them. Most of the time, just like my children, i burst into tears as i haven't yet 'got it'. It's amazing how AL controls so much. It just seems to be human nature to pick up that drink after a hard day at work, bad news, good news.. even for people without a drinking problem.. I'm starting to wonder how much of the worlds people actually know how to deal with these emtions without a drink...
    It's hard!

    Having to start all over again.

    I can soooo relate Michelle, it is true we need to learn to live with AL and deal with life's curve balls without liquid assistance.


      Having to start all over again.

      Michelle, I confess when I saw the title of your thread I thought I was going to read that you had slipped, and with all that going on, you grew instead! What huge strides, I'm really happy for you.

      xoxox Pride
      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


        Having to start all over again.

        Michelle - firstly, you should be so damn proud of yourself! You have had so much on your plate and have stayed so strong. Awesome. Yes, you do have to figure out the emotions again - sober is far different than wined out. It's a learning process, but the results are magnificent. I am loving the whole process myself - three kids in all different stages of development from toddler to (augh) teens. It's hard but I now realize that I am stronger than I ever thought I was. Take care friend!
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


          Having to start all over again.

          Michelle, I'm so sorry you've been going through all this. But, the upside is obvious. You're dealing with life as a sober human being. I hope you can continue to be strong. Hopefully we'll all eventually forget about what alcohol used to "do" for us. Try to replace it with something nice - a cup of hot tea, a nice, long hot shower. Buy yourself something, go for a walk. I too am having to learn all of these things. I really admire what you're doing.



            Having to start all over again.

            Hi Michelle! I, too thought from your title you had slipped! And the good news is you are sober! I think we have to re-teach ourselves how to deal with normal human emotions, just like your children are doing! AL was a very convenient way for years for me, anyway, to hide "inside a glass of wine" and never deal with anything. I notice in myself emotional mood swings all over the spectrum in these early days. I'm just writing it off to "now I'm expericencing normal" rather than "drowning my emotions".

            I think you're doing great -- and congratulations on selling your house!


              Having to start all over again.

              Hi Michelle,

              Well done for staying sober and tackling lifes challenges head on. I wrote this on another thread but I thought that since we are talking about how to meet problems as they come up and keep our perspective when everything seems to be against us, I would add it here:

              When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
              Look graciously to the teachers
              We call them to us when we are ready to challenge ourselves and step up to the next level of our understanding and growth
              I look back at many times in my life and marvel at how I have overcome so many obstacles that at the time, so seemed insurmountable
              The road has been a tough one and I wouldnt change a thing or have it play out any other way
              I call the teachers into my life when I need to transcend flaws such as envy, bitterness anger etc.......
              the list is long
              One such very emminent teacher is ADDICTION.
              A stern and determined, ruthless and relentless teacher
              Addiction has taught me to surrender to that which I am powerless,
              Accepting and seeking help outside of my expertise,
              It has taught me to let go of strong conditioning and egoic struggles, grandiosity and arrogance,
              It has brought me to me knees and demanded humility, honesty and forgiveness.
              I am learning to listen with an open heart and let go of wanting, demanding and selfishness,
              For me, it has been my greatest foe and my greatest gift. Love and grace Saffxx
              I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                Having to start all over again.

                Saff - I love this. So eloquently put. Thank you.:h


                  Having to start all over again.

                  Choochie;1017755 wrote: Saff - I love this. So eloquently put. Thank you.:h
                  Thanks Choochie,

                  It helps to put lifes many struggles in the context of lessons learned and wisdom gained. Sometimes we have to repeat the same behavious over and over again to learn the lesson. I really do think that people who come to MWO are genuinley trying to learn the lesson and further their personal growth. We are the lucky ones, seeking empowerment over victim-hood. My philosophy is to never regret any aspect of my life no matter how "imperfect" it may appear, because in reality everything happens for a reason as long as we are fortunate enough to see this as the truth.
                  I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                    Having to start all over again.

                    Again, very well put Sapphire.

                    Well done Michelle, going through what you are going through is a major stress in life. I have just done it too (unfortunately not as sober as you).

                    Pat yourself on the back, you're awesome.:goodjob:
                    Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                    :h ya


                      Having to start all over again.

                      GREAT post Saffy xx
                      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                      AF 10th May 2010
                      NF 12th May 2010


                        Having to start all over again.

                        Saffy, that was excellent! Thank you for that.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

