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But I really like white wine!

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    But I really like white wine!

    I was reading someone's post about how they have friends who smoke and have all sorts of other habits and their problem was also about drinking wine. I feel similarly. If we were in Italy where they left a carafe of wine on your stoop every day, would that change our perception? I guess I have to buck up and read the book and get control of my life at 37, approaching 38. Not into the drug route. I fear that I have a love for wine above many other things, like having children and getting married. Most of my friends now have a ton of responsibilities, kids, SUVs, etc. I want none of these things and instead lead a very simple, and fun life with a seven year live-in partner and a substantially successful career - and in the end nothing is permanent anyway so why do I care so much? Where to begin assessing? To be honest, if I knew my DNA coding could handle three glasses of white wine a night, I would just keep doing it. But my hair is drier than it used to be and I require a water chaser between each sip to avoid hangovers. And , of:new: course, like anything, I suppose it does get tedious. The contradictions abound. Someone offer some insight?

    Appreciate it.

    But I really like white wine!

    Well, I suppose the main question is, if you are posting here then you must be wondering yourself if you have a problem? Do you think you do? Read around the whole forum, ask yourself some more, ask some more questions - ask why you are here. do you want help? there is so much here if you do! SO much support. Welcome to My Way Out Socio! This is a great place to be!

    Hugs to you,

    sunshinedaisies XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      But I really like white wine!

      Hi Sheri, it's really up to you to decide how you feel. My suggestion would be to try 30 days AF and then re-assess your feelings. Good luck, we're all working our way around slippery slopes along with you.


        But I really like white wine!

        :welcome:SQ - I didn't drink all that much compared to many here but I was miserable because alcohol made me feel terrible. And, I felt like I had to have it. I planned my life around it even though I didn't drink crazy amounts. It started to feel like a terrible rut. I agree with what others here have said. Quit for 30 days - that will tell you a lot about your relationship with alcohol and how you want to live your life.



          But I really like white wine!

          National and international limits for alcohol for women include one 5 oz. glass of wine per day, or 7 per week (not all at once). You are damaging your health, your hair is telling you something. Too much alcohol leads to thinner bones, greater risk for fractures as you get older, liver issues... the list is long. You need to find a better coping strategy for life. There are many on the tool box thread under monthly abstinence.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            But I really like white wine!

            What must be understood on this forum, like Sunbeam says the safe level of drinking is so remote to what most people here were drinking that if you 'just' drink one bottle of wine a day or 3 glasses a day that in comparison to most folks on here you're an angel - however most folks on here would be dead in a very short time if they had continued drinking in that fashion. Personally I think the limits seem very low - I worry about drama in figures, a bit like lumping marijuana in with heroin because it's an illegal drug (not recommending marijuana), however, once I started drinking every day and planning my day looking forward to my drinks or factoring in where I would get the booze on the way home, and once it interfered in ANYWAY with my family life, my health, my job - I reckon I had a serious problem developing - just wish to god I had acted on it at that stage!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14

