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I'm quitting from today

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    I'm quitting from today

    :thumbs::thumbs:Wow. I'm totally with you EOTL. Early Sunday I woke up feeling the worst I have EVER felt after a night of drinking. Decided THAT WAS IT.

    FAST FORWARD TO NOW This is my 3rd AF day and still doing okay. That may not seem like much... but honestly, I can't remember the last time I went 2 days AF. Today, at least in my trend book) has been a real milestone for me. Still AF this evening and looking forward to getting to bed on my own tonight. I really thought I would have some awful SEs from going cold turkey, but the thought of feeling like I did on Sunday... and even Saturday as I look back... helps to keep my craving at bay. I do know I may not always feel this way, but right now I have to be hopeful! I did order topomax and Kudzu today (since my free Kudzu still hasn't shown up) just to help me combat that fear.

    Best of luck EOTL. I'm sending good, positive vibes your way!!!!



      I'm quitting from today

      Spede, I was able to do it with just the supplements. L-Glutamine is helpful too. I'm like you - I just remember how good I feel every day compared to what I feel like after drinking even a small amount of liquor and it's enough to keep me from drinking. Congrats on your days - I don't think it's insignificant at all. The more you do, the more you want to do, and then it starts building on itself.

      ML - thanks for the explanation. Posting a link here that is really helpful - talks about Balcofen and Topiramate (sp)?
      HBO: Addiction: Treatment: Which Treatment Should I Pursue?: Prescribed Medications Can Help People Recover from Addiction

      EOL - hope you're still with us on chalking up some days. Sun, Wagon, CMH, Lav, Pride and anone else stopping by, hoping you have a good day!



        I'm quitting from today

        Hi Guys,

        Just checking in. Thanks Choochie for the link. I'll look at it tonight. I also keep forgetting about L-Glutamine. I was trying to remember the name and got Glucosamine at the supermarket. :H

        Oh well, in addition I take Kudzu, and most of the other supplements advised in MWO so I think I'm okay. They also recommend Milk Thistle, which I take to hopefully restore any liver damage that might have been done!

        Have a great day all!

