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Side effects of Campral

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    Side effects of Campral

    I have been prescribed Campral but hesitate to start taking it as I have been told it may impair my ability to drive. Is this the case? How would I drive myself to and from work for example? I would like to hear how others manage this issue?
    Don't tell me it can't be done until I'm finished doing it.

    Side effects of Campral

    :welcome:Shanny. I can't help you with meds, but if you'll go to this link, there are probably people there who can answer your question.

    Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums

    Another good link:



      Side effects of Campral

      Welcome, Shanny!:welcome:

      I wouldn't worry about driving. I tried it very briefly and although it causes some rather embarrassing intestinal disturbances, I had no side effects such as lightheadedness. Like Choochie said, click on the word Campral (blue font) in the Meds forum and you will find lots of valuable input. Good luck in your journey.


        Side effects of Campral

        Hi Shany,
        I didn't try campral, but I did try Naltrexone. They said the same thing, but it didn't impair my ability at all. I think that's just a blanket clause they have to put in. It did make me feel sleepy the first few days, so I would recommend taking it in the evening, if that's the case with Campral.
        Good luck!


          Side effects of Campral

          Hi Shanny5,

          I took Campral for a while and it helped keep me sober for over 6 months until I chose to drink and had a major relapse. The only side effect was a bit of an upset stomach now and again. Never heard of the not driving.The important thing to remember is that it is an aid to help with cravings and just won't work if you choose to drink on it.

          Here's a link that may be of some help.

          Campral - Campral Treatment for Alcoholism

          J x
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Side effects of Campral

            I've found my Campral leaflet and have posted on the meds thread - basically it clearly states that Campral "is not expected to affect your ability to drive".

            Suspect informants are thinking about librium. Lots of myths regards medication out there, for all sorts of things. Read the leaflet and ask your Dr if in doubt.

            Did you know ibuprofen and codeine CAN affect your ability to drive?How many folk are driving out there on it thinking it's ok?

