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ODAT Wed December 8th

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    ODAT Wed December 8th

    Hello and happy Wednesday! Very quiet here on the boards today! Just a shout out to all my fellow ODATers. Hope you are well and staying strong! Talk soon!
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!

    ODAT Wed December 8th

    Hey Wagoneer! I relapsed last week, and so am back on Day 2. This time I need it to be different. These forums help me so much. Stuggling to get over the guilt and depression, but trying to do some positive things to keep me occupied and busy. No desire for a drink; but struggling to get Joy back in my life (if it ever was).

    Staying strong.
    Sober since 12-07-2010 awprint:


      ODAT Wed December 8th

      Good that you got back on track Korlan. It's not easy. I am on day 38 which is a miracle. I have no desire for wine or anything anymore, but I would be lying if I said it was easy or I don't sometimes think, I wonder if I can moderate (and the answer to that is NO YOU CAN'T YOU KNUCKLEHEAD, DON'T EVEN TRY IT! lol) The guilt and depression will get better when your mind gets clearer and the toxins leave your body. Not saying you won't have days that you feel like crap, but at least you won't have the burden of AL on you too. Good that you are keeping busy - that is the number one thing for me. Amazing how much time I wasted drinking! The joy will come back as well. It will. But you have to make your own joy - I find it in the little things that I missed while drinking - helping my kids wth homework, playing wth them, watching movies with them, taking a hot bath with a magazine and a candle. Little things are the big things now. You will see. I really hope you stay strong and keep posting here. It is a wonderful place filled wth people who are going through the same crap we are. Good luck to you friend.
      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


        ODAT Wed December 8th

        Thanks so much Wagoneer! My AA sponsor told me that sometimes you need a relapse to realize I DON'T WANT THAT ANYMORE!! AND NO - YOU CAN'T MODERATE!!!
        No kids, but the bath is on for tonight!
        Sober since 12-07-2010 awprint:


          ODAT Wed December 8th

          Good evening all!

          Didn't make it home during morning break, out with co workers. Hubby is using my car now, so am relying on the kindness of co workers to get back and forth! Bad night for Hubby, car down, work is crap. I am trying to make a nice, calm evening for us all. So hard, worrying about keeping a roof over our heads... Ah well, it will all work out one way or another. Have managed to say no so far this night, need to be the strong one! Best wishes to you all, hope you made your goals for today!

