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I'm back!!!!

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    I'm back!!!!

    Yup I think I'm back to my old selfy. I know I've been a bit vague after my great 5 months and 3 1/2 weeks sober earlier this year. It's taken a while and a few relapses for me to get my attitude back to where it was. When I say "where it was" I've a good idea I started losing that around June/July time. Complacency perhaps, but I just lost my sense of what was important. To an alcoholic there is nothing more important than daily sobriety. I was pretty militant back before then and it worked, I was the happiest I'd been for many years as well as full lof gratitude. Instead I softened and started going back to my old ways, old ways of constantly thinking I had to explain myself to people - when I should have just had the confidence to do what I felt was right. All that happened was self doubt crept in, this then allowed me to become very vulnerable and mixed up.

    I had to go to another personal low to decide it was time to change, that my initial approach works. I was talking to someone in the gym this morning and telling her about my goal for next year. I could have so easily died at any point over the last 10 years as a consequence of my drinking. I am lucky to be alive and I think it's amazing that I'm sober and able to live ODAT.

    I know a lot of people swear by Baclofen, I've considered it but have a pretty good idea I'll dose up and drink anyway - because that's what I do. For me this can be overcome with a complete turn around in my mindset, along with gratitude. I'm also not prepared to wait for the meds/switch. I want my sobriety now, not when I'm further down the line and I know I can do it.

    Today I am alive and enjoying my life, and I am kicking ass, no pussying around.


    I'm back!!!!

    So happy for you. Your posts are so honest and always hit the spot.
    Keep on trucking!


      I'm back!!!!

      Do it. No pussying around.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        I'm back!!!!

        good for you U K lady,sobriety is not easy,you said it in a nutshell,MINDSET,retraining the brain to think the better way,whatever works thats all that matters gyco


          I'm back!!!!

          Hi UK, I am glad that you are ready to fight the battle, you can do it. Reading your posting, about how you let your guard down, and slowly started to go back to your old ways - that is valuable for us to read and be reminded of. We all need to remember that alcohol is such a tricky enemy. In addition, the reminder that we will be more happy sober is one that we need every day. All the best to you.
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            I'm back!!!!

            Welcome back, old selfy! :l Kick ass!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              I'm back!!!!

              Welcome back UK. I'm new here and it's really good for people like me to read a post like yours. My goal also is long term sobriety, and It's important for someone like me to hear that I have to keep my vigilance up even after the initial craving might go away.

              I also thought of meds, and actually tried a couple, but I think I would drink no matter what. I agree completely with you it is a mindset and the final determination needs to come from within myself. Looking at day 13 today for me! That's my longest in almost a year, so I'm happy and feeling great.

              Welcom back!


                I'm back!!!!

                UKB - well, I have to say that on a selfish level I'm really glad you're back. Of course, on a personal level for you, I'm really thrilled that you've finally come to this decision. I always get a lot from your posts and have wondered where you were when you weren't posting much. Now I know.

                So, it's really positive all the way around now - you're here and resolute on being sober so we'll get to hear from you more often I hope.

                Sending you peace and strength,



                  I'm back!!!!

                  Thanks ML

                  I'm only on day 6 at the moment but am aware of my thoughts turn-around. In the early days I tend NOT to count days, I found that my downfall in the past. Every day sober is important and I would project too much thinking "Well I can go back to day 1 if I 'slip''. I just sort of get on with the day and one day I might be able to say I've got 30 of the blighters.

                  Cravings come at all sorts of time and I spend time everyday setting myself to be able to beat them. By that I mean just being happy I'm sober now, and make sure I know WHY I'm chosing sobriety. That is so very important because it is a choice. One of my mistakes was to become a bit dreary, unhappy with one or two things, lost my gratitude and WHAM!I really didn't care if I had a drink because it didn't really 'matter'.


                    I'm back!!!!

                    I think you're really on to something there re. gratitude, UK. It's something I need to work on, for sure. If life's shite, there's no point in changing, is there? Doesn't AL love that toehold.

                    Soooo....I'm grateful for

                    good health
                    a great partner
                    three healthy, smart, and kind kids
                    a secure job
                    a sense of humor

                    Thanks for the reminder. It's good to hear you sounding so positive. :l

                    xoxo Pride
                    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                      I'm back!!!!

                      I am so glad you are back UK, as I always get so much out of posts. Plus, you deserve the best life has to offer.
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        I'm back!!!!

                        Welcome Back!
                        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                          I'm back!!!!

                          I'm so happy you're back UK! I miss you when you're not around. And also, I'm glad you're getting back to your old self....we love her! Hang in there, I know it's not easy. You and I went through something similar at the same time (a while back). You were there for me, and I intend to be here for you just holler if you need anything! :h
                          Love ya girlie
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            I'm back!!!!

                            Everyday I remind myself where I was and where I am now that I am sober. I also thank God everynight for one more day AF. I'm glad your back!!



                              I'm back!!!!

                              Thanks everyone. Yup today I'm 7 days sober although I'm not counting as such but will be recognising certain milestones in my own way.

                              I'm reminding myself of how lucky I am to be sober, alive and sober. I'm not pushing myself and neither am I 'explaining' myself to anyone. I have to actively work on this all the time but I feel so much better, and more relaxed when I'm not justifying myself. I'm doing my thing and it's starting to pay off. Only little things but I don't need big things to be going on in my life. Funny how having been an alcoholic really puts life into perspective. People grumble about so much, and have such high expectations. I'm happy to be alive and able to function. Not to mention be in control of those functions too!

                              Had a sports therapy massage today - I usually leave it until I have a very bad injury before parting with my money, this time I've felt a twinge and do not want to end up injured. So I made myself an appointment and was right in there this morning. Turns out I've caught it in time, just a bit of a stressed muscle thing going on and the treatment I paid for should put me right. Only cost ?30 which is about 1 day of binging for me.


