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I'm new too, very pleased to find this

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    I'm new too, very pleased to find this

    hi, I'm 33 and mightily relieved to find a non AA type approach - may work for some but isnot my bag and you could think it's the only approach!

    I've binge drank at weekends and sometimes in week since i was 18 to give me more confidence. I'm now trying t ostop smoking (which i now only do when drinking ) and lose weight. Penny finally dropped last yearthat alcohol may well be the root of this, all i could find was AA forums though.

    I eat healthy and exercise in the week, then at weekends drink 10-15 units a night, sometimes 6 in the week one or two nights and the nfeel like a failure as I inevitably smoke,sometimes can't remember whole eveings, and waste my precious weekends being hungover and not doing things I would enjoy!

    scarily 90% of my social group drink even more - I am seen as moderate drinker.i have low self esteem deep down - not that you woud know everyone thinks im mrs confident. I'm really really scared of being though of as boring,not fitting in etc.

    I can't decide if i need to abstain or reduce, i'm planning to abstain in week and have 3 units on a fridayand saturday - have tried before but not worked - have got hypnosis CD - not this one but other one.havenm't drank for 4 days now and feel happier.
    any advice v gratefully received!!:new:
    one day at a time

    I'm new too, very pleased to find this

    Hi -
    I found this site the same way - looking for an alternative to AA. While I'm new here, too, and don't have a lot of sage advice to offer, I can say that the follks here are great - full of support, humor and encouragement. As I've realized, alcohol maims uniformly and indiscriminately - so, we've all been there - ghastly behaviour that might be best forgotten, hours missing from memory, bilious hangovers, massive/crushing despair, a long slide backwards down the rabbit hole - and c.
    But, you're doing great - 4 days! and, you've found this site. Keep reading, keep posting. There's lots of encouragement to be found here.
    Welcome, glad to "see" you.
    Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.


      I'm new too, very pleased to find this

      hi bear73

      im replying because we have the same drinking pattern.i started in my late teen years.i continued for many years,thinking "hey i can stop anytime".30 years later i was still doing the same thing,looks like i didn't decide to stop soon enough.
      please realize that this is a progressive disease and once it gets its hooks in you its hard to stop.the earlier you stop the better.i started MWO earlier this year and i have managed to cut my drinking by about 75%.i have had 2 months of abstinence.i use the supps mainly and determianation the rest of the time.
      its tough when you think about losing friends but your health is more important at least that's from my long term,read,and read the posts and post as well.keep
      trying and it will get better.


        I'm new too, very pleased to find this

        hi all.

        i suppose no one can decide what you are going to do in terms of your own life, but you. You are the one that got YOU here and YOu are the one that can get you OUT.

        There are those that try moderation.. those that try abstinence.. some mix it with AA, some dont.. some do the whole mwo program.. others do their own thing.

        Whatever you do.. do it with integrity and honesty.. thats my take on it..
        oh and by the way.. welcome.


          I'm new too, very pleased to find this

          Hi Bear,

          My story is so similar to yours! I am 29 years old. I have a serious binge drinking problem. How do I know its serious? My marriage brokedown because of stupid things I did when I was drunk, I lost my licence for drink driving and my current relationship is also on a thin line because of my drinking.

          I quite often cant remember large chunck of the night when I am out drinking, also smoke (like a shimmney) only when I am drinking, I spend all my weekends hungover, eating crap foods.

          Ironically I am very healthy conscious (during the week!) and am studying nutrition. I exercise and eat great during teh week then waste it all on the weekends.

          All of my friends drink, all of our social occassions revolve around drinking. I also have that fear of being "boring" when I am not drinking and somehow think its makes me cool when I drink (although when I wake up the next morning and think of all the things i did the night before - that I remember- it doesnbt seem so cool!!!).

          I gave up for 3 months earlier this year and I have never felt so healthy in my life!! I went out a few times with my friends, but nowhere near as much as normal , which was a bit hard but the benefits were worth it.

          Two weeks ago I had a terrible binge and then found this site and havent binged yet. I am practicing moderation as I do love to have 1 or 2 drinks when I catch up with friends (for some reason number 3 always throws me into "dont care anymore" attitude) so I am sticking to 2.

          I have a girls weekend away next weekend which we booked months ago and is all about going clubbing and to bars and partying, hmm, its going to be very tough for me but I determied to prove that I can have fun without it, wake up each morning feeling fresh and remembering everything from the night before, and be proud of myself.

          Good luck with it, feel free to send me a private message anytime as maybe having a similar problem we can encourage each other., I also recommend using the drink tracker...its some encouragement too, and we can all check in on each other.



            I'm new too, very pleased to find this

            Hi Guys,

            Yer I started off pretty much the same and I'll be 39 on Sunday and still drinking. I can go about 4 days now before falling off the "wagon" . Just discovered the drink tracker, it is fantastic and good motivation. Keep posting and reading this place has some great, interesting and motivational people with great strength and courage. Thank god they don't mind shareing with the rest of us. Their stories give me hope for a better life someday.
            Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


              I'm new too, very pleased to find this

              I am so very new to this too...and can relate to your messages here. I am 31, and it is mostly the social side of drinking where I go overboard. It seems there are always events going on that I am invited too, and drinks are being passed around...and before you know events will be my biggest challenge!!!

              I can definately admit I have had those times where a bottle of wine can quickly disappear while I am relaxing at home alone too...and I am a petite woman! Often the day after a big night out.

              I don't drink everyday, but I am not resilient like I was in college, and it definately affects my concentration at work, and I am sure my performance. It scares me. I just don't want to go down that road any further!!! I don't want to continue to "push the envelope."

              I think what scares me is being aware of the deep progression of change I feel happening in my mind, soul and body from these binging nights now. At this point I am not an alcoholic, but definately abuse it more than is normal or healthy. I am aware that it is a sneaky devil, and I want to get a grip on it NOW. I want to live a healthy lifestyle, a controlled lifestyle.

              I was really happy to find this website and the program!!! The timing, method, approach is just right for me. I made the decision to find something like this before finding it, so I am ready to get in CONTROL...and moderate my drinking. Through all of this I will learn if abstinence or moderation the answer, but I feel confident I can moderate it with these tools.

              It helps to know there are others out there doing this with me!!! Best wishes to all of you - and I will be visiting the sight regularly!

