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ODAT Friday December 10

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    ODAT Friday December 10

    Good Morning ODATers!

    Off to an early start today, feeling somewhat better than yesterday. Not sure about yesterday, feeling kinda like I'm getting sick, with alittle bit of pity thrown in to boot! I have a busy day planned, not sure how it will all go. Hoping to go pick out a Christmas tree tonight! Hope you are all doing well today and continue to do so throughout the weekend! Best wishes to you all in reaching your goals. And once again Wagoneer, Congratulations!!!!

    ODAT Friday December 10

    Hello, everyone

    I don't post here often, but today I felt like joining in:

    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      ODAT Friday December 10

      Good morning all! Nice picture Tigger! I don't post here often either, but I'm posting all I can this weekend. I have been out of town on business and had huge cravings last night. Stayed in Hotel room and ordered room service and feeling better today, but it's making me wonder what the weekend will bring!

      Day 14 and hoping to stay strong.

