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Been lurking for awhile but excited about diving in...

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    Been lurking for awhile but excited about diving in...


    Just thought I'd give a quick intro. Married mother of three in the northeastern US, professional in the computer software industry who works from home. My weekend binge drinking started in college and continued on and off for about 15 years with relatively few problems. Then worsening bouts of depression and a host of personal problems contributed to more frequent bouts of binge drinking over the past few years, some all alone during the day and one leading to a hospitalization. At this point I don't have a problem with not being able to stop, and I rarely have beyond 3 or 4 drinks a few times a week, but I still do turn to alcohol for stress relief a bit too often. This has contributed to some relationship problems, and has affected my productivity at work. I've had no legal, financial, or major health problems due to drinking YET, and I'd like to keep it that way by learning better methods of moderation and putting a committed emphasis on more holistic self-care like nutrition, exercise, supplements, and mind-body therapies like hypnosis, acupuncture, yoga, reiki, etc. I'm starting to get a bit "crunchy" much to the chagrin of most of my relatives. We'll see who has the last laugh, though.

    I've done a TON of research into alternative moderation/recovery solutions since a few rounds of "traditional" treatment were laughable at best. I'm intrigued with the potential of some alternative therapies, and many of them make a whole lot of sense to me (especially amino acid therapy). I'm simply amazed that the AA model is still considered the gold standard of "treatment" despite an apparently low success rate, and that my health insurance seems to offer no other options.

    There is much more to say but I am currently very busy with work and must get back to it. I plan to check in here as often as I can through the end of the year, then hopefully more often after that when things settle down with work.

    Oh, and just a hint about the nature of my "name" and avitar. Tiarella is a perennial plant native to the woodlands of North America. It is very hardy, and stays attractive almost year-round in my area since it is semi-evergreen and loses its leaves only during the very harshest parts of winter. It has beautiful spikes of foamy flowers in mid-spring (hence the common name Foam Flower), with some cultivars reblooming throughout the summer, even in the shade. Gardening with perennials is one of my very favorite things, bordering on an addiction itself! I'm attracted to enchanting plants that are dependable, versatile, thrive under tough conditions, and need little care--something I'm striving for on personal level as well.

    I'm sure it will be nice to meet many of you as we learn from and support one another.


    Been lurking for awhile but excited about diving in...

    Welcome Tia, and thanks for the plant advice. I am going to look for it. You have come to a great place. Hope you enjoy the stay!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Been lurking for awhile but excited about diving in...

      Welcome, Tiarella--your story sounds much like mine in many ways--glad to have you here!

