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How do you escape?

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    How do you escape?

    Hi, newbie here. I'm pretty sure I'm an alcoholic. I don't drink everyday, I can go weeks sometimes without drinking. But when I do drink, it's game over. I will consume every drop of alcohol and whatever else mind altering product in a 10mi radius until I drop! Sober, I never have any such desire.

    I've sworn off alcohol so many times, it's become ritual. Sometimes I last 4 weeks, sometimes 4 days. Although, I do feel I slowly learn more about the process each time I try. I've learned that moderation won't work for me. It would be so much easier if it did, but it's just not in me to moderate. I've learned that I can't say I'm going to stop drinking after a certain event, there will -always- be an event. But somehow, I always end up drinking again. I stay away from old friends and club scenes, it always happens at more innocent times. Like, I'm at a BBQ with the family. I hold off as long as possible... but the then since the environment is so innocent, I slip and have a few drinks. i then continue to have a "normal drinking experience" and I feel great the next day. So it's never the first time back that is the problem. It's always the second or third night. then rinse and repeat.

    I also find that sometimes I just need to escape. I'll go a couple weeks without drinking and then get this huge urge to unwind. I've tried hot baths, going to he movies, reading, exercise ... but there's nothing really that has the escape feeling like alcohol/drugs. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to escape without breaking sobriety?

    How do you escape?

    :welcome: Took,

    Glad to have you here, you've made a huge step today to getting your life AF (alcohol free).
    I was yet another person that once started didn't have a stop button.

    Have a look in the tool box link. Masses of info to get you started.

    Keep posting and keep reading. You've found a great place.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      How do you escape?

      hi took and welcome .. well you said most of what you could do to stay sober .. the only thing next is to commit to it and stick on the bath of your choosing and thats the key know how to choose whats right for you ... been there and done that with the drugs it gets old and then the money gone and always looking for the next best quik fix ...
      so the best advise i can give you is to look deeper within yourself and you will find what you really want and need in your life to get you where you want to be in life .. so that being kids, marrage ,love ,money ,happy..finding confor ..its your choise... good luck and we are here for you
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        How do you escape?

        So it's never the first time back that is the problem. It's always the second or third night. then rinse and repeat.
        Boy, does that resonate with me!

        Welcome Took.
        Well, you're actually ahead of the game already - that's the good news. You know that you CAN stop (no actual 'fear' of stopping) and you've already discovered that moderately drinking isn't realistic for you. Whew. Took me a LONG time to even get THERE.

        So, your problem isn't stopping.. it's staying stopped. That will probably involve a real change in habits, thinking, and coping. The toolbox thread JC gave you has tons of great stuff for that.

        As for 'escaping' without alcohol... I guess you'll have to find YOUR thing, that does the trick. Could be meditation, a brisk walk, lawn mowing (don't laugh.. I had the best looking 1 acre lawn because I thought it therapeutic!), reading, painting... WHATEVER... as long as you don't pick up that first drink

        Best of luck on your journey - glad you found your way here.
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          How do you escape?

          :welcome: Took,
          I too am impressed with how far along you are already with your awareness of your drinking problem. I understand what you mean about the "escape". That is an important topic. For me I have found that wanting the escape was actually the desire to feel numb. A break if you will from things that were building up that I didn't want to deal with. I would get tired of coping and turn to a bottle for comfort. I wasn't aware that is what I was doing at the time. I thought I was unwinding, giving myself a break. When I stopped drinking this time with the help of this site, I really started to re-wire my thinking about what I was actually doing to myself using AL. I can say, that getting more time sober that feeling of wanting to escape becomes less and less. Your mind begins to heal and you learn how to take care of your needs better. My emotions are much more manageable as is the rest of my life.
          It's wonderful to have you here. Good luck on your path.


            How do you escape?

            Welcome and glad you found "us"!
            "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


              How do you escape?

              Hi Took,

              Welcome to the site -- lots of experience and wisdom here, so take your time and read lots!

              As for escape, I think that was something I started to tell myself I needed once I was addicted to AL. Before I was addicted I never really thought of AL as something I did to "escape" but something I did in social situations once in awhile. So, now when I feel the need to escape, I realize it's my addiction talking to me. What am I escaping from? Feelings? Fear? Whatever it was, Alcohol didn't seem to be helping after awhile, so I decided I just needed to feel whatever it was and stop drinking.

              Good luck and glad to see you here!


                How do you escape?

                Hi Took,

                Welcome to MWO, this is a good place.

                Have you read the MWO book yet? You can download from the Health Store. I highly recommend the Hypno CDs. They taught me to relax without AL & to change my thinking too.

                This journey takes commitment & a bit of time. Each day you spend AF will make you feel stronger.
                Stop in the Newbies Nest thread & see what the others are doing.

                Wishing you the best!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  How do you escape?

                  I'm going through the book right now. Thanks everyone for the welcome. I look forward to learning and sharing


                    How do you escape?

                    Simple! If you can do that just dont drink! Party season is upon us and tonight I have sucummbed to a bottle of wine but know I'll wake up 2mrw and be pissed off! I am starting 6 months off the fucken demon on Jan 1st. Join me and hopefully , no bugger that, we'll never look back!!!!!! Keep in touch mate! And after 6 months off Ginger beer!.xxxx


                      How do you escape?

                      Hey Took and welcome. Your story, sounds so very familiar indeed. For me, I went along this path, until I made so many bad decisions that I ended up at rock bottom. I don't wish that on you or anyone.

                      How to escape is a complicated question, and it is different for everyone. The postings before mine, make some excellent points and observations. I will add that, the anxiety you may feel about the social component of going sober is normal. You can survive this. Battling the urges to drink, and breaking the old habits is very hard work; if not you would have succeeded during one of your previous attempts. Don't forget it takes a long time for your brain and body to get used to not having alcohol (months). It than takes a while for your body and brain to go to what is should be at without drugs and or alcohol. Only at that point, for me at least, the battle got easier, and some perspective and psychological gains started to occur.

                      The epiphany will not come on week two, you have to hold fast, and add the days together, to become weeks, to become months. All the best,
                      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

