My question is: What is an alcohol craving? I know what it feels like to crave chocolate. I don't feel that way when I want to have a glass of wine, though. In my mind I'm a habitiual drinker. I like to come home after work or work out and watch tv with the family and have a glass or two (which leads to a bottle) of wine. I'm not a hard AL drinker..and only white wine. If we go out to have something to eat (which we do 2-3 times a week) I always order a glass of wine. Sometimes my husband has a beer, not always.
I try not to keep wine in the house because I know I'll drink it. So, if I stop at the grocery store on my way home, is that my craving? Sometimes I convince myself to not stop, most of the time I don't. Or I'll call my husband and see if he wants to stop to eat. Thats my latest "game" to have a couple of glasses w/o wine at home.
Does this make sense? It my game or inability to not stop at the grocery store my craving?
Will Kudzu help this?