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    I posted a bit earlier this I'm back. I'm not sure if I need to be totally AF or AF and mod. I'm taking it one step at a time.

    My question is: What is an alcohol craving? I know what it feels like to crave chocolate. I don't feel that way when I want to have a glass of wine, though. In my mind I'm a habitiual drinker. I like to come home after work or work out and watch tv with the family and have a glass or two (which leads to a bottle) of wine. I'm not a hard AL drinker..and only white wine. If we go out to have something to eat (which we do 2-3 times a week) I always order a glass of wine. Sometimes my husband has a beer, not always.

    I try not to keep wine in the house because I know I'll drink it. So, if I stop at the grocery store on my way home, is that my craving? Sometimes I convince myself to not stop, most of the time I don't. Or I'll call my husband and see if he wants to stop to eat. Thats my latest "game" to have a couple of glasses w/o wine at home.

    Does this make sense? It my game or inability to not stop at the grocery store my craving?

    Will Kudzu help this?

    Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

    Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.


    Hi Diet Coke,

    I too am confused by what exactly an alcohol craving is all about. I use to smoke and I sure knew how strong that craving was. It was very physical. I didn't think I had physical cravings for alcohol unless I was in the middle of drinking. Like if I opened a bottle of wine so that I could have a glass while I cooked dinner. Once one glass was down I didn't have any will power to put the cork back in the bottle. It was too hard. I'm not sure if that is a craving or not. Mostly, I think my "cravings" are mental. They feel like mind games I use to play with myself and others. I also wouldn't keep alcohol in the house because I knew if it was there I'd drink it. I think I was trying to keep my addiction at bay for a long time. If your noticing that your kinda playing a game wanting to go out to eat 2-3 times a week so that you can drink wine I think your starting to come to terms with what might be going on. I've noticed not everyone craves, at first I thought that meant I didn't really have a problem. I thought I could keep drinking. It wasn't until I really became honest with myself that my drinking was a problem that I needed to stop. I chose to abstain because moderation just seamed to hard of a choice for me. Good luck with what you choose to do.



      Hi DC, I also did the stop at the store on the way home to get wine. My argument with myself became do I really need to stop at the store, or am I just finding an excuse to buy wine? For me the craving is if I follow through in my mind what I'm really after -- it's not to stop at the store, it's to drink that glass of wine that I know will be included with that stop.

      Good luck with your decisions -- I know how confusing it all is. I, too have decided to abstain as it's just easier for me than arguing wiht myself all the time (and losing!)

      Welcome and have a great evening!



        Well I'm glad people understand what I'm attempting to say. I sound like both of you. One of the reasons I was asking about cravings, was will the Kudzu and L-Glut help me?
        I'm sure they won't hurt me, but, I'd love some help with the mind games. Mind over matter is not easy.
        Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

        Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.



          I haven't tried L-Glut, but I do take Kudzu a couple times a day. I can't say if it really works or not to be honest. You might want to read the threads under holistic healing. For me, it's just a matter of deciding I need to do this and keeping the thought in mind that eventually I won't think about "stopping at the store" anymore.

          Good luck with your journey!



            Hi Diet Coke, Nice to meet you!

            I was really confused about what a "craving" was too. I just thought that well, I want a drink, so I get a drink! Yes, that is your craving. The desire to stop and get the wine, when you actually know you really dont need it, you just want it. Craving and wanting I believe are same thing, when we know, we really shouldnt do it, but we do it anyways regardless.



              Hi Diet Coke,

              Yes L-Glutamine helps with cravings. It helps by balancing out sugar levels and also has a calming effect on the brain. It is worth a try and there are no side effects. Good luck
              I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs



                On "cravings.."

                I too am an ex-smoker and I can see the similarities and also the differences in the physical and mental nature of the cravings.

                A word that is more descriptive for me than craving is "obsession." My obsession with alcohol was evidenced by things like:

                *Thoughts would occur to me throughout the day about plans for that evenings drinking.
                *I would feel a sense of relief wash over me when a drinking plan was established.
                *If I had no drinks, all I wanted was "one."
                *If I had one drink, all I wanted was more.
                *I rarely thought up front "I want to get DRUNK!!" I just snuck there.
                *Etc. - this could be a really long list!

                What was the most telling to me about my obsession with alcohol was what happened if I tried to NOT drink. I went a little nutty.

                So here is my challenge to you. Go for 30 days without drinking. See how that goes. If you don't have a problem with AL, then it should be no problem to go 30 days without drinking. My husband is a "normie" and he does that all the time.

                L-Glut sure helped me in the early days along with Kudzu. It wasn't magic. It didn't make me forget about AL. It took a bit of the edge off and that was a blessing.

                Strength and hope to you..

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.



                  Thanks everyone. ODAT....I started back on my vitamins and kudzu. I have the powder L-glut. Do you mix it in something?
                  Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

                  Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.



                    Welcome, Diet Coke,

                    Put the L-Glutamine right under your works fast and is tasteless! Good luck in your journey!

