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Day By Day

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    Day By Day

    Hi all,


    I posted on Monday that I was starting this journey. (On the Need Help board.)

    Today is Day 3 (the beginning of it anyways ) and I'm still committed to bettering myself and shaking off the need to cope using alcohol. (Wine being my crutch of choice.)

    I saw a therapist last night and while I'm not convinced we're the most perfect "match" she's the only option in the area. She knew ZERO about kudzu or L-Glut or Milk Thistle. Nothing about online recovery boards such is this. Nothing about how alcohol breaks down into sugar and becomes addictive in a similar way, and why I believe being sugar-free (which I was for many many years - AND - in the best shape, mentally and physically in my life) is a goal that can support becoming alcohol free or moderate. And while she seemed sympathetic in general, she couldn't offer any options I hadn't already thought about (or learned about from here) other than AA. Because its "been around over 50 years" (repeated many many times by her as if the fact that its been around a long time makes it the answer I didn't have the heart to bring up the fact that many in AA aren't successful at staying completely AF either.) So anyways I told her I would remain "open" to the idea of it, but at the moment it's not something I think would work for me for a variety of reasons. I'll see her again on Monday night and I'll decide based on how that session goes whether to stick with seeing her.

    When I got home my husband was very interested in my experience ... "How did it go?" We talked for a while and I explained to him that for me to be successful he has to accept when I tell him there are things *I* have a concern about and he can't just brush it aside else I will bottle things up, and to keep my frustrations contained I turn to a glass (or 3) of wine to keep my mouth shut. (Some background, I'm his second wife, we have custody of his 2 kids (18 year old boy in first yr of college and 13 year old girl) their mom's an alcoholic/drug abuser (and she was also a nurse) up on felony charges, I have no kids of my own and am an introvert ... so there's been lots of adjustments for me coming into this marriage (we've been married 2.5 years now.)

    Not to mention issues with my parents' health which is not good, and is and has been incredibly stressful for me over the past 3 years ... I also lost my job in Nov 2009 (not related to this issue - just general layoff due to the economy), which was just yet another stressor. Did part time stuff and found full time employment again in Oct of this year, and after the first 4 weeks of a very challenging and substantial (!) learning curve to come up to speed, I can say I'm finally feeling comfortable and confident in my new position. So that stress has begun to become more manageable.

    Anyways, I'm just keeping my focus on what I need to do. I'm feeling some anxiety and sadness, plus fear over the coming holidays. I can't say I won't have a glass to toast the new year, but I'm not going to look that far ahead. I'm putting one foot in front of the other lest I fall flat on my face well in advance of the holidays. :H

    Anyways, just felt like posting and saying hullo to you all. I've learned a lot reading here :thanks: and plan to visit as much as I can.

    Day By Day

    :welcome: again Danae!

    I'm glad you went to see the therapist.. even if she may not be 'the one' for you. I reckon, it may take some trial and error to find someone you click with AND who has the knowledge and experience you are looking for.

    I'm in awe of your courage in terms of hubby and your mindset in general. Well done!

    I mentioned this to someone else the other day... day three can be a bit of a b*tch... take it one hour at a time if need be, distract yourself, jump into the tub, hop on here, or go to chat - whatever it takes.

    Wishing you the best!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Day By Day

      Hi Danae, you just provided me with a "AHA" moment. I never thought about the whole alcohol/sugar relationship. It's funny because my body craves white wine the way it would sugar. I don't "crave" any other type of alcohol (although I will definitely drink anything and everything). I just have the strong cravings for white wine. I am going to try to cut all sugar out of my diet and see what happens! I am on day 2 and hoping for the courage to get through it! Today will be a tough one as Wednesday nights are "Survivor" night and my friend always comes over to watch it with my husband and I and we always have a few drinks. It's funny (not) because I love this show but half the time I can't remember watching it because I drank to much! Good luck on your journey!


        Day By Day

        Thanks sunshine!

        My day is pretty full. My father is being dismissed from the physical rehab therapy center today (mom's picking him up - he fell and has been there for the last 3 weeks learning to walk with a walker) so I'll be over there tonite right after work. So hopefully I'll make it through today.

        Tomorrow after work assuming I don't have to go to my parents, I plan on a long hot bath! Friday will be more challenging, but with any luck the treadmill I ordered (weeks ago - literally) will be here tomorrow, so I will be assembling it and using it and hopefully that will occupy my evening. I truly believe I need to get back on the exercise horse and get some of the healthy brain chemicals stirring!

        onthegrand, I can't claim credit for the sugar link. It was posted somewhere here on the boards. And during my sugar-free years I didn't drink very much *at all.* An occasional white wine and that was it with no desire to polish off a bottle. And I *will* get back there.


          Day By Day

          I hope you don't mind me posting here, I am on day 2 and the title fits how I feel at this very moment. Yesterday I decided to not drink and I was successful so "day by day" are the words of the day for me. On the sugar note, that makes perfect sense to me. I have always been a sugary candy addict and when I drink a lot I don't crave the sugar anymore, I crave the alcohol. An "AHA" moment for me too. Have a great day.


            Day By Day

            Hi Danae, Congratulations on day 3 and Welcome! The counselors I've seen seem to know very little or nothing about cravings, medications or holistic remedies. I've found this site to be a wealth of information for those things.

            Laurel, congratulations on day 2! I'm sure there is a sugar link so good work with that.

            It does get easier and the sleep is great!! I have been working it slowly one day by one day and here I am at 19 today. Can't believe it. I think my cravings just started diminishing yesterday. I'm hoping they continue to die down and then vanish.

            Have a great AF day all!

