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A Request for Help!!

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    A Request for Help!!

    Hi All,

    I need help, Im very sorry for asking, but this addictive drug thats available on every shop corner has gotten the better of me.

    Im 33, Ive ben drinking since I was 16 which initially landed me in trouble and the law took my driving licence off me for 2 years.

    Ive always told myself that I shouldnt regularly try anything strong than a lager, which would be fine if it wasnt for the fact that I now hit 10+ lagers per day.

    At least a swig of last nights beer first thing in the morning, 2 pints at lunchtime and best part of a gallon in the evening.

    I hate what its doing to me, I get panic attacks during the day as the Alco is leavin my system and get the shakes also.

    I also fear, that my dear girlfrield will leave me because of this terrible affliction.

    Every thought in me tell me to stop drinking, but for me to have both a mental and physical addition, its difficult to do.

    Help help help.

    A Request for Help!!

    This is a place full of help. Don't go away !! There is a toolbox thread here full of ideas, and there are meds, supplements you can take to help you come off the worlds most freely available popular poison. There are plenty of amazing people here who will help too. Sorry i can't do better than that, but i'm new here, taking valium to get through the early days (seems to work for me) and still getting the hang of it ! No need to be sorry for asking, sorry is what happens when we don't fix this problem. Hang on in there, it can be done !!


      A Request for Help!!

      Thanks very much for your post Kelvie,

      If you dont mind me asking, what level of alcohol were you on afore you stopped the drink??

      Im not bing nosey, Im merely wondering what med I require to stoop it too.

      Any help would be very gratefully appreciated



        A Request for Help!!

        Hello Pennyw

        Well done for arriving at this point. Sounds like you have identified several really good reasons to beat this addiction. You have to dig deep and find that inner strength and resolve that is there if you really want to be free. There's lots of good advice on this site, keep reading and posting. You are only 33 - lots of good sober fun living to do. Sober is so much better and being free of the poison is the best present you can give yourself and others.

        I wish you well

        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


          A Request for Help!!

          Pennywise, :welcome: back, I remember you from before ..............:l:l:l

          I did a home detox 18 months ago with Librium after drinking at least 3 bottles of wine a day, sometimes with vodka thrown in ....... it is the best thing that I ever did .........

          Go see your doctor tomorrow if you think that route would help ........

          You could do it without meds though and use the supps ..........

          Keep us posted on your progress.......

          BB xxx


            A Request for Help!!

            No need to thank, it's what happens here It's the third time in my life i've had to do this & it must be the last (that's why i'm here, can't do it alone) so for me this time round, only a bottle of wine a night, with the odd bender here and there, but i'm tiny and female, knew things were getting out of hand when i started adding a few beers on top of the bottle, yeah, shakes, panic attacks, like once i start, there's no off button... went to the doctor and she gave me valium (well, oxazepam,) and b vitamins. The point of the valium thing is to get you through withdrawal with less shakes and no risks of fits/seizures, plus it relaxes muscles (like booze). Valium is (haha) addictive, so you don't want to stay on it too long and do need to come off it slowly. I hate it, but not being able to quit alcohol was worse. The b vits cos alchohol uses them up and also are handy for easing the panic. Will be trying some of the supplements reccomended here when i have the cash. It's not easy to see a doctor, but a good one can help you through the first stages, then there is here, you need everything you can get, it takes time and effort to get well, but beleive me it's possible - the ten years sober i had taught me that. Good on you for tackling it before christmas !!


              A Request for Help!!

              Thanks for the positive post Mazzie

              I would love to be able to kick this thing, Ive previously been to counselling sessions and wotnot, which Ive always done ok with (not without poppin for a beer afterwards tho). I really need to kick it this time tho as I can see how its making me badly, shakes, panics etc etc.

              Such a stupid thing, I know I need to kick this, but dont seem to be able. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!



                A Request for Help!!

                Hi Betty.

                Wow for remeberin me from last time, I clearly failled!! Must have been about 3 years ago!!

                Can I reasonably state that I wont touch a drop on here, is that a bit too much pressure??


                Would love to!!



                  A Request for Help!!

                  Pennywise;1026027 wrote: Hi Betty.

                  Wow for remeberin me from last time, I clearly failled!! Must have been about 3 years ago!!

                  Can I reasonably state that I wont touch a drop on here, is that a bit too much pressure??


                  Would love to!!

                  I have a fear of Clowns so your name is etched in my brain :H:H:H

                  I failed miserably many many times and then something clicked!!!

                  It will click for you too, you just have to want it bad enough ...

                  BB xx


                    A Request for Help!!

                    Hi Pennywise,

                    Have you thought about trying any of the meds that are available? There is a lot of information about various meds on this site, and I'm sure by looking through and reading you can find lots of help to get you through this.

                    Good luck with your journey.


                      A Request for Help!!

                      Hi pennyw I just want to offer my support to you,
                      I was on at least two bottles of wine a day and quit cold turkey,
                      make a plan for your most difficult times for cravings and keep busy,
                      eat well and drink plenty fluids. Keep reading and checking in,
                      this place saves lives.....
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        A Request for Help!!

                        My best plans failed until I got on baclofen to suppress cravings, Only then was i able to execute my plan for permanent lifelong abstinence. I have been Alcohol free since jan 13,2010. Just want people to know that it isn't always just will power. I am an older female and was drinking about 1 liter of vodka daily toward the end. Terribly sick. Thought I would die. Almost wished I would. Everything has now changed for the better. I decided I would post on MWO until I had been sober for 1 year. I have learned a lot by reading and sharing.
                        Welcome back


                          A Request for Help!!

                          Hi Pennywise, it is a good sign that you are reading and writing here - keep at it. There have been many posts in the last month or so that you might benefit from reading. From what you have written, it seems like you understand that this behaviour needs to stop. The next step is the hard one. Start stringing some sober days together. Write down your goals and why you want to be sober. For most of us, the pattern of drinking just slowly increases and intenisifies till our lives explode - maybe you can avoid that if you stop now. We are here for you,
                          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                            A Request for Help!!

                            Hi Pennywise, I was drinking similar amounts of strong beer every night & feeling pretty hopeless as the consequences of more than a decade of heavy drinking kicked in. Panic attacks etc, you know the story. Since I have no willpower whatsoever I figured I was screwed. Like Sunny, I tried baclofen and to my astonishment it saved my skinny arse. My suicidal habit basically ground to a halt within weeks. Baclofen seems to have a very high success rate - so you should definitely give it a spin! Good luck and merry xmas!

