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Present to Me

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    Present to Me

    I am starting my AF time today, as a present to myself on Christmas. I feel so sick today, drank to excess last night and just want to start a new life.

    It is a lonely time, and I could really use some support and advice. I am so humbled by my messups.

    Present to Me

    Hi Snoopy,

    Today is a perfect day to start, and most everyone comes here to this site in the same way. You're not alone. Try to drink lots of fluids today; gatorade, water..anything (except AL) since you're most likely very dehydrated. Be kind to yourself today.


      Present to Me

      Hi Snoopy C
      I agree with Sheri & Bridget B, well done, go easy on yourself, flush out the booze with plenty of water (vichy works wonders...) and enjoy the best xmas present money cannot buy ! There is no time like the present, never a right/good/easy time to stop. Tomorrow sees me celebrating 7 days sober, i knew if i didn't do something soon that xmas/new year would be hell (not that i would remember much about them if i was drinking !) I've spent the last 7 days almost totally alone, weird, but useful, getting a handle on where the brain cell is at, and where it has been, facing up to what it means to really make the effort to get my life back and move on without a bottle by my side. For me, in Al mode there is always a sort of loneliness somewhere.

      Hang on in there, there's lots of ideas and info here, you could start with and also great people who have plenty to teach us newbies.
      Best wishes to you and welcome to the club


        Present to Me

        Congratulations Snoopy! Just have the courage to get over this hump ... you will feel SOOOOOOOO much better. This site, its selfless and supportive people, is truly a blessing!!! Come back for support and tangible suggestions/ideas. Hang in there, j
        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


          Present to Me

          Me too Snoops I'm gonna stick to the unleaded stuff tonight.


            Present to Me

            :welcome: Snoopy! What a fabulous gift to give yourself - sobriety. I would suggest downloading the My Way Out book and giving it a read. Most of us find that we need a good plan to go along with our good intentions.

            Strength and hope to you,

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Present to Me

              Hi Snoopy & welcome to MWO, this is a good place!

              Spend as much time as you can reading through the threads & visit the Newbies Nest for more support.
              Look in the Health Store here where you can buy the MWO book, supplements & Hypnotherapy CDs (I loved them).

              Wishing you the best!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Present to Me

                Hi SnoopyC,

                I think we are in the same boat... No advice for you... But, well, here's to the New Year... and Good Luck!


                  Present to Me

                  What a great present. I'm jealous. I feel like shit unless I have at least a little alcohol in my system.

                  I drank too many years. Drank every night. Drank away my hangovers when I had too much.

                  But we all have the capacity to change.

                  It's 1:30PM and instead of my first drink I'm eating vegetables. Which isn't easy when you never feel hungry.

                  Don't know how I'll fall asleep at night w/o enough alcohol but I'll cross that bridge later.


                    Present to Me

                    Hey Snoopy and welcome. You certainly have lined up a wonderful gift for yourself. This can be the best gift you have ever received, it may also be the hardest gift that you ever had to work for. Read and write lots in here, we are here for you. You can win this battle, one day at a time. Merry Christmas,
                    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                      Present to Me

                      I am amazed at the kind, positive replies. Thanks so much. I managed to stay away from the booze last night so feel so much better today. No more drinking for me. It just does not work anymore.

                      Will remember this Christmas and feel good about myself. I will order the entire package of stuff since it has worked for others. Merry Christmas and again, thanks for your support.


                        Present to Me

                        Snoopy, Welcome and I hope you enjoy your present and presence!
                        One thing which helped me somewhat for sleep at first was melatonin. It is safe and not habit forming. I don't think it affects your blood pressure like you benadryl did.


                          Present to Me

                          Hi Snoopy - I am a little late on this thread. Merry Christmas to you! What a wonderful gift you have given yourself. I am now 55 days sober and I never thought I would make it. The people here are amazing and there is no way I could have made it without their friendship and support. Godd luck to you and keep reading and posting. It's a wonderful place to be.
                          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!

