I do have to get myself back in the day and I'm trying to figure how I did that back at the end of March this year. I've built up a life you see, back then it was easy because I had no life - friends were keeping well away, family were used to me not being there, I had no relationship going on, and my fitness stuff was right out the window. Well that's all more or less there now and I struggle to balance, keep in the day and not P people off.
So do I step back and just tell everyone "I'm sorry but you get on with your lives, ignore me and I'll be right back when I'm ready"?Then I get questions about when that will be. It just makes me angry because I just don't know. This problem is going to kill me and it's making me terribly unhappy, yet people around me want to do things I can't cope with - but which they think will be good for me. I know it just makes me worse. I think it's time for a major head shift, just go back to what I can cope with on a daily basis which is generally just pootering in my own time.