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A rebirth is so close... :)

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    A rebirth is so close... :)

    Just took a swig of vodka which is not the greatest starting point. However, all set for a NEW ALCOHOL FREE LIFE in a couple of days. This feels great. I am determined not to head into the new year in the same physical and mental head space I've been in for the last 5 years.

    As I type, I feel my energy taking a nose dive. I don't need that any more. i can be strong.

    Really, I am determined. i will post my decision and comittment on the 29th.

    Best wishes

    PS Ugh< I hear how self indulgent this all sounds. But whatever, I'm going to start trying.

    A rebirth is so close...

    I wish you the best of luck whe you decideto quit drinking. It's get you have such a positive attitude towards it and you need to remeber this feeling you have now, when the AL thoughts creep back into your head when you're sober) telling you, you miss AL, or it's ok now to drink, one glass ect ect ect.
    Best of luck xx


      A rebirth is so close...

      Best of luck. Go For It!!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        A rebirth is so close...

        Hi Bean,

        Think of all of what you and I are going through right now as a process to freedom.

        Best to you, we can do this.
        2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


          A rebirth is so close...

          Bean, I too am starting, but now. Another bad night last night, had to drag myself to work today, got nothing done and have felt awful all day. I am going to spend a couple of days drafting my plan - this is the year to be done with this problem. Which for me has gone on @ 5 years as well. And I think to beat this thing we have to be self indulgent if that means our entire focus is getting back a life without a booze problem. Which means 'getting a life'!
          From the Sanskrit prayer;

          "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
          But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

          determined to be AF


            A rebirth is so close...

            Tomorrow is my quit date. I am scared and excited. Just reflecting on how this addiction has gone completely crazy for me in the last few months...drinking in the morning, any time of day, missing school, missing appointments, generally missing out on life.

            I can't do that any more. I want to recapture the sparkle in my eyes and optimism in my heart. I wanted to moderate for so long but never managed to. Now I am glad that I 'can't' because I think quitting completely will be easier.

            Just read a thread about whether quitting smoking was similar. When I quit the cigs, I found at first I thought about it all the time, then it became once a day, every few days and eventually I came to think that smoking was just a really weird thing to do! One of my biggest fears about going AF is craving it for the rest of my life. Even though it would be better for me to quit and crave it than continue as I am, I despair at the thought of always feeling 'deprived'.

            Anyway, the alternative is grim so I just have to suck it up and do this. And I think I can.

