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Went to the Doctor

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    Went to the Doctor

    Hi Everyone

    I went to the Doctor today and totally spilled everything out. He said that he had seen me go downhill for the last 4years and knew that I was in turmoil. Have had a number of blood tests (one for liver function) and he has perscribed some anti depressants and vitamin b. Have also found a counsellor who I start meeting with next week.

    Doctor also suggested that I just leave my husband (he can't see the situation changing either) but I have no money of my own. So I have made a plan - get a job, find out where all the money is invested (which I should be able to do given that hubby is away so much), get strong, take control and then leave -mind you this could all change once I speak to the counsellor and it always changes after the first bottle of wine.

    What has really set me off this time is that my best friend, who has been my rock over the years, has stage 3 lymphoma and had her spleen taken out yesterday. Life is to short and too precious to be this miserable.

    Hope to hear from you all soon


    Went to the Doctor

    G'day Tui,

    Good on you. It's important to get your life back on track. Just a word of caution regarding anti-depressants. I have had anxiety attacks for the past few months, and my doctors in Thailand actually prescribed Xanax. When I went back to Europe, I was also prescribed Zoloft. Now, I'm in a situation that I have to battle TWO addictions. Alcohol and anti-depressants.

    Please read up before you take the anti-depressants. It's really difficult to get off the medication, once you're on a high dose. I have managed to cut down, thanks to a great website called Welcome to

    While anti-depressants work short term, it might be better to try out natural therapies, and even sport.

    That's just my two cents on the issue.

    Best of luck
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


      Went to the Doctor

      Tui, you have my best wishes. Your situation sounds very sad and, I am sure in some ways, lonely. Please keep coming here and venting/talking. It might make you feel better and more grounded. Sounds like you have a very compassionate doctor; more and more uncommon these days.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Went to the Doctor

        Dear Tui,
        Lush is right. These boards can only help, not hurt. It is a world of compassion and knowledge. If youranti-depressant is not xanax or one those type, it may be good for you -- like the wellbutrin type, etc. . What is it.

        Plans & goals keep one alive & moving forward good for you on establishing your plan.

        So sorry about your best friend. Life seems strange like this..difficulties & pain seem to come in one period of time. It is the influence of Saturn..but that is another topic. I have experienced that & my friends

        It will all pass..For everything there is a time under the sun..And it will be positive again...Keep coming here for help to get through t he storm though


          Went to the Doctor

          You Can Do It

          :new: This is my first visit and my first post. But I do know that when we reallly desire to change we can - with help. Anti-deppresants have made my life liveable. It is different for different people, but I would not have made it this far in my life without them. They are not an addiction, but a return to reasonable thought, belief and behavior. Having had depression most of my life, and alcohol abuse for much of it, the only way I've made it past 40 is to use the tools I've had. Alcolhol has been a negative tool. But antidepresants have been a positive tool always. Side effects suck - but ultimately killing myself or isolating in my home is worse.


            Went to the Doctor

            Hi Tui,
            I'm sorry your feeling so down, but all these changes can only be for the better so look at it that way.
            With your friend who has been your it's your time to be theirs!Channel all your energy into helping them through and you wont even notice your own problems.
            Keep your chin up.


              Went to the Doctor

              You humble me

              Hi everyone

              thanks for replying - I feel really humbled - how can you all stay so positive while I am so focused on my s..t and am unable to offer you any support?

              I have been strong for my friend - we have wept but I won't do it anymore - she needs strenght, not people who go into meltdown every time they see her.

              The anti depressants are Doxepin10mg- take 1-2 at nigh? Doctor said they would help me sleep and would stimulate my appetite (have lost 7kg in 1.5mths - and who said drinking made you put on weight!)

              Husband arrived home for 1hr before taking my youngest son away to the WRC for the weekend. Sure son 2 will have a great time but husband will be stressing - we can't talk but it is amazing how much body language does and he knows that life is changing.

              I have a glass of wine on hand but know that if I take these drugs, I can only have 2!

              So cheers everyone - tomorrow is a brand new day!



                Went to the Doctor

                I'm In Your Corner

                Hi Tui:

                I feel your pain of your friend's illness. My best friend died of breast cancer, but the tragic thing was she knew she had the tumor for years, and never told me, because she was scared. I was so angry with her for lying to me because she denied and denied and denied the tumor was there to my face. I drank to try and forget my agony over her fatal illness. When she died, I drowned myself in booze.

                Anti-depressants can help, please just don't mix them with booze. I did. Big mistake. Also, I have known for years that alcohol is a depressant, but I was arrogant and stupid enough to thinik that rule didn't apply to ME. I love when I wake up sober....there have been very few days in the last year that this has happened. This site has lifted me out of an abyss of pain....I'm sure you feel the same way.


                  Went to the Doctor

                  Hi Tui

                  Sounds like you've just taken a really decisive and massive step towards taking care of you and getting some control back over what all of us know is an addiction which can feel as abusive as the situations it often means we expose ourselves to. I will really be thinking about you and hope your counsellor is really supportive. I'm so sorry to hear about you best friend and hope that you feel able to talk to those of us on the site for support. I'm new here and I'm really looking forward to being part of a supportive community. Take care, from Daniella


                    Went to the Doctor

                    Tui, I take anti-depressants and finally figured out that while you can drink with them, they won't work. It's amazing how not drinking made them "suddenly" work!

                    I'm sorry your friend is so sick. Talk to her a lot and you both need lots of hugs.

                    It's nice and friendly here. You don't have to post, but you were brave enough to do it. That's great! And coming here is a huge step forward.

                    Good luck!
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                      Went to the Doctor


                      You should be proud of yourself for coming clean and dealing with eveything directly. That's a big step.
                      I am trying to moderate and having been somewhat successful but have been considering abs for a while.

                      Good luck!


