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Looky, another n00b!

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    Looky, another n00b!

    Hello there, ladies and gentlemen!

    I wrote out a fairly lengthy autobiography that I kind of approached as a "lead," since I used to daydream about giving a good lead, but guess that I won't have the opportunity anymore. I've read a couple of threads here in the past, and so I've decided it would be nice to join the community, since I lack people to discuss such matters with anymore.

    At the risk of arousing ire, I want to say I stopped going to AA several months ago, and feel that it was the right decision for me. Now, I'm not sure it's appropriate to post what I originally wrote, since it is essay length, so I'll leave it at a hearty "Hallo, folks!"

    I look forward to being part of the community!

    edit: aha, found the "Tell Us Your Story" section of the board. I've posted what I originally wrote over there.

    Looky, another n00b!

    :welcome: GWAH

    Just dropping by to say hello. Here's the link to the toolbox. Masses of ideas for getting sober and staying sober.

    Not going to overload you with advice. Just keep reading and keep posting. Glad to have you here.

    J x

    PS Now I'll go and read your story
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Looky, another n00b!

      Hiya GWAH :welcome:to MWO,

      This place is great, lots of likeminded people to help you..........

      All the best on your journey :l


        Looky, another n00b!

        Hi GWAH

        Welcome. I am new (again) to MWO and wrestling with the decision whether to try AA (again) alongside...I know what you mean about provoking ire in deciding that AA is not for you. To each their own - whatever works for you.

        Happy New Year!



          Looky, another n00b!

          Welcome! This is a great community with or without AA. That's your personal choice -- no ire raised!

          Good luck with your journey!


            Looky, another n00b!

            Thanks, all, glad to be here
            I'm gonna check out the toolbox now. Looks like a wealth of good suggestions.

            And oh, how we wrestle with these things! If I ever manage to master myself, I'll consider it my biggest accomplishment. Until I go on to accomplish more, I mean. My personal ambition is to own and island, and outlaw pants. You'll all be invited, of course.

            edit: dear me, that last line was mighty suggestive. I mean it in good jest, even if my tastes are sometimes poor.


              Looky, another n00b!

              Hi Guy - :welcome: to the MWO community! Best of luck to you in your journey and here's to fewer days with headaches! :H

              This really is a great place to read, learn and share.

              Have a safe and happy new year!
              AF since 7/13/2010


                Looky, another n00b!

                Welcome, Guy! I will check out your story...


                  Looky, another n00b!

                  Welcome GWAH. Best of luck on your journey here, and Happy New Year!
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    Looky, another n00b!

                    Welcome to the community. I'm pretty new here myself-- I discovered it a few days ago then I made my first post yesterday. Like you I tried AA and found that it didn't work for me. This community has been really helpful in reassuring me that there are other ways to attain and maintain sobriety. Good luck to you, I look forward to reading your long post.
                    Alcohol Free since 11/29/10!


                      Looky, another n00b!

                      Hi and welcome. I am new myself, and can tell you that AA never worked for me either. Everyone is different in what works and what doesn't.

