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Found a glass of wine this morning...

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    Found a glass of wine this morning...

    left over from yesterday. Was thinking of drinking it for a moment, but dumped it before I could ponder about it. I don't want to drink today, and already thinking about drinking....uggggg!

    Found a glass of wine this morning...

    Bon, it's great that you just poured it out. Sounds simple, but I know how hard that can be in the early days of sobriety. Sometimes I had to break it down into a LOT smaller pieces than "one day at a time." Sometimes it's "one minute at a time." Just keep choosing not to drink, and you can beat this thing.




    I remember all too well the days when I wanted to stop, and by myself, I just couldn't do it My Way Out was my starting point to a vastly improved life without AL in it. I had to become willing to do whatever it takes. I have also added AA to my mix of tools. Not sure if that is an option for you. The face to face support has been awesome for me. The important thing is to be willing to do whatever it takes and pouring out that drink was fabulous!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Found a glass of wine this morning...

      Morning Bon!

      You made the right decision. I got a head start and started a few days early to avoid the hangover and starting AF today...hang in there you will feel great in a few days!

      I have to say being sober in a crowd of drunks opened my eyes last night.

      Have a wonderful day and good luck with your journey!


        Found a glass of wine this morning...

        Good morning Bon!

        Good job on pouring the wine out. DG couldn't be more right with how hard that really is in the early days, but it was the best way to start your day!

        Today be gentle to your body, drink lots of fluid to replenish with AL robbed from you. Try eating some healthy food, protein always helps and just take it one step at a time.

        Good to have you here with us, what a great way to start the New Year!


          Found a glass of wine this morning...

          Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. No money so no drinking today, but my fear is the person whom I live with...he always finds a way and has a running tab at the local liquor store.


            Found a glass of wine this morning...

            The choice is always yours, you don't have to drink regardless of the fact if he gets any and brings it home. No one makes you pick up the alcohol and drink it. Just think of how bad you're going to feel afterwards, I always focus on the aftermath of it all and not the actual drinking its self. You can do this, one moment at a time.


              Found a glass of wine this morning...

              Good Morning Bon - well done on pouring out the wine - sometimes such a hard thing to do! I am so pleased to see that you are back with us - stick around eh? It really is a wonderful place - tons of support and we really do care. Just post and someone will be here to help you.

              Hugs to you,

              sun x
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

