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Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

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    Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

    Sorry Choice to hear bout your friends mom - stay strong girl!
    Witchy, I felt like that last Jan - couldn't give a fiddlers about booze. I cracked under pressure in May (builders in the house, no water, no electric and a miserable grumpy old git of a husband) I know that sounds like excuses, I don't do excuses, but actually I hadn't changed my 'reward' headset and considered with all the misery round me I 'deserved' a drink - but it wasn't cravings. Actually I don't think I have them anymore - my downfalls with drinking in the last year were pretty much 'rebellion' against a controlling spouse. That's gone now and I don't feel any wish whatsoever to drink - so enjoy the feeling girl - but DON'T get complacent, it is always there in us and a bit like the nuns used to describe the devil to us here in Ireland 'he's always around the corner with the latest temptation'!! -so is alcohol to an alcoholic - we just have to say BEGONE SATAN:H:H

    I have half a cup of olive oil in my hair (someone on the tele told me it was a really good idea) and it is RANK!! Off to wash it out
    Have a great day everyone, will check in later!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

      Good luck washing it out Molly, I did it before, i looked like a greasy bint for 2 days..
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

        Good Morning All

        Glad to hear everyone stayed strong this weekend. Now time to take on the week! Have a great day everyone!
        Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


          Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

          Hi Folks!
          I cant keep up as there are so many of us on this thread. It's great!

          I nearly nearly drank on saturday. Argh it just shows that you can never be compacent ( as Molly stated). I was fine for nearly two weeks and BAM! That voice came out for no apparent reason and made me want to drink. I didnt guys because I knew I would let this thread down.

          Hope everyone had a gppd monday. x
          Be strong-
          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


            Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

            Happy Monday Jumpers! Yes, Witchy, I agree about the good energy thriving in this here thread! The weekend is behind us, congratulations to all of you for staying AF! Choice, I am so glad to hear you remained strong throughout the out of the blue cravings! I know this will happen to me and you are an inspiration!

            Mollyka, lol, I have done the olive oil hair routine hairdresser recommended it since my hair is dry from bleaching it, umm, blonde...hee hee. I think it does help but it is hard to sit there with oil on your locks for any long period of time! I hope your tresses will reward you with lots of shine when you rinse it out!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

              Hi Jumpers!
              Thanks for all the support. This is such an amazing thread! :l:h Sometimes just admitting to a craving on here squashes it. I feel pretty chill today and calm. I love feeling like that. I hope everyone is having a good day and I'll check in later.


                Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                Good Job everyone for staying strong through the weekend! 15 more days to go and we have done it! Go us!!! We will be so proud and happy on Feb 1st!
                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                  Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                  Morning everyone.
                  I woke up this morning smilling, I have found that when I lie in bed at night before I go to sleep, i think of all the things i am greatfull for in my life & why i am greatfull for them, it puts me in such a good headspace & i wake up smilling. it is somethng i learned from reading "The Secret".
                  Today is going to be a quiet day, I am going to catch up with an old friend who is in town & then maybe go & spend my xmas vouchers.
                  so stay strong
                  Progress, not perfection!!!
                  A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                    Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                    Just quick Hi and goodnight - not long in from work and tired. Olive oil wasn't too bad I think! Blondie, how often am I supposed to do it? once in a blue moon or loads of times? Anyhows, glad everyone had a good day - I bought a pair of jeans today for 10 euros reduced from 79.95 euros ---I kid you not!! and they are FABULOUS!!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                      Good night all, had a fabulous night! Hope everyone here did too.
                      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                        Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                        Hello all! Just checking in after a couple days out of town with no internet!! Very tough as this site is my new addiction! :H

                        Molly, hope the olive oil worked! I tried Mayonnaise one time as someone said it was good, and it took days to wash the grease out of my hair!! Hope yours went better!

                        This thread is so busy and doing so great! I can't believe we're on Jan 17th already!! What a great group.

                        Have a wonderful AF night all!!


                          Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                          Good evening Jumpers! Yay, we are over half way there!

                          Witchy, I love your nightly exercise of going over what you are grateful for in life and why. I am going to try that shortly as I am off to Bedfordshire after I finish this post! I love the idea of waking up with a smile on your face. I have been kind of doing that already, just cause I feel so much better waking up AF and there's always that little pause when you wake up and realize that you are not hungover when for so many years, that wasn't the case for me! I actually have had a few dreams this past week that I have gotten drunk. One morning I woke up sober but was so disappointed with myself because I had a dream (rather nightmare) that I got drunk in front of everyone at work, and how the heck was I going to explain that the next day? It took me a few minutes after waking to realize that it was just a can imagine how relieved I was?! PS, I have been meaning to read the Secret for so long, I don't know what is stopping me? I guess I kind of forgot about it, but you just reminded me to put it on my list of books I want to check out very soon! Thanks Witchy!

                          Mollyka, On the olive oil...I don't do it too often cause I just plain forget! But I have a whole slew of hair care products that I use and one of them is called "Essential Oils for Hair", which is in an olive oil base, and I have been using that about once a week or so if I'm being really good. Just plain olive oil, like you are using, is just as good. Is your hair in good condition or is it dry/damaged? If it is dry/damaged, (like mine), I would try to get to it every 2 weeks if you have the time, and let it sit in there for as long as you can. I've also slept overnight with an oil treatment in my hair, just put a towel on your pillow! Along with the oil treatment, protein treatments are great if your hair is damaged, (from coloring, heat-styling, etc.), because all of that causes your hair to loose protein and it becomes week and brittle and porous. (Speaking from experience here!) So, if that's the case, you may want to find a heavy duty protein treatment to use 1x or 2x a month too! 2 key treatments that have helped my tresses immensly (and this I learned from scouring the hair and beauty boards quite heavily...bare with me, I am a Leo and therefore obsessed with my "mane"!
                          1=Moisture (deep hydrating conditioner or oil treatment) and 2=Protein (look for a product with keratin, such as Joico K-Pak).
                          Geez, I could go on and on about hair, can't I? Sorry for the ramble but I hope that helps, Mollyka! PS, well done on that great sale find on the jeans! As my grandmother used to say..."you made out like a bandit!"

                          Good night everyone! Have a wonderful AF Tomorrow/Tuesday to all!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                            Hey, great to see you Mylife, we missed you tooooo, wouldn't fancy the mayo. on the hair tho!! Morning Jenny and Blondie - wow that's brillo info bout the hair. Yes mine is mad dry and brittle. I've been pure grey since I was 18 - I had blue black hair as a child - and have been colouring ever since. As I've got older I've lightened it in colour and the lighter colours do seem much harsher on the hair. Not sure bout the olive oil my head was all itchy last night and am just waiting for the water to heat up to wash out madly!! Will deffo try your suggestions tho cos I hate when my hair looks like an old ladies, just doesn't suit my life
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                              Hi guys just popping in to see how you are all doing, Witchy a great way to end your day, i actually do similar in the morning when i open my eyes, give thanks for a few of the wonderful things in my life the 1st being to wake up hangover free!

                              Re the hair stories, my friends blonde hair went a tinge green after being in a hotel swimming pool, she slapped tomato ketchup on it and its back to blonde

                              Have a wonderful day jumpers
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                                Morning guys,

                                I have dry hair too, I am gonna try the olive oil and check all my products for keratin!!
                                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                                AF 10th May 2010
                                NF 12th May 2010

