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Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

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    Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

    Morning Sweaters. Witchy, great to see you back - gather you've already been kicked up the bum, so onwards and upwards girl. Get the rest of sober Jan. under your belt and you know how good you'll feel.
    Choice, that is really interesting, thanks for telling me how you felt when you went off the ADs - are you still off them? Like you, I just seemed to let everyone take control of my life, especially my husband, 'complacent and agreeable' are the words you used - that's exactly it, but underneath I knew that wasn't REALLY how I was - and yes, I'm still angry - but it's real feelings. I have HUGE decisions to make in my life I reckon in the next few months. I'm not going to do anything drastic until the AD's are completely clear of my sytem so I can't be accused of 'suffering withdrawal symptoms' or some such shit. Ok off to the shower and going to use some sort of propelled vehicle to get to work:H - that good Chillywilly:H
    Love Angry Mojoed Molly:new:
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

      Mojo Molly make majestic motions in mechanically motorized machine

      Good morning Jumpin Jacks!
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

        Hi all,
        Choice hun, thanks you so much, your encouragement (& the strength you have shown given the situation with your BF) really helped me find my way back
        aahh Molly, I knew I would get a spanking from you, :-)
        Well I came home from work & had something to eat straight away, and as I am only working till lunchtime tomorrow I have made arrangements to have tea with a friend, so i will be driving, so no alcohol for me. Its funny I have no problem not drinking when i am with my friends, it is if i am at home by myself that i struggle.
        So I raise my glass of iced water to ODAT & the Jumping january group.
        BTW I did make myself a fabulous AF drink last night, take 2 grapefruite & lemon fruit ju (or any fruit flavored) iceblocks, break them up into a glass, add a little soda water, yummy refreshing slushee.
        later kids
        Progress, not perfection!!!
        A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


          Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

          Good morning everyone very cold and i hear more snow on the way but not as bad as we had before. I'm on day 5 but not really 2 bothered about counting its just to get through each day af. Feeling ok but got a cold. I'm reading a book i have been wanting to buy for ages called room by Emma Donoghue. I was also browsing in a 2nd hand shop last late last year and i found the lovely bones so plenty of good reading materiel to keep me busy in the evenings. I find getting in to a good book a great distraction. My internet is not great at the moment but i'll check in when i can. Sorry i can't keep up with everyone's news but i wish you a good cheerful thursday.


            Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

            Hi Jumping Beans,

            I'm having a lie in this morning, been up and had my supplements etc and back to bed with my book and laptop. Must get moving though. Wichy it's great to see you back on board and hi to everyone else. Firefox I've really gotten back into reading since being AF, it's great to actually remember what I read the night before The Lovely Bones is a great read, I bought a pile of books over the holidays at the charity shops . I'm actually thinking of buying a kindle but still a bit unsure - advice anyone?

            Anyhooo onwards and upwards with the day I've 4lbs to loose that snuck on over the holidays and sitting in bed on my lazy arse isn't going to shift them

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

              I'm praying today - I will stop lying to my Family and stop drinking. I am tierd of the sneaking and unintential let downs. I am inspired today and I think this will help. I already feel better - reading the positive comments... I hope everyone has a very good day.

              My First time doing anything like this - ever.


                Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                :welcome: newme127

                You've joined a great thread here. Some just starting, some restarting and some of have been here a while with a lot of AF (alcohol free) time under our belts.

                Don't be shy, we're quite a friendly bunch. Just shout out if you have any questions.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                  Welcome newme127.
                  This place saved my life and is continuing to help me stay sober.
                  Just keep looking,reading and posting


                    Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                    :welcome: newme

                    I was like you and had never done anything like this online, I was desperate and in a terrible place but within a few weeks things started to look a lot better and I haven't looked back. Try and get 30 AF days under your belt and see how you feel.

                    Read as much as you can on this site the experience and advice is invaluable and I know if you really want to stop and get your life back then you can.

                    Dewdrop :h
                    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                      Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                      First Time

                      Thank Jackie.
                      Finally - people understand. I have tried to just quietly not disturb my husband for the past 6 months. He would go to bed and I would sneak beers. Alone - my own drowning of issues. And last night I thought for sure I had my problem cured. I went to the store to by some cream for coffee - and I went right over to the beer rack and bought ONE beer - drank it in 5 minutes minutes in the driveway - went in and he just said I was so discusting and pathedic.
                      I feel like i am not out to hurt him - or demean him but wow - this such a powerful pull.

                      I am just starting again all over. Today.
                      Thanks - I dont share my issues with anyone - ever. I am a professional who is in a very public eye - w/ the community and Have struggled with going to an AA meeting because of that. Phew! What to do!?!!! Thanks - Best of everything to everyone.


                        Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                        Thank you - all I'm off to work! Enjoy your day. Thank you - Again.


                          Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                          :heart:Hi Everyone! :welcome: Newme. It's going to be fine. I am starting over again and again, but today is a new day and Day 2. I guess the first step is to quit worrying about what husbands and anyone feels about your drinking brain. It is all up to us and focus on that. We were born this way and now have to deal with it. Nobody understands if they haven't been there. Not even best friends, parents, or children. They just don't understand. It's foreign to them, so we will rely on our posts and friends here, o.k. It will all work out! Love, GH


                            Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                            Good morning jumpers! Start of Day 17 for me! i will have a test today in the form of a comedy club tonight where everyone will be very drunk, I am looking forward to watching them all and driving. . .hello! Anyway gotta run! Have a great AF day all and welcome newme and witchey! Great to know you!
                            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                              Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                              Good morning Jumpers!

                              Welcome New! I'm so sorry you are going through such a hard time. If you decide to go to AA, please remember it is Anonymous! They take that very seriously, I had several "well known" people from the community in my meetings when I went, and they were just like anyone else to us. The other idea is maybe go to one accross town or something if that would make you feel better! Good luck, and things will get better without AL!!

                              Witchy - Glad to hear you're doing better! I want to try that fruit drink! I also seem to have more problems when I'm alone than in social situations, so I can relate!

                              Molly, Chill, Dew, Fire, Jackie, Anon -- so great to read your positive posts each day!


                                Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                                Hi Jenny, X Post! Congratulations on Day 17!!! Woohoo!!

