Morning Sweaters. Witchy, great to see you back - gather you've already been kicked up the bum, so onwards and upwards girl. Get the rest of sober Jan. under your belt and you know how good you'll feel.
Choice, that is really interesting, thanks for telling me how you felt when you went off the ADs - are you still off them? Like you, I just seemed to let everyone take control of my life, especially my husband, 'complacent and agreeable' are the words you used - that's exactly it, but underneath I knew that wasn't REALLY how I was - and yes, I'm still angry - but it's real feelings. I have HUGE decisions to make in my life I reckon in the next few months. I'm not going to do anything drastic until the AD's are completely clear of my sytem so I can't be accused of 'suffering withdrawal symptoms' or some such shit. Ok off to the shower and going to use some sort of propelled vehicle to get to work:H - that good Chillywilly:H
Love Angry Mojoed Molly:new: