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Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

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    Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

    Good morning jumping bean-o's!!

    :welcome: newme :l I'm glad your here. Towards the end of my drinking I can totally relate to drinking 1 drink down in 5 min... I was in SO much pain mentally and needed a way out. Thank goodness this forum exists. :h

    Dewdrop, I too gained 4 pounds. I kinda slacked, not bad.. ah well... At least it wasn't 10 pounds.

    Witchy, I've just got a smile on my face again this morning that your posting. I hear you on the drinking alone bit. When I started I thought I'd struggle most with other drinkers.. then I realized my main trigger was when I was alone. I thought I liked being alone Turns out I'm not to big a fan of it but I'm trying a new way to deal with it other then becoming all numb and fuzzy with my own thoughts... paying the piper in the morning.

    Molly, I've been off all AD's for maybe 2 years now? I'm not sure. If I get in a danger zone I will go right back on them. Are you in touch with your doctor while going off them? I kinda felt manipulated while on them or off them.. it was like no one could trust that it was really ME upset and trying to communicate. I felt that way about booze too. I was always discounted for how I felt. What I like about being sober is I think I can at least get more a grip on what is my problem and what isn't. I think your anger is a healthy sign. But all this stuff is just an opinion. Finding the right doctor with regards to AD's is critical. I lost trust in my Dr.

    Alright... another novel by choice!! whew!! Hello to everyone! and best wishes for the day your hoping to have. :h


      Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

      Morning Jumpers!
      Welcome NewMe! Everyone here is in the same boat and totally "get's it". You will help alot of advice, encouragement, comfort and respect. Post often - we are all friends and ALL have a common goal. post often and read, read read!
      Nice work Jenn on 17!!


        Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

        aaarrrrgggghhhh, i just lost a long post & now I have to go get ready for work, the funny thing was I was just about to post it. LOL oh well, i will check back in at lunch time when i get home from work, & start again.
        Any way morning jumpers, have a great day, talk later.
        Progress, not perfection!!!
        A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


          Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

          Witchy I copy all my post as a backup just in case it won't let me post it or in case I've been logged out. Just a tip to lower frustration.
          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

            Evening Jumpers,

            I'm just back from a yoga class and I've signed up for a meditation class on Saturday so I'm looking forward to that, I've been a bit hit or miss with my meditation recently so hopefully a day of it with like minded people will kick start me again.

            Hope everyone is well and still hanging in there and if not just get right back on the wagon again.

            Happy birthday Anon hope you had a lovely day :l

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

              Dewdrop where in Scotland are you? Interested because I may be moving back quite soon and want to find similar classes.
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                Dew, that sounds great, a meditation class! I would love to find one, but they're hard to come by here. I am doing Yoga however! It's a start1


                  Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                  Hi Chill I'm on the east coast and I think you are from Glasgow but if you google the yogascotland website they will give you teachers and classes anywhere in Scotland. It would be great to catch up with you for lunch and a natter when you come back, if you want.

                  Mylife I did my introduction to meditation at a buddhist retreat and it was a life changing experience, met some amazing people and learned a skill that gives me so much peace and contentment.

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                    Wow I would love a buddhist retreat! I think I will try and find one here in Texas!
                    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                      Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                      Hi all, sorry I'm so late getting on here - things are a bit grim round here still - very grim actually and beginning to wear me down:sigh:, anyhow, prob just tired, will be fine. Welcome Newme, yep my husband can not understand this one tiny tiny bit, but like Gettinghappy says, we have to do it for ourselves, not them.
                      Choice, I couldn't believe it reading your post, what you said is exactly how I felt on the Ad's, I too feel like my feelings and opinions are 'discounted' because of them (obviously that was the case with the booze too but I didn't blame them for that), and I just did exactly what you're not supposed to do and...stopped. I'm feeling much better tho - no depression, just stronger that this is me now. My doc is super and I suppose I didn't want him judging me as well. So now I've taken the decision to not take so much as a headache tablet. It's like I've got control of something at last. Tomorrow I'm off work as is he and I've a feeling I'm going to be given a list of what 'I must do' from him with ultimatums, and I'm dreading it.
                      Anyhows, that's why I haven't been round much today.
                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY Anon - hope you've had a lovely day:l
                      Will check in at some stage tomorrow
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                        Hello one last time guys. Checking in to say Goodnight.

                        Dew, I am now on a mission to find a buddhist retreat. I have had a yearning for something like that for a year or two now -- I just feel I need to find something along those lines to embark on in this new phase of my life. Thanks for the idea! I had been thinking an Ashram or something...but it sounded so far away and so alien. But a meditation retreat would be wonderful!

                        Molly, so sorry about your hubs. I have gone through my share with my own husband in the past few years, but I really haven't been AF to see how much I contributed to that. I'm hoping now that I am things will be better with us as well. Stay strong and centered!

                        Have a great night all!


                          Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                          Hi Guys
                          well, day 3 done, went and had a fabulous meal with my friend & we just chilled out watching TV for awile, so now I'm home, sober & looking forward to tomorrow, I am working till 3pm, so need a plan for tomorrow night to stay on track, although on Sunday i am at my other job & I usually dont have a problem not drinking the night before that as its way to much to try and count all the money & do the banking etc hungover, but all postive vibes will be very greatfully received.
                          So I have been reading "The Secret" again, which I find very helpful as it reminds me not to focus on the "I dont want....." thoughts but the postive things that are in my life.

                          Molly, I'm not sure of your situation at the moment but I am currantly on AD's, but more to give me emotional balance, as just before i was made redundant (in July) I was stressed to the point of a breakdown, but I have found writing in a journal very helpful as it lets me get my feelings out & I dont have to share it with anyone so I can ramble as much as i need to make sense of what I'm thinking/feeling.

                          anyway to all the rest of the jumpers, hope you ahve a great day/night depending on your time zone
                          will check in later
                          Progress, not perfection!!!
                          A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                            Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                            Morning all!
                            Molly so sorry about your situation I so recognize it!
                            Yoga seems the way to go. I am doing Pilates as I think it is supposed to be doing me good but it hurts! May give yoga a try instead.
                            Snowing here so my run is cancelled Boo Hoo!


                              Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                              Morning jumpers! Just jumping in to say Hello!

                              Witchy, I'm also worried a little about tonight as my hubs is out of town and that used to mean "Green Light" for me to open a bottle of wine...I'm going to try and spend some time at the gym instead. I'm bringing stuff to go right from work and hoping it will make me feel so healthy I won't have any cravings to drink AL.

                              Anon, sorry about the snow ruining your run!!

                              Have a great day everyone!


                                Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                                Good Morning jumping beans, just checking in here. I am so proud of my accomplishment last night! I went to a comedy club and did not drink! I to will be going to the gym today. I am very tired so I will take a nap and just chill today. I took the day off because I knew the comedy thing would run late and it would be AM before I went to bed, and it was. I got up at 6:30 so 4.5 hours of sleep! wow I do need a nap so the demon can't not attack while I'm tired! I will check in later. . .have a good day!
                                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                                Everyday we choose the direction of change.

