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Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

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    Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

    I is back! I is back!!

    Looking forward to routine again 2moro and back to school etc.....stocked up on all the healthy food today.....BRING IT ON!

    Great to see you sounding so strong and optimistic Molls..Good work!
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

      Molly, you make me laugh! And don't worry about your hubby being alone, I think he is also married to me! I don't know how, but sure sounds like the same guy. Honestly I don't think men and women should EVER live together. Married or not. We are just too different. He will encourage me to drink so I am the old fun girl and then tell me to get my s___ together because I am an alcoholic and I shouldn't be drinking! Wow! I already knew that! Well, tons of good energy to you, you will be just fine! And Jackie, I would love the idea of a disco weekend. I have Donna Summer, Temptations, and lots more. And does anyone love Michael Jackson music like I do? Have a great night everyone!!:h


        Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

        Finally I made it - Sober Sunday

        Hi Everybody:

        This is my first post in MWO. After so much planning and slip days, today I am counting my second sober day.

        The thirsty beast did a lot of reasoning with me.
        It said:

        Just two drinks, and you will have a good sleep.

        Walk to the bar, walking is a good exercise.

        Friends in the bar will ask you to sit and relax for some time, but you don?t listen to them, just gulp 2 drinks and leave, so that they will come to know that you are in control.

        You will be in a better mood after two drinks, you can write your journal better.

        Anyway you have decided to quit drinking, what is wrong in do it in a fair manner - just two last drinks.

        The list goes on..... The beast started telling me these things before the lunch, it continued in the evening. Finally I told the beast within: Look, what is nutritious for you is poisonous for me. With that two drinks you will gain strength, and I will loose mine. I am going to take what is nutritious for me - my dinner. You starve, starve and starve. I will be watchful about the beast tonight, I know it has many tactics to get food, but I am prepared to slap it down.



          Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

          :welcome: Akasoto I enjoyed reading your post. (Not that your struggling of course) but how you described the voice of the beast. I'm glad your going to slap it down. We've got your back on this thread.


            Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

            Hi Akasoto :welcome:
            you have joined a great group of supportive people, well done on fighting the good fight!
            it gets easier & is totally worth it
            Tomorrow will be one week for me & i'm looking forward to it, although I do get paid on thursday (which could mean i could buy wine ) so, have decided that i am going to reward myself & go into town & spend my xmas gift voucher's once I have paid all my bills & bought groceries i may not have a lot of money left anyway, & I would rather spend on presents than wine.
            Am having some cravings tonight, but I am about to go have tea so hopefully that will help. I just keep reminding myself that a craving wont kill me, but drinking could.
            anyway, I will check in later, hope everyone is having a sucessfull day!!!
            keep up the goodwork
            Progress, not perfection!!!
            A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


              Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

              :welcome:Ankasoto...Tomorrow you wil feel so much better and that's where it will begin, glad to have you here. It's been a blessing for me. If I get discouraged, everybody picks you right back up. Have a happy Monday! GH


                Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                Welcome Akasoto and hi Oney.
                Molly sorted Mr A out I do not think he will try to take my money off me again!

                Hope everyone is settling in for a sober week and Molly I hope your BUS journey is a delight.


                  Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                  Welcome back oney and welcome asako sorry 4 spelling ur name wrong. Yep we've all had that voice in our head telling on or two won't ahh go on have another and so on lol your description was so funny but in reality it isn't when ur hungover broke and ill. Bin there too many times. I'm the same witchy my benefit comes tru on tuesdays which isn't much and i'm behind wit bills so 2morrow pay as much as i can get my groceries and i want to get the Allen Carr book easy way to stop drinking so won't be much left after that for al anyway. Usually treat myself to a coffee and pastry after. Off to my dr's surgery today for flu jab and some ibrufen for my siniues which have been painful all weekend. Its the beginning of my 2nd week so got to get my act together or i'm in danger of having my landline pone and internet cut unless i clear my account in the next 4 weeks. All because of spending money on wine and missing payments. I hate being in this situation as anyone else been tru this? I'm bit worried but i'm doing my best and will be living very frugialy for the rest of this month if not longer. Anyway heres to a good sober start to the week.


                    Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                    Good morning Jumpers! Great to hear this is such a busy thread and getting busier as the first week of January came to a close!

                    I feel really great today....Day 15 I think...I wish I would have quit on the 1st so this tracking would be easier!!

                    Anyway, Wecome AKA! It sounds like you have read "Rational Recovery" to be speaking of the beast! Good for you! I also recommend Alan Carr's book Easy Way to Stop Drinking as well. And Oney, nice to see you posting here as well! Sounds like a busy group already this morning.

                    I've got a challenging week ahead as I've got visitors to shuttle around all week from our European Headquarters -- this will involve lots of dinners and driking opportunities, but I'm luckily the designated driver so that will make my saying "no thanks" very easy. I'll also need to keep a clear head for the questions I'm sure they will be firing at me -- hopefully in English...Lol...anyway, I will be happy when the week is over...but not so happy I'll have a drink to celebrate!

                    Have a great AF Monday all!!


                      Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                      Big welcome Akasoto:welcome: - you sound like you have your head in the right place - now just break your drinking arm an you'll be grand. Vigilance at all times at the beginning needed and as each day goes by it just does get easier - just.........vigilance at all times! Firefox - go to your local library and get the book for free - anyone who buys books is nuts!
                      Gettinghappy, you're so right about blokes, actually bread buttered on both sides springs to mind!
                      Haha Anon - you've got the right woman here if you need him sorted again:H.
                      Witchy, good on you with the week under your belt - bet you're feeling so good - don't mind the old cravings, kick them in the nuts just like MrA!
                      Hi Choice and Mylife good all seems good. I would LOVE a disco night, love Michael Jackson and wotabout ABBA:rockband:, Diana Ross and the Supremes - yeah!!
                      Ok off for de bus - can't wait
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                        Hi all :whee:

                        Quickie check in have had a busy morning meditating, yoga, ironing, cleared out some cupboards and its just lunchtime, pheww

                        Catch you all later

                        Dewdrop :h
                        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                          Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                          Quick hi to all too. Onto day seven and feeling good.
                          I'll check back later when I have some time.
                          Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


                            Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                            Hi jumping beans, I hope everyone is doing well. :goodjob: on everyones days!! I'm impressed. I think the first 30 are the toughest. :l I'm off to yoga and will check in later. :l


                              Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                              Back home now got my flu jab and some ibrufen. Dewdrop you've bin busy. Molly thanks for the advice i must rejoin my local library as my budget doesn't stretch to new books only charity shops. Well its raining here now just in for the rest of the day chillin or might clean my bedroom lol. Oh a disco sounds so good lotsa soul grooves from the past. The Temptations Kool and the gang and the O Jays to name a few. Ahh memories...:notes::sighbubble:inkele


                                Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                                Morning Jumpers,

                                Just a quick fly by with a song. When shall we have our disco night then.

                      [/video]]YouTube - Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters (HQ Audio)
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

