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Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

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    Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

    Hey Oney - Just got one more picture to show. Audrey Hepburn.I still have three empty canvasses to paint but I am not feeling in the mood to paint them…believe it or not, I actually love painting walls. Find it very theraputic. Whast a saddo I

    Blonde- I also relied on my alcohol to get to sleep and my sleep pattern was all over the shop when I first started abstaining. I also suffered from imaginary hangovers.Was very odd.. But that’s all out the window now and I sleep like a baby. Well done on day 6! Bet you are feeling amazing!!

    JC- Black Bess is just gorgeous! She is beautiful? And I love your avatar. That has just got to be the cutest picture ever! The paws are too cute!!

    Thanks all for your lovely warm welcomes. xx
    Be strong-
    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


      Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

      Good evening everyone!

      Yes, I really love working at a health food store! You are right, it is a great place to learn and I feel as though I do everyday. It's the first job I really feel is my calling. I am in my late 30's and had a career in high tech sales for many years (talk about stress) but I was able to travel to Europe and many parts of the States on the company dime and that was great. Then I earned enough money in commissions one year to open my own business, a retail shop with a bath/body products focus. I had 2 small stores running at one point with online stores supporting them as well. I look back on that now and think, wow, how did I do that and drink like a fish? Anyway, I closed the business a few years ago due to the bad economy and my drinking didn't help matters anyway. Luckily I was able to get a job at our local natural foods market, which is a busy little place! We have a great staff and we are really like family. Plus, for the first time ever, I get to walk to work!!! I actually get up in the morning and look forward to going to work for once. Oh, and my coworkers have no idea what I have been through with the drinking, I was a very highly functional wino. I am not sure if I will let them in on it in the future, but I am not ready now.

      Almost time to hit the hay as they say. Can't wait to wake up to day 7 AF!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

        Congrats on hitting the week mark Blonde! I think walking or biking to work is the best. It sounds like you've got a ton of ambition when you go after something. That's fantastic. I think it will serve you well as you go along on the AF journey. I just read your Salutations post in the my story section of the forum. I also wasn't looking to stop drinking when I stumbled into MWO but once I kept reading I realized that I needed to learn more and more.... and I decided that I was someone who needs to abstain from AL completely. I'm in my late 30's as well. I don't think my health has been this good (or at least I haven't felt this good since high school when I played team sports).

        Mylife, I'm sorry you lost your dog last year 18 years! my goodness what a wonderful life that Collie must of had.

        Anon, sorry about your cats how horrible to loose both.

        :l loosing pets is so hard.


          Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

          just realized ambition was part of your name... Blonde! It's great to have you here.


            Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

            Good morning everyone,
            Blonde I really related to your last post. I am 39 and consider myself to be a highly functional wino too!I have my own jewellery shop and the business is about four years old. How I managed to run it when i was drinking I do not know. Whats clear is that hangovers were regular and I just worked in that state.

            Now that I have many days of sobriety behind me, I realise that I was merely functioning in life and not really living to my full capacity! Keep up the good work!

            Hi Choice, thanks for your lovely post and I look forward to getting to know you and eberyone else ion this thread.

            Have a good friday all. x
            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

              Hi everyone! I'm still here and doing very good! It's cold and yucky out, but I am using this slow time to clean and do my taxes.:yuk: Hi rebirth, does anyone think that alot of alcoholics work for themselves? I have had my beauty salon for 25 years and I just think that maybe it gives you too much freedom. You can't behave that way if your boss is keeping an eye on you! I have two brothers-in-law that drink all day every day and they both work for themselvess too. It's a blessing and a curse sometimes! I hope everyone has a terrific Friday and just don't look outside and pretend that it's about 80 degrees out there!!::beach:


                Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                Good Morning All! On day 11 and doing well. I actually had lost count and had to look on the calendar. Being AF right now just seem like a matter fact. It is not good, it is not bad, it just is! My saddness has passed, but my bordom remains. Time to find somthing constructive to fill in the hours.
                Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


                  Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                  Good morning all!

                  Choice-You and me sound alike...I also think I must go completely AL free. I am just seeing to many great benefits in such little time being sober (on to 7 days!). I, too, am feeling healthier than ever before since I've quit drinking a week ago.

                  Rebirth-I agree that working with a hangover was just part of my life...I got used to it. I actually even brought wine to the store and would have a drink in the late afternoon behind the counter!

                  Getting Happy-I think that having your own business does give you a lot of freedom to drink whenever you want, afterall, you are the boss, no one else. I am happy that I had the chance to have my own business, but I don't think it was for me. I need more structure and happy at the job I'm at, even though I work for someone else. Oh, and I'm bringing home a paycheck every week, and with my own business, there wasn't much left over after paying store rent, inventory, expenses, etc. Just couldn't make ends meat for myself! PS, I am also in a cold climate and think of the tropics every day this time of year! We are hoping to take a trip somewhere warm later in the winter but haven't booked it yet...waiting on the old tax return! But I like your idea of pretending it's 80 degrees out there! (As I get ready for my walk to work with 5 layers Here's to sunny thoughts!

                  Judestir-Kudos to you on day 11! I find that exercise, going outside for a walk with my dog, putting together photo albums that I have been meaning to get to, doing some housework, reading through magazines and catalogs, going to the mall to shop for my daily "AF" treat, are all some of the things that I have done to pass the time AF. And, of course, being on here! I also work full time and about to head off for the day...but when I have some down time, I try to stay busy and keep my mind of the wine!

                  Have a blessed AF day everyone and thank you for believing in me!
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                    Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                    Good Morning all! It is friday and that means the weekend but it's cool, I'll just jump on through it without AL! I forgot to put out the chicken for dinner this morning so I'm bummed about that, but my boss is back from out of town and that is awesome! I love my boss, best man I have ever worked for! Have a great AF Friday all and post post post to get through the weekend!
                    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                      Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                      Hello All! TGIF -- it's Friday afternoon here for me.

                      Sounds like everyone is Jumping through January with loads of AF energy! That's great! I'm going to go to the beach for the weekend. Can't wait. Tonight we're seeing a movie -- in a theater actually -- lol! Anyway, that means no temptation to drink on a Friday night so that's good!

                      Have a wonderful evening all!


                        Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                        Hey all

                        I am so excited! Tomorrow will be half the month AF and 24 days for me...can't wait til next Fri to celebrate my 30 days.

                        I hope you are all doing fantastically well...roll on the weekend.

                        'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                        "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                        AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                        "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                          Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                          Evening everyone,

                          Well Friday night and I am so happy it's the weekend and I am looking forward to an early night and waking up on Saturday morning with no hangover, fresh and raring to get into the weekend.

                          I have loads I want to do this weekend so I'm having a quick check in then off to bed. Hope you are all well, this is such a busy thread these days and it seems to have loads of energy. It's great when everyone pulls together and helps each other along.

                          Dewdrop :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                            Cassia, next Friday is my 30th day also but I'm on 25? What day did you stop? Maybe I have my math wrong. Oh my I counted and my 30 the on the 20th wow I thought it was on Saturday! Huh well cool, keep looking up and hears hoping I make it through the weekend! Maybe a little retail therapy!
                            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                              Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                              Hey jenny,

                              It's exciting isn't it. I treated myself a wee bit early and booked a flight to NYC today! My sis just bought a house over there and I am really excited to see it!

                              Retail therapy always makes me feel good. Maybe treat yourself to a facial or massage. I had a full body massage tonight and it was bliss!!!

                              L x
                              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                                Jumping through January AF. . . .come join in!

                                Oh and Jenny...of course you will make it thru the weekend!!! No point is wasting all that hard work you put in to get you to today!

                                'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                                "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                                AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                                "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"

