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Trying to get my life back

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    Trying to get my life back

    Hi Everyone,

    I never thought I would be joining a support forum for alcohol problems, LOL. Still, here I am after building up alcohol abuse over the past five years. I'm a 48 year-old male, living alone after two-divorces (neither alcohol-related, because I didn't really drink back then). Still, I started drinking alone, just having a couple of beers in the evening, which turned into 4 then 6 beers per evening, then 6 beers and some Cognac, then... Well, I'm sure you've seen the picture many times, and many worse cases than me. Still, I don't want to get to the stage where I'm completely out of control. The fact is, I no longer do anything except sit at home every evening on my own getting drunk, and I'm fed up with it. So, today I decided that would seriously try doing something about it, and here I am.

    Hopefully I can get my life back on track, with a bit of support.

    Thanks for listening.


    Trying to get my life back

    Hi BzzBee. I am right there with you! I am trying to get my life on track as well, but it sounds like I went a lot further down the hole than you. Congratulations on recognizing this and launching your journey to do something about it before things get out of hand. I was a scotch drinker for something like ten years, usually a pint a day, sometimes a fifth. I lost everything to it: jobs, car, family, friends, all my money, home. This is the progression where the out of control nature of alcoholism ends up. I wish I'd been more like you and attempted to do something much earlier.

    We're glad to have you here, and on New Year's Day no less! Read lots, post lots, stay away from those drinks today and tonight. You've made a great first step, and we're with you all the way!



      Trying to get my life back

      Hi & welcome bzzbee62 to mwo,You have taken a big step in getting your life back on track ,This is a great community with lots of sound advice and support,post and read as many posts as you can and join in,give yourself a chance,.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Trying to get my life back

        Hi there BzzBee! Welcome to MWO.

        Sitting at home and getting drunk is an all too familiar picture that myself and lots on here can relate to, and it's great you no longer find the glamour in it..because the shine wears off.

        Check around the boards, find some tools which will be useful to you and post..get to know people, the support really does help.

        All the best to you,


          Trying to get my life back

          Hiya sona and welcome to :-)

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Trying to get my life back

            Thank you!


              Trying to get my life back

              Thanks very much Sona, Mario and BB!

              I feel really embarassed at having to go through this, especially as I feel like an "alcoholic lightweight" compared to some, but I guess it's for the best.

              Sona, I'm so sorry to hear your story. Hopefully things are looking up now?



                Trying to get my life back

                I think it's great you reached out, as I always found no matter how bad things are they can always get worse! A sad fact, but it can be true.

                Sona, that is just horrible all what you've lost. I really hope that 2011 is your year!


                  Trying to get my life back

                  BzzBee62 - Happy New Year! Looks like you have a great New Year's resolution and you have come to the right place. This is an awesome place filled with caring people who wlil help. They have helped me immensely and no matter how far along the alcoholic road you are, there is always hope and peace - if you want to work at it. It's no picnic but the feeling of being free from this beast is amazing. I wish you the very best of luck and you are among friends.


                  PS - Sona - things will be looking up for you in 2011! Stay close and know we care
                  February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                  When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                    Trying to get my life back

                    :welcome: BB62! Ah yes. Sitting home alone getting drunk. What a familiar picture. It only gets worse, so good for you doing something about it now. Have you downloaded the My Way Out book? IMO that is a fabulous place to start! This is a great community.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Trying to get my life back

                      Thanks again, BB. That's exactly what I want to avoid, things getting worse. To be honest they have already been bad enough, with my girlfriend giving me warning signs that she is fed up with me being drunk :-(

                      Happy New Year! to Wagoneer, and to all the rest of you too.

                      DG, I haven't downloaded the MWO book yet, but I will definitely do so soon. I've yet to explore all the options here.




                        Trying to get my life back

                        BzzBee62;1032753 wrote: Sona, I'm so sorry to hear your story. Hopefully things are looking up now?
                        Thank you. This is your thread so I won't go on and on, but to briefly answer --

                        I do think 2011 is going to be a good year. I don't know what to expect out of it, but life has ALWAYS improved when I stayed off the drink, and I think I've come to a point where I actually expect to stay off it and simply let life improve, a day at a time.

                        To be honest, I don't care about the home, the car, the money. I simply don't care. But it sure seems I've lost my wife, my soul mate. And that hurts the most. We were wonderful together. Alcohol has destroyed that. I'm still hoping for another SOMEDAY with her. I need to just let myself get better one day at a time.

                        She has been so cool about me getting out of the house, she is giving me a good portion of time to get some things together before going. She is also being very cool about wanting me to spend time with the kids (ages 7 and 5). I want to be a good dad, that is a part of this too. But I know I need to do this for me. Should I move out and be on my own, I do not want to isolate and drink myself to death. Killing this disease is now ALL ABOUT ME.

                        Having said that, I love the family I lost. AT least we are finding peaceful ways to deal with all this. 2011 can only look up from what we've been through already.

                        And peace to you, BzzBee! This is a great time to look forward to progress, to a continual attack on our disease. Let's aim to make 2011 a great, sober year. I am going to use this forum and my meetings and attack alcoholism from any new angle I can. Hope you do the same!


                          Trying to get my life back

                          Hi Sona,

                          Sorry to hear your story. I agree the worst damage is about the people involved. I'm sure you ARE a good Dad, and hopfeully you can get back together at some point, or at the very least have a good relationship.



                            Trying to get my life back

                            Welcome! This is my first post as well! FYI I was just in the chat room and really had a good convo. if you want to check that out, you should.

                            AF: 01/02/2011

