I'm not going to drink today. I am done with that. But this is about dealing with relationships and being scared to face people -- acquaintances or friends -- when you're loaded down with shame and guilt and just don't want to face them.
I love my church. We actually moved to this area specifically for this church years ago. It is not your average Christian church at all. The teaching is phenomenal, willing to admit they don't understand everything, but willing to dig into the context of the old stories and attempt to get at many truths that you just don't hear in other churches. They are especially concerned with those who are hurt, those in search of healing. It is wonderful teaching for those in recovery.
But I didn't go today. My wife/soon ex did take the kids, and I just couldn't go. Has nothing to do with theology or the church itself. It has to do with the fact that I've made such an ass out of myself that I can't face the people we usually go to church with. And I'll bet it is me, more than them -- that is, I know that in their hearts they want to see grace and healing pour over my life. But I just can't face them today.
Maybe it's just too early in my recovery to have to deal with this? Maybe this is something that the process of time will simply help out with?
AA teaches about amends, and perhaps that will need to fit into the picture as well. That I need to, at the very least, go to some of these friends and tell them I'm sorry, that I am aiming to be sober, that I am trying my hardest to be a better human, dad, husband or ex.
But this disease has humiliated me so much already that I just don't think I can handle any more right now. It takes a lot of humility to face the people you've let down. Perhaps this is just a question of Time.
So I'm a little down today. I'm not going to drink. But my wife/soon ex and my kids went without me to a place I love to hear great teaching, and I guess I'm afraid of having to be humbled -- once again -- and face our friends.
I'm looking forward to the journey in recovery, but this is an early aspect that I am really tripping over...