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Working my way through day 3

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    Working my way through day 3

    I managed fine on day two, with hardly any cravings. But when I went to bed, I lay there wide awake for a few hours feeling anxious about my future, and ashamed of what I had done to myself over the past few years. The back of my mind was telling me that I could easily forget my stupid past by having a few drinks, where my conscious mind was telling me that it would only make the situation worse once I stop drinking again.
    I just need to face the fact that I have lived all that time in a drunken stupour, done some stupid things (luckily nothing illegal or with major consequences, but embarassing enough), and slowly transform back into a responsible human being. Hopefully I can forgive myself for what I have done, but I know it won't be easy because I have high self-expectations when I'm sober.

    Oh well, day 3 now, and I definitely don't want to drink, so that's a good start.


    Working my way through day 3

    Morning BB,

    You are doing great. That voice you're hearing is called the "addictive voice" or the "beast" according to the book Rational Recovery! That book really helped me when it came to ignoring or fighting that voice that comes around -- especially in the early days!

    Good work on getting to day 3!!


      Working my way through day 3

      You're doing awesome BzzBee. Keep up the good work!

      I'm only a few days ahead of you -- I guess I'm on Day six, depending on how you count! (I finished a bottle Weds morning before I found this place.) I've had cravings from time to time, but the support here has been awesome and has helped a lot. I'm hitting a meeting tonight and Weds night. For me, those help too.

      Let's stay in the fight. To me, it sometimes feels like a war, one that I'm tired of but need to keep engaging in.

      Hope this day brings you a sense of accomplishment, and peace.


        Working my way through day 3

        I am Day 3 also. So far no cravings. I was offered a nice vodka and clamatto juice by hubby as we were going in the hot tub and had no trouble declining. Went out for Chinese food last night and had nice Chinese Tea with my meal. So although my record of staying AF is 4 days, I am feeling good heading into my third evening. Tonight I will cook lamb and lots of veggies to compensate for all the French Canadian cuisine we've been eating for Christmas... meat pies (tortieres), pork hock stew (ragout), turkey, stuffing, shortbread, gingerbread, fruitcake, chocolate, getting hungry now... wish you luck and perserverance tonight and I think we'll kick some AF butt.

        I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
        ? Lao-Tzu


          Working my way through day 3

          Thanks mylife, Sona, and Tipplerette. I wish you all the best for your quit too!

          See you around... I've joined the Abstinence group for now.



            Working my way through day 3

            Congratulations on your 3rd day sober. I found the first couple days to be the hardest, physically and emotionally so I'm glad to hear you're making it through.
            Alcohol Free since 11/29/10!


              Working my way through day 3

              it's my day 3 too. relying on a few cigs for the moment, to give myself that feeling of having a treat. ergh. i'll be sick of these soon, too, i suspect. anyway, drove past the liquor store with a feeling of victory. i hold on to that, and to the notion of loving myself again, to help me in this journey. also, my clothes don't feel so tight, my face a little less red.

              bzzbee, are you opposed to a sleep aid? there are tons of natural ones out there if you don't want to go the chemical route. i find they help take the edge off those difficult night hours that i, too, am familiar with.

              stay strong all. we can do this. yes, kick some sober butt, indeed!


                Working my way through day 3

                Hi Lily, Thanks very much. I wish you all the best too! My mood is swinging quite a bit, especially in the evenings, but I'm managing it for now.

                Hi Rudy, Congrats to you on day 3! Funny, I gave up the other way around. I dropped the 50-a-day smokes in October 2010 (Cold Turkey) and now I'm dropping (or at least decreasing) the booze. I'm not opposed to sleep aids. It's just that most I've ever tried make me feel drowsy the whole of the next day.



                  Working my way through day 3

                  Hi there Bzzbee :welcome:

                  Just wanted to say hello and it's great to have you on board, you too Rudy ! There are so many newbies joining at the moment and I was away for a few days over the holidays that I am finding it difficult keeping up.

                  On the sleep front I have had trouble with my sleep pattern since I stopped drinking over 4 months ago. Initially I would wake every couple of hours and was exhausted with it, however slowly it got better and now I am only awake once or twice a night and I just turn over and go back to sleep. I thought I'd get back to a real good sleep but I haven't and I'm not alone with it. I didn't find the sleep aids any help at all and most made me feel very groggy the next morning so I have just given up with them and am hoping that one day my normal pattern will emerge.

                  Good luck and hang on ODAT

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....

