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Day 3 and what a grump

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    Day 3 and what a grump

    I have been drinking for over 30 years and can count the no alcohol days on 2 hands and 2 feet. Now it's time to quit. I am on day 3 and I think of drinking non-stop..... funny how I never thought about that before. Now after 3 days... I am incredibly moody and looking to pick a fight with my kids (funny how I haven't seen them around much I am drinking tons of lemon water and trying to keep busy. I hope this will pass. Thanks to my loving wife for being so supportive. Drinking was a very social part of our life and she has made a commitment to me to stop drinking as well to help me in my journey. I know day 3 will turn into day 4 ......... one step at a time.

    My goal is to make it to Jan 31 and then set another goal......

    Happy New Year everyone.

    I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

    AF since Oct 23,2013

    I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....

    Day 3 and what a grump

    Congratulations on your 2 days alcohol free. Are you taking any sort of supplements? I've found that Kudzu and L-Glutamine have really helped to ease my cravings (which were just about overwhelming).

    "My goal is to make it to Jan 31 and then set another goal......"

    That's a great goal, it's mine as well. Hopefully we can both do it.
    Alcohol Free since 11/29/10!


      Day 3 and what a grump

      :welcome: and great job on day 3!! Yes, it will get better. Drink lots of water, exercise, and eat well. Take supplements. Do you have a plan? Reading the book is a good start. You can download it from the Health Store at the top of this page. That's great your wife is so supportive! Best to you, Jim.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Day 3 and what a grump

        wow.... I feel better just reading these posts.... thanks for your words of encouragement !!!!!
        I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

        AF since Oct 23,2013

        I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....


          Day 3 and what a grump

          :welcome: WineBGone

          Congratulations on getting to day 3. Please believe me when I say we have all been where you are today and it does get easier.

          I also have to say what an excellent statement. Nothing huge but extremely doable.

          My goal is to make it to Jan 31 and then set another goal......
          How wonderful to have your wife's support,my husband did the first 30 days with me and it was a blessing.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Day 3 and what a grump

            :welcome: WBG
            Im glad you found us. Its completely normal to be grumpy, your body is dealing with a physical craving so well done on day 3! I also abused AL for 30 years with very few AL days and went cold turkey last Jan. Keep drinking plenty water, try and eat more healthily and get some exercise if possible. When I stopped it took a few weeks to completely detox but the withdrawals were not severe. Its good to make a plan for dealing with intense craving, get up and go for a walk, phone someone or come on here, anything to distract yourself until it passes.

            Have you checked out its full of brilliant tips and advice. Wishing you much strength.
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              Day 3 and what a grump

              Just dropping by to say Hi and welcome to MWO

              You have had some good advice so far just keep yourself busy and distracted during the first week and you will find it gets a lot easier, read lots and check in with people it really does help to have that connection especially at the start.

              If I can do this anyone can.

              Dewdrop :h
              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                Day 3 and what a grump

                Good job on 3 days and welcome!

                Yes, I feel kind of grumpy myself in the first couple weeks!! However, pretty soon I notice that I don't mind the mornings anymore as I wake up refreshed instead of hungover and that cheers me up!



                  Day 3 and what a grump

                  hello WBG..Good job going AF . It will get better and you will be so glad. I was a big wine drinker and I drank for 30 plus years. After finding this site I am now 81 days no drinking{AF}. The people are very helpful and supportive and I read the post here everyday. I found that L-Glutamine powder in juice helped alot early on, and still take it. Stay here with us and post often..Welcome..
                  AF since 10/14/2010...


                    Day 3 and what a grump

                    Welcome WBG!

                    Congrats on your first few days AF. Just think...your are on your way to being FREE!! Isn't that a fantastic prospect? No more worrying, hiding, spending, hangovers, illness. The list of negatives are endless but so are the positives. Focus on those and keep coming back and reading and posting.

                    We are all here for you.


                      Day 3 and what a grump

                      The hard part for me was always after I did not feel grumpy anymore- like day 4 or 5-- I would say-- Oh well-- I feel much better-- I am sure I can just have one -- ha ha! If you get over that you will feel so much better. It is somewhat like a diet-- you want to eat everything in sight even f you never ate it before because you are telling yourself no. Stick close and keep posting-- you can do it


                        Day 3 and what a grump

                        thanks everyone.... I am feeling much better. What got me to this point over the past few years was making my own wine. I never had to go to the liquor store again and always had another bottle available. I now have hundreds of bottles of wine in my basement. I know my biggest test will be to get rid of it. In fact I have 3 carboys full of wine waiting to be bottled. This will be a big test for me.
                        I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

                        AF since Oct 23,2013

                        I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....


                          Day 3 and what a grump

                          Wow, I have to say I could not handle that -- especially in early days! Can you lock the wine cellar and give someone else the key?


                            Day 3 and what a grump

                            I could not handle it, now, last week, or next week, or maybe next year! I would have to have someone bottle it and take it away! Is there some where off site you could store it or, like mylife said, lock the cellar and like mail the key so some one very far away so it would be hard to get it back?
                            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                              Day 3 and what a grump

                              I would have to build a room around the wine in order to lock it up...... lol, maybe that will give me something to do to take my mind off drinking !!
                              I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

                              AF since Oct 23,2013

                              I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....

