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    I'm new here also


    Welcome kindle..I think you will like it here, I know Im grateful to have found this site and I am alcohol free for 81 days since joining here. I drank for 30 years and was up to almost 2 bottles of wine a day before I quit. i have taken the supplements that are recommended and found they help a great deal. The people here are very supportive, and understanding. You will find it does get easier as the days go by. I am sleeping better now than I ever have in my life, along with other great improvements. Post often and stay strong.
    AF since 10/14/2010...



      Thank you mistmoma. First day. I could drink for days & then stop for days. Just once I started I couldn't stop. I hurt so many people friends family & loved ones. It makes me so sad to think about the things I can remember or what people had to tell me. I just sick. Had a sobering conversation w/ someone I love today that made me finally realize I have a real problem & need to stop this now. I also live in Florida. SE Thanks for the welcome




        Welcome, Kindle! Read and post lots, use the site as much as you can! From my own experience, there's lots of warmth here. Hope we can be of support to you!



          :welcome: Kindle! Good for you to see that you have a problem and having the strength to reach out for help and do something about it. :h I had a really hard time hearing how my drinking had hurt friends and loved ones. It takes courage to change. I'll tell you what, it is so worth it to ditch the booze. You can't change the past but, by stopping drinking you can at least work at relationships that were strained because of drinking. It is wonderful to find self respect again. Good luck to you! :h



            Welcome Kindle!

            Just keep working at it one day at a time. Life really gets better without Alcohol!



              Welcome! You are among friends here. It's hard to stop drinking, but it's worth it. Really.
              February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

              When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!



                new or old

                Kindle;1034426 wrote: Thank you mistmoma. First day. I could drink for days & then stop for days. Just once I started I couldn't stop. I hurt so many people friends family & loved ones. It makes me so sad to think about the things I can remember or what people had to tell me. I just sick. Had a sobering conversation w/ someone I love today that made me finally realize I have a real problem & need to stop this now. I also live in Florida. SE Thanks for the welcome
                hi kindle:welcome:it does get better,once the brain gets a chance to heal,:upset:as a few have said,there is so much here to offer,all you have to do is read,and think,i wish you well gyco:goodjob:



                  Hi and welcome.
                  You'll find all the support you need here. Keep posting!



                    Welcome Kindle, well done on taking the all important first step, every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
                    Keep safe
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?



                      Welcome, Kindle. Just wanted to give you a link that will help you a lot as you begin:





                        Hi Kindle, and welcome! A member posted this on another thread (thanks, BELIEVE), and I think it's a pretty sound philosophy for dealing with the guilt and shame we carry about the past: "It's possible we may spend the rest of our lives cashing some of the checks we wrote when we were drinking, but its important to remember that our fight is with alcohol, not the people around us."

                        The energy put into self-recrimination is wasted, because we can't undo the past. It makes so much more sense to put that energy into ensuring we don't act in ways that hurt ourselves and others again. When the alcohol clears your system, it may be easier to put this into practice. Right now, give yourself permission to take care of yourself. Feel proud of the time you're putting together, not abusing yourself with alcohol.

                        I hope you stick around!

                        xoxo Pride
                        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers

