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Withdrawal Advise?

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    Withdrawal Advise?

    Been awhile since I posted. Started drinking after about 5 months AF. Now I'm happy and relieved to have recommitted myself to sobriety. However, before I recommitted I went hard. Bingeing for the last month pretty much. Now on the third day of being AF I am continuing to experience withdrawal symptoms. A little anxiety, moodiness, sweating at night but most alarming is this pounding headache that wont seem to go away. I've been taking Ibuprofen and it helps. I'm wondering how long this will last? What should I do to cope? Is it ok to take Ibuprofen?

    I can say the withdrawal symptoms have acted as a warning that this is bad. There is no denying that I am an alcoholic and I can never, ever drink again. I wish that every time my addiction makes me desire a drink I could feel how I feel right now. It would quickly put that irrational desire for AL to rest.


    Withdrawal Advise?

    NewGirl, first off, congrats on dedicating yourself to an AF lifestyle

    question for you: is the withdrawal getting worse, or are you just wondering when you'll feel 'fine' again? from the sounds of it I'd say you should be ok in terms of medical emergency.

    some things that will help your nerves are:

    all the B vitamins

    also some extra Vit C to help in your body processing out the toxins

    I'm not sure about the headache though. are you hydrating?
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Withdrawal Advise?

      Hi hunni, drink lots of water and try get plenty of rest. If you do feel like you need medical help tho DO seek it. I think that withdrawal effects people in different ways for a different amount of time.
      Mine lasted a few days and then got better. Just keep remembering it's your body detoxing, getting rid of all the posions we put in it. I always looked at it as my bodys ways of 'getting back at me' for the years of abuse i put it though.
      *big hugs* It WILL pass!


        Withdrawal Advise?

        Sorry about my spelling of advice! Not thinking clearly. I am taking my B vitamins, drinking tons of water and am attempting to maintain a healthy diet. I'm going to try some extra vitamin C. Feeling somewhat better today. I guess my body is just telling me something!:thanks:

