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Have to make a really good go of it this time

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    Have to make a really good go of it this time

    I've been coming here on and off for several years now. Well, last night, i realised i really have to do something about this drinking problem of mine. I finally realised how much this is affecting my life. I will lose my job and happiness if i keep going (what happiness you ask?).

    I know i need to give life one more shot. The way i was feeling last night and when i'm intoxicated is that there is no point, and that is not healthy. I think i've had 2 sober days in at least 3 months.

    So, this is day 1 and only cos i'm so hungover from last night, i don't think i could bare a drink (although almost felt like one whilst in kitchen, cooking). Tomorrow night will be the hardest, cos hangover will be gone.

    Please, help me! I don't know if posting here will help..

    Yours sincerely,

    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Have to make a really good go of it this time

    Dear Change,

    I got to a similar point with my drinking. The 'good' times were very short lived and the internal emptiness, anger, fear and loneliness was almost unbearable.
    I had made many resolutions to give up over the years. Had periods of sober time - 1 month, 50 days etc.
    Am now just over 6 months sober and my life is quite different (and much better) than what it was for years and years.
    I have made some big changes.

    If I can do it, believe me - so can you. Put a plan together. Get honest with yourself and others. Ask for as much support as possible. There are normally really good free government run programmes to help alcholics and addicts. Join AA if you think that would help. Do as many different things as possible to support yourself and you will have a much better chance of remaining sober.

    Best wishes and hope it goes well.

    Sober since 30/06/10


      Have to make a really good go of it this time

      Change - good to see you back and happy that you want to get a hold of this beast. Stay close and keep posting. I could not have gotten sober without the support of this place.
      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


        Have to make a really good go of it this time

        again and again

        Change;1034580 wrote: I've been coming here on and off for several years now. Well, last night, i realised i really have to do something about this drinking problem of mine. I finally realised how much this is affecting my life. I will lose my job and happiness if i keep going (what happiness you ask?).

        I know i need to give life one more shot. The way i was feeling last night and when i'm intoxicated is that there is no point, and that is not healthy. I think i've had 2 sober days in at least 3 months.

        So, this is day 1 and only cos i'm so hungover from last night, i don't think i could bare a drink (although almost felt like one whilst in kitchen, cooking). Tomorrow night will be the hardest, cos hangover will be gone.

        Please, help me! I don't know if posting here will help..

        Yours sincerely,

        hi change,talking about it is the 1st step,no matter how many times you come back,:upset:this how you will feel for a while, and then theres this little guy,hahah,i have a good friend who lost everything, you dont want it to get to that point,i wish you well gyco:goodjob:


          Have to make a really good go of it this time

          Change, you need a good solid plan. Have you seen this thread?
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Have to make a really good go of it this time

            hi change. i agree with amelia. the good times in drink become less and less and the awful feelings after become huge. the happy drinking days are gone forever. maybe i have half an hour of feeling jolly when i drink and then it just becomes a mission to oblivion. it has to stop and now is as good a time as any
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              Have to make a really good go of it this time

              Change...great advice and my heart breaks for the sadness I feel in your post.
              Strength and Love
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Have to make a really good go of it this time

                Thanks Amelia and Greeneyes for your ideas on a plan. Will think about this later today.
                One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                  Have to make a really good go of it this time

                  Try to get some L-Glutamine and some good AF drinks that you like and just don't drink for tonight, then tomorrow just don't drink for that night, you know, you don't have to think about tomorrow till it gets here as far as drinking goes. . one day at a time!
                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    Have to make a really good go of it this time

                    Hi Change, so good to see you posting :l Just wanted to say hello and I'm looking forward to reading more about your journey :h


                      Have to make a really good go of it this time

                      Hi change,
                      It's funny I have just got to the same point as you with being totally fed up with my drinking. I have decided to change up what I have been doing, and actually do even more to focus on staying sober.

                      I was already doing relapse prevention group twice a week, but although it was helpful in some ways, for me that just isn't enough. It obviously isn't as I've been relapsing all over the place. I need to focus on my recovery DAILY. So I'm going to go to daily meetings from now on.

                      Hope you find an answer - it's bloody hard work finding out what works for you as I guess you only learn when what are you doing fails.

                      But whatever it is you are doing, isn't working, so think on.
                      All the best - you can beat this, you just need to find what works and focus on it like your life depended on it. It may do.
                      K x
                      Recovery Coaching website

                      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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