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    Hi all,

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    So, I go back to work tomorrow after two weeks off...gotta love the uk vacation time. While physically I feel relaxed and pleased about what I have managed to accomplish, I am nervous about going back to work. I have a pretty stressful job and my trigger point is when I have a bad day or Friday night when everyone goes for one. Though, it's very rarely ever one. So, if I get really stressed my desire to release thru booze will be strong. My plan to combat it is:

    1. Take the car so I can't drink.
    2. Book a massage in for Friday after work. If I can get an appointment I am going to the gym.
    3. Book movie tickets so I go to the cinema on friday night

    Longer term I news to figure out how I can deal with stress.

    What do u all think? How do u cope with stress?

    Many thanks,
    L x
    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


    It sounds like you have a plan in place. Very smart, stick to it!



      Hi Cassia,

      Great approach!

      I also tended to release stress from work via booze - all I found is it led to me not performing as I should have at work and then the stress was multiplied.

      Exercise is a great way to release that stress instead, so maybe get a full gym plan or join a class such as Zumba (which I went to last night for the first time). It's ace!

      All the best,

      If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan



        I hear ya - work is my main stressor as well. I work for insanely demanding clients in an industry known to be fueled by booze! I drive an hour and a half one way to do it too. I would get home at 6:30 and first thing after kissing my kids and hubby was pour a giant glass of wine and slam it down then start dinner. It makes me nauseous just thinking about it now. Anyway, over the past two months I have been listening to calming books on CD, etc for my drive, trying to think positive thoughts and release all the negativity that has built up at work - by Friday, like you, I was ready to explode. I have found that I am calmer and happier now that I am not drinking. It took a while, but it can be done! Your plan sounds awesome. You should be very proud of yourself for having the forethought to do this. Good for you and best of luck!
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!



          Hi Cassia, and good job on what you have accomplished so far. It seems like there are several things that might be on your mind.

          One of the issues that I still face, and you might be too, is the added social stress of having to not drink amongst peers (assuming you are still in the closet with your sobriety). Having the plan of going to the show or something, and telling your peers, will certainly get rid of that stress for you, and give you a cover. Even if you don't go to a show, I still believe it is your right to privacy in regards to your not drinking. You have enough to battle, going sober, you don't need added stress and guilt about dodging a drinking session with your peers.

          Another issue that seems to present itself is your habitual, or lifestyle pattern, that includes drinking. I used to have a very clear weekly schedule of what I drank, and when. Friday nights, certainly were drinking nights, whether I was stressed, or celebrating, or tired, whatever. Changing the pattern, the habits of drinking, and fighting the urges that come with these patterns, was my toughest battle. You know it is coming, and you can get through it. Surf those urges.

          All the best,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



            Hi Cassia,

            I am with you on this one! I really think getting something in place for Friday nights is key. I need to figure that out myself at this point. I've got out of town visitors from work here next week that I've got to take out and entertain. I'm just so glad I'm the driver and can use that as an excuse!!

            Just stay firm on your goals and have a plan ahead of time. You can do it!



              Hi hunni, sounds like you have a FANTASTIC plan put in place. try not to worry about it too much. I would drink to deal with stress as well. I found doing little things like gardening, taking the dog out for a walk really helps me and clears my head AND pampering myself. I have never had so many different hair colours in my life then in the last few months *lol* I find it helps me a lot.
              I'm sure you'll be fine *hugs*



                I have a hard time dealing with the stress too. Being alone when my kids are with their dad is really hard. I am going to try and come up with my plan for this week when they go back. ODAT




                  That sounds like a good plan...especially making a massage appointment. What a great thing to look forward to.

                  English!!! Way to go on the Zumba.....Love it. There is a group of us that are faithful devotees of Zumba...someone called us the Zumbaholics....(not my word...theirs) Oh well, it's a better addiction anyway!

                  Everything I need is within me!

