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    Hi everyone

    Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself as I am new to the community and to say how much I relish the opportunity to support you and be supported.

    I'm Daniella from England. 2 1/2 years ago, I acknowledged my addiction to alcohol and sought help via counselling as a result of numerous issues in my life (I will post my story sometime soon), an alcohol reduction strategy worked out with my alcohol worker and a relapse prevention group.

    To some extent, this has been really sucessful but I have never quite managed to sustain my reduction or a mutual support networknof people with alcohol problems. So, today, I went back to see my original alcohol cousellor and have posted this message to you all.

    Really looking forward to getting to know each of you. Take care, Daniella.

    Hi everyone

    Welcome Daniella! Good to have you here. All the best-



      Hi everyone

      Very nice Daniella. Welcome.


        Hi everyone


        Hi Daniella,
        I'm in the UK too, i've recently found APAS, don't know if you are aware of them, but they are very good. I've always drank too much but recently started drinking in the day so I decided to go for help. I still bad days when I 'fall off the wagon' but generally i'm winning (I hope)

        Take care & welcome

        Paula xx


          Hi everyone

          Hi Paula!

          It was great to get your message, especially since we are both in the UK.

          No, APAS doesn't ring a bell with me and it sounds like they have been really positive for you and it would be really good to know more.

          I always think that, even though somebody's reached a point where they know they need help (me included), that can be the start of recovery. Sounds like you've found that point. I know this takes courage having been there once and recently re-referred myself so congratulations and I relly hope things continue to improve for you. Give me a shout if I can be of support.

          At the moment, I'm keeping a diary and have realised that I need to decide not to drink at home as this is always the trigger for me to become out of control of my drinking. The addict bit of my brain was also doing amazing acrobatics to convince me that, just because I was no longer drinking wine (a real trigger drink for me) at home and was drinking a much lower alcohol drink which I used originally when reducing my alcohol consumption, this was ok!!

          Anyway, hope your days carry on getting better and thanks again for responding to my message.

          Take care, Daniella x


            Hi everyone


            Thanks for responding , everyone. It's really good to know you are out there. Hope I can support you. Take care, Daniella


              Hi everyone

              HI again

              Hi again Daniella,

              Thanks for your reply, I have to say that i have found this site much more useful the the counselling I had. With the best will in the world although the counsellors sympathise with you, they can't empathise like these people can. Instead of waking up thinking about drink I find myself waking up signing on to my PC to see how everyone is. So I hope you will find the same.

              Good luck & take care Paula xx:crossed:


                Hi everyone

                welcome...good luck. i am learning more and more about this site myself. i find it helpful to know i am not alone. and i can conquer this! you will find support here.


                  Hi everyone


                  Hi Daniella It's good to have you here:welcome:


                    Hi everyone

                    Hi Daniella, nice to hear from you - half the problem is the country you live in I imagine...


                      Hi everyone

                      Welcome Daniella and hello to everyone else,

                      Yes I to agree that this site is very important in helping us all to gain control over our drinking and as Paula has mentioned sometimes when I have gone to counsellors (as empathetic as they may have been) I found the experience completely different to coming to this site and relating to other people who have lived what I have lived. I do think therapy has its place, but it is just so different to this.
                      Daniella and Paula, I am in the Uk too. Originally from New Zealand I have been here for nearly 12 years (British Grandparents) so I am pretty much an honourary brit now!!
                      Good luck girls and take care

                      Sober since 30/06/10

