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So much for going well

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    So much for going well

    :upset: Well, that went well...I was three days into it and doing pretty well until we had the family crisis. Put my boyfriend on the airplane to be with his critically ill daughter and fell apart.

    I went to my local wine bar because I just couldn't stand to be alone and worried for 1 glass of wine and conversation, (I am after all looking for moderation, right?).

    Well guess what, 4 glasses later and drove home. Crap, I guess it's back to square one..I can't believe I let this happen.

    I am not going to win one battle the one over loosing my job then starting the business etc just to loose a different one, booze! Back to the plan this AM. I found my yoga CD's that will help me when I am stressing about Dyvonne. I'm so thankful for the Hypno CD's too..what a tool.

    Signing humiliated self..

    So much for going well

    Hey Issy - please stick around. We are all one drink away from day one. Alcohol will not help with your stress or change the situation - only make it much worse. Drink lots of lemon water and be kind to yourself. You are not being judged and you should not be humiliated. Just keep trying. You have friends here and we can help you through the rough parts. (((((you)))))!

    Oh, and no more of that driving after drinking shit - ya hear????
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      So much for going well

      We only fail when we stop trying! Your doing great! Hang in there!
      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        So much for going well

        HI Issy! We have all had a lot of those -- it's hard to face anything difficult like that -- especially in early days of sobriety. Keep plugging away at it, and you'll find your way!


          So much for going well

          Hunni, FIRST *hugs*
          Look,we all do this one time or another. Unfortunatly, we are tested, sometimes too much. It takes a lot of screwing up to figure out that drinking when things go wrong is not the best option. Infact it makes things a million times worse. You had a slight set back but you have a hell of a lot on your plate. Please don't beat yourself up over this BUT PLEASE don't ever drink and drive again. We don't want anything to happen to you or anyone else. Don't give up. You can do this. We are here for you through this ok.
          I really hope you boyfriends daughter is ok. Be strong hunni.
          All my love. PM me if you ever want to chat! Even if yu want to talk over the phone. I'm here... we all are!


            So much for going well

            Issy, I think it's just part of it but you'll get back on track. So sorry about your boyfriend's daughter.



              So much for going well


              Thanks you guys! I appreciate your support so much. This is a journey and I am finding the pot holes are out there!!! I'll stay out of the car which means I have to adjust my suggestions to myself. I had suggesting during my hypnosis sessions that I would not drink along. So I gave myself permission to go out and have "a" glass of wine. Well
              clearly that was a problem...I'll reword this and set it all straight.


