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New caffeine addiction

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    New caffeine addiction


    I'm relatively new to this site, about 2 weeks, and I've been abstaining except for one night last weekend - now AF for 6 days. I've never been much of a caffeine drinker, it always made me too jittery and it's not good for my acid reflux. But I'm finding I'm drinking it more and more - I feel groggy in the morning so I have a cup then, and I get sleepy after lunch so I have another cup, and another (or a sugar-free energy drink) in the early evening. I try to stop early enough so that I can fall asleep at night. I know it's not good to drink a lot of caffeine so I'd like to nip this in the bud - does anyone have suggestions on any supplements or teas that will energize without caffeine? Any ideas on why I might be getting this craving all of a sudden, as I said I've never been much for caffeine before.

    AF since 6JUN2012

    New caffeine addiction

    Zen Match Tea

    This is what I am drinking and LOVE LOVE LOVE it:

    Zen Matcha

    It is pricey though- I get it @ Whole Foods. There is an art to making it too- as it is a powder and not a loose leaf or tea bag. Super healthy stuff!


      New caffeine addiction

      Thanks, Lucky, I'll look for that, it sounds interesting.

      AF since 6JUN2012


        New caffeine addiction

        hi Pixie, after I got my drinking under control recently and started to exercise several times a week and cut down on sugars/carbs in my diet I've been totally energized and feel great. I too use coffee in the morning and up untill about 10am I'll have maybe 4 cups some days....probably too much for me too. when I drank too much I used to have a TON of coffee throughout the day and afternoon. coffee users should drink dandelion tea to assist the adrenal gland in being health (so I read anyhow).
        take care,
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          New caffeine addiction

          In every in - or out-patient place I've been to, it seems that when you quit drinking, the coffee drinking and smoking goes way up. I can't handle ANYTHING that has caffiene or makes me jittery because that makes me feel like I'm anxious and that's why I started drinking in the first place. The smoking has gone up a little for me.

          I drink decaf coffee or tea. In the supplements they sell, I need to look for anything that would make me feel like regular coffee does.

          Anyway D, I just wanted to let you know that extra coffee drinking seem to go hand and hand with stopping drinking. In my opinion of course!
          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

