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    hi gang i dont normally come to just starting out,ive been doing this stop start thing for a lot of years,i thought i d write this and to those who just start out can ponder this suggestion, these are not my words but a wise lady .rather then continuing our actions , the legACY, of growing up in a disfunctional home and society,- can follow us into our adult life, with negative consequences on health work and love.:upset:rather than continuing to allow our actions and reactions to be governed by an unhealthy childhood,there is literture out there for us,that offers us answers on how to recognise ,change and prevent ghosts of our pasts from influencing the present and future, such books are, adult chidren of alchohoics,Alchoholics Anonomous,and also my favourite healing the addicted brain.always remember your not alone :thanks::goodjob:gyco


    Thanks gyco. Great stuff to ponder
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!



      Gyco;1038553 wrote: hi gang i dont normally come to just starting out,ive been doing this stop start thing for a lot of years,i thought i d write this and to those who just start out can ponder this suggestion, these are not my words but a wise lady .rather then continuing our actions , the legACY, of growing up in a disfunctional home and society,- can follow us into our adult life, with negative consequences on health work and love.:upset:rather than continuing to allow our actions and reactions to be governed by an unhealthy childhood,there is literture out there for us,that offers us answers on how to recognise ,change and prevent ghosts of our pasts from influencing the present and future, such books are, adult chidren of alchohoics,Alchoholics Anonomous,and also my favourite healing the addicted brain.always remember your not alone :thanks::goodjob:gyco

      Thanks for this gyco ,as our children see us changing for the better hopefully they will change to.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



        Nicely said!!!! And very wise words.



          :thanks: gyco! :h



            Thank you for these words, Gyco. I struggle all the time with my past. I know I am not that child anymore, but somehow the same feelings are triggered when faced with some situations. The reactions have changed, but those deeply embedded thoughts are hard to tackle. I know acceptance of myself, and loving myself are key. I'm working on it!
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.



              Great post Gyco, thank you



                Thanks Gyco
                I think the greatest legacy I see here is the fact that so many want to make sure they dont pass on their experiences to the next generation. Be it alcoholic behaviour, mental or physical abuse, religious dominance, neglect or lack of love. Our generation want to break that chain and as you say we have all the tools available our predecessors didnt have. We are NOT alone and together we CAN make a difference.
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996



                  Thanks Gyco, an important topic for us to think about and remember. One caveat I might add, is that, for me, one of the factors that helped tip the balance of my finally getting sober was the fact that I didn't want my childrens childhood memories to be me with a beer in my hand all the time. In addition, I know that it would increase the chance that alcohol will have power over them, if they see their Dad drinking all the time; which must make it OK to drink all the time. I was at risk of being the one who starts the Legacy.

                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



                    Thanks Gyco, good stuff. I"m going to look up the last book you recommended as I don't think I've read that one yet.

                    Hill, I agree with your conclusion 100%. Seeing a parent drinking all the time makes that "okay" behavior on some level for a lot of kids. Good for you to recognize that.

