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day 8 complete,thanks

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    day 8 complete,thanks

    Hi all, Damo here.
    Just to say thank you, have been on here quite a lot here this week.
    Just reading all your stories and advice has helped me get thtough the past 8 days, along with the auld reliable, Allen Carr book.

    My story in brief.
    38, from Dublin, married, with 2 sons.
    This is my 3rd "serious" attempt to quit the booze (i quit every monday :-) ) , have gone 6 weeks and 12 weeks AF in the last 2 years.
    Drinking since I am 15, but gradually have become more addicted.
    Alcoholism is rampant in my family. My father is a chronic Alcoholic, and relatives on both of my parents have issues with AL (as has most of Ireland in my opinion ).
    I am a serial secret drinker, so many tricks to get a few sneaky ones in.

    I have been quite moody over the last week, but the good things ; extra energy, the full sleeps (wow) and not waking up sweating, are really great also.
    Up until Jan 3, I would drink 5 to 6 days per week, and average 30 pints (568ml) or cans (500ml) per week, which is about 75 units I think.
    I havent told anyone, including my wife, I am attempting to quit, I have just said I am "off it" for January.
    I enjoyed a nice 12 mile run yesterday with a friend and had a lovely meal in a pub with family which wasnt so bad, thought it would be tougher.
    But tonight my wife has said she would like to have a small party to celebrate her 40th birthday and it knocked me for six. It really got me in a bad mood, for some reason, obviously this is usually a big drinking session.
    I also have 2 weekends away that I must go, a trip to London with my wife and a party for my mother. I am dreading both but hope my mental cravings(no physical withdrawals, dts etc, thankfully) will have subdued by then (mid feb and mid march) and can enjoy both trips. I am sure my wife and family will be supportive if I tell them I have decided to quit. They all know my fathers al problem has affected us all, and maybe some of them will be envious if I am still sober (I really hope I am).

    All in all, I am delighted with myself so far. I know I have more struggles and cravings ahead of me, but I am READY for them this time !!!
    Anyway, thats all for now. I plan to post more from now on and support others. If I am here, it means I,m sober :-)
    Thanks for listening, I am very grateful to you all.
    Damo in Dublin
    Still trying !!!
    AF 25th June2014

    day 8 complete,thanks

    Welcome Damo!
    Keep posting on your journey and read all about ours! We are all in the same boat with a common goal. I find it definitely helps to write down your progress and post - great support on MWO from all over the World. I'm sure you have found the Tool Box thread (don't know how to link it or I would), great ideas and info.
    Consider speaking with your wife - having that support may be more valuable than you think, especially if she perceives your drinking to be a problem (my wife does with me).
    Best of luck on your journey!


      day 8 complete,thanks

      :welcome: damo -thanks for sharing part of your story. :goodjob: on 8 days so far.

      Hope to read more from you,
      K x
      Recovery Coaching website

      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

      Recovery Videos


        day 8 complete,thanks

        Welcome Dano. Congratulations on Day 8! Keep it up, life only gets better without Alcohol.


          day 8 complete,thanks

          :goodjob: Well done Damo on day 8 i'm not far ahead of you on day 9. I'm a Dub also single with no kids. I hope you get the support you need from your wife and family. My dad was a bad alcholic also and it affected my family too and me being the youngest it affected me more. I'm dealing with al issues for many years now and i don't want to die young or be in ill health for the rest of my life. I'm late 40's so i have to get my act together i went mad over the hols on booze and was so sick of hangovers and feeling rotten. Anyway keep posting and it will help you get tru the bad times. Good luck.



            day 8 complete,thanks

            Hey Damo, great job on the 8 days. Keep fighting the battle, you can do it.
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              day 8 complete,thanks

              well done on the 8 days. keep it going. get a plan and get your toolkit of amunition for the difficult times
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                day 8 complete,thanks

                thanks all, had a nice day today in work, and its definitely getting easier each day.
                Quick question, when does the jealousy end of drinkers ? example; overheard a workmate talking on the phone today and organising going for a pint later, I was so envious and it really gets to me, does this end in time ?.
                On the other hand, another friend was asking me about my weekend and I was telling him I went to the Pheonix Park on Sunday morning for a run at 8.00 am (I think he was in bed most of the day, nursing a hangover) and I could see him being envious of me. So I guess it works both ways.

                BTW, for anyone starting to exercise, I would highly recommend going out for a run, not the threadmill, out in the fresh air, I find it amazing for releiving stress.

                Hope all are well......up the dubs.....Damo
                Still trying !!!
                AF 25th June2014


                  day 8 complete,thanks

                  Hi Damo,

                  Well done on getting past the first week - a great start!

                  I've replaced waking up and walking to the shop for booze with running also and you're right - getting out there is a real reminder of what life's really about.

                  I know what you mean about struggling with friends going to the pub, but yes the envy goes both ways. I've also found a decent non AL beer, so I can join in with having a beer without the side effects!


                  If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                    day 8 complete,thanks

                    Just wanted to say hi and well done Damo ...couldn't agree more about the running, I am hoping the weather is going to be a little kinder now and I can get back to running daily. I have really missed it, but was out this morning in beautiful sunshine and it was nice and dry (if a bit nippy!)

                    Anyway, well done, keep up the good work!


                      day 8 complete,thanks

                      Hi Damo

                      It's all a state of mind. You have to stop feeling deprived and start feeling grateful!
                      If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                        day 8 complete,thanks

                        Hi Damo, you ask an excellent question. For me the jealousy does not change, but the paradigm, or perspective that I frame the jealousy is, has changed as time goes by. This took maybe 8 or 9 months, but I now readily experience the jealousy with the perspective of the pros and the cons to the drinking, and the pro's to my new lifestyle. Not to mention, after removing alcohol from my life for a while, I am getting a better perspective on the harm it was doing to me. Like the smoker, who's one little smoke, that lasts a few minutes, it really won't hurt you - its the combined, day after day that will cause cancer; that is the new perspective.

                        But to be honest, I miss drinking, and partying, and hanging with those guys - it is true; but I miss it less and less each month. I am now realising that a lot of that time, was not quality time. Take care,
                        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

