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I'm diving in!!

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    I'm diving in!!

    :new: OK - here goes! I got all my stuff in the mail (I think I ordered one of everything in the store). I'm still waiting on the Campral which I ordered online.

    I have been drinking for 20 years. It has gotten progressively worse (no shock there huh?). Now I drink (and blackout) almost daily. I am also starting to isolate. I KNOW this is a really bad sign. The isolation makes me depressed, the depression makes me isolate......both of these things make me bored and boredom makes me want to drink. :boohoo:

    I have been lucky in such that I am a very funcational drinker. I have never lost a job, or a friend or a husband. I have never had an accident or DWI. I'm a pretty good mom (when I'm not drinking) and things on the surface still look OK. But the warning signs are everywhere and I know this won't last much longer. I'm also really worried that I am literally KILLING myself and I have a 12 year old son. I can't do that to him.

    Three years ago I checked myself into an intensive outpatient program. I was in group meetings with people who were MUCH younger than me....there were anorexics, abuse victims, drug addicts, and kids who probably weren't addicts but had gotten in trouble with drugs so their desperate parents checked them in as patients. I couldn't relate to ANY of it. At one point they made this girl pile a bunch of pillows on the floor and hit them with a bat. She DID NOT want to do this and got nothing but embarrassment out of it. That was it for me... all I was doing was wasting my time.

    I also found a great AA group of women who are VERY much like me. But as I sat in those AA meetings listening to everyone talk about their week and all that AA felt to me like something out of Stepford Wives. I just kept thinking it HAS to be a physical can't ALL be because I had a bad childhood (which I didn't) or because I am trying to repress something and self medicate. I've never really been a real group sharer anyway.

    I went to a psychiatrist a couple of weeks ago. He gave me a one week supply of Campral but said he wouldn't give me any more unless I checked into a different outpatient program and attended AA again. I tried to explain to him that those things just don't work for EVERYONE. He said - "either you will do those things and come back here or you will continue drinking ...whatever". He was very closed minded and flippant.:durn: I can not for the life of me figure out why trained clinicians aren't willing to try help someone. It wasn't that I didn't want counseling. I was THERE for goodness sake. I just knew that group counseling hadn't worked for me before. Quite frankly, I think it's downright unethical.

    ANYWAY....I was desperately searching for any alternative treatments. I am SO GLAD to have found MWO. It makes sense to me.....although I am having a lot of trouble with those ES-KE-LA-TORS and EL-E-VA-TORS and, quite frankly, I'm not too good at floating in the clouds either but I will try again today! I know it is going to be HARD WORK. Actually I can't imagine a life with no alcohol. I've had alcohol my whole adult life. It blows me away that there are people who never even think about it. But then again I never ever think about cocaine or cigarettes or eating too much chocolate I know it all has to do with the way we are wired.

    The difference this time is I don't feel sorry for myself for HAVING to quit. I used to say that I wanted to quit but that I wish I didn't HAVE TO quit. This time, I really don't care. Again, it's a little scary because I have no idea what's ahead. I don't know about those cravings. Although in the past I have stopped for awhile and when those cravings hit....if I would just wait them out....they would eventually pass.

    I'm not sure if I'm writing all this to tell you all about myself or to just get it OUT of ME! Over the years my self esteem has crumbled and I have had enough. I just want myself back.

    Anyway....wish me luck! I'm very scared....but I'm not sure why.

    I'll try to not write a novel everytime! :thanks:
    Tomorrow I get to wake up and not feel guilty. :yay:

    I'm diving in!!

    Hi LtLM

    :welcome: Dive right in. The water's fine. Look forward to seeing you around the Boards. This is a good place to be.



      I'm diving in!!

      Welcome. I hope you find what you need here. Lots of great people with stories just like yours. Funny how we think we are alone in this when we are not. Glad you found us.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        I'm diving in!!



        I'm new too, and already finding the site very inspriational........

        Let us know how you get on.

        Paula xx


          I'm diving in!!

          Welcome, from someone else who's new. My best advice at this point is to read the forums - there are so many different but very familiar stories, and I have found it comforting. And congratulations on taking the step, I know how it feels to be scared about this.

          Hope to see you around!

          AF since 6JUN2012


            I'm diving in!!

            Good Luck ltLM ! From another 20 plus year drinker dipping her toe in to test the water before diving in.
            Keep Smiling!
            Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
            April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
            wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
            wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
            wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
            wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
            wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
            wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

            I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


              I'm diving in!!

              Thanks Everyone!

              Thanks for the warm welcome and words of encouragement. I enjoyed speaking to a few of you on chat last night. You made me feel right at home. :thanks:

              I start taking all those supplements today. I think that is going to be the hardest part. In general I don't seem to tolerate vitamins very well. However, I'm looking forward to healthy hair and beeeeeauuuuuutiful skin! :crossed:
              Tomorrow I get to wake up and not feel guilty. :yay:


                I'm diving in!!

                I LOVED your post LtLM!!!!!! It mirrors so much of how I've felt over the years! Wow, I cannot believe it!! It put a big smile on my face to read it. Thanks!!!!!!!!

                BTW, can I borrow you TickerFactory no drinking counter? I've seen those before but NEVER for not drinking!

                WELCOME and come back a LOT!
                Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                  I'm diving in!!

                  I stole it!!!! I thought is was only for baby tracking!!!!! LOL

                  Noelle :new:

                  [img]a href=[/img]
                  Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                    I'm diving in!!


                    Thanks! I keep getting amazed by how many people have my (our) exact same story!! There must be lots of people out there (just like me) who have been hiding it right under my nose for years!! Who knew!

                    The very first AA meeting I went to, my neighbor from 2 doors down was there. We were both shocked!

                    Of course you can borrow the ticker idea. Go to Graphical Event Ticker for your Signature, Message Boards, Blogs and Web Page and make one. ......of course there isn't REALLY a category for drinking....:H

                    Oops! Guess you figured it all out while I was posting! :wd:

                    Tomorrow I get to wake up and not feel guilty. :yay:


                      I'm diving in!!

                      LtLM wrote: Thanks! I keep getting amazed by how many people have my (our) exact same story!! There must be lots of people out there (just like me) who have been hiding it right under my nose for years!! Who knew!

                      of course there isn't REALLY a category for drinking....:H
                      Well, there should be!!!

                      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                        I'm diving in!!

                        Noelle wrote: I stole it!!!! I thought is was only for baby tracking!!!!! LOL

                        That's a great start!! Bet you are feeling really good about yourself........or at least really "better" :h
                        Tomorrow I get to wake up and not feel guilty. :yay:


                          I'm diving in!!

                          Yep, notice I had some editing done? :H: Opps.........screwed everything up and I've tried fixing it but I'm not going to spaz about it. Maybe I'll fix it later.



                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                            I'm diving in!!

                            I Like you! Your description of what you have and are going through is so familiar. There are so many stereotypes...but some of us just have this deep internal battle. One that many don't even know we are going through (because we are basically functioning well with the daily chores life brings). Best wishes!

                            I am eagerly awaiting my supplements, book, and CD shipment (which will arrive in the next couple days). I know my biggest struggle will be the PEOPLE in my life that I usually go-out with, hang-out with and, of course, drink with. These are family, good friends...

                            I am excited as you to try this, and grateful to know there is a place I can go and vent (this website)!

                            Best wishes!


                              I'm diving in!!


                              Hi luvlee!

                              Isn't it funy how we are all so much alike!? It blows me away. I knew there were other problem drinkers in the world....I just didn't realize that they were just like me. The same stay-at-home moms I pass in the grocery store, the choir director at church, the girl who does my nails, the girls I play golf with.....or whatever. The point is we are EVERYWHERE!

                              Hope your stuff comes quickly. Don't forget to get your little pill organizer to keep all your supps straight...and let me know what you think about those tapes. Are you going abs or mods?

                              I stumbled on another website (Women for Sobriety) and they had a thread listing why they shouldn't drink. It's pretty amazing.....see if you can relate

                              Women for Sobriety

                              Anyway, good luck to both of us!! Stick around.....we can follow each other's progress!

                              Tomorrow I get to wake up and not feel guilty. :yay:

