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Just made it...

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    Just made it...

    im on day eleven and today i had a huge shot in the arm at work...all happy and stuff.
    then all of the sudden i felt that BIG tug from within.15 minutes of pure uncontrolled
    brain tugs..i asked myself WTF is this all about...then it clicked..the monster is trying to pull me in his world again...sat myself down and had a talk...."DAMN that bastard almost had me.....
    but not today he wont"
    as soon as i realized what was happening and TOOK CONTROL of MY thoughts it passed just that fast.
    " Life is good ...then it gets better "


      Just made it...

      fixitguy;1040609 wrote: im on day eleven and today i had a huge shot in the arm at work...all happy and stuff.
      then all of the sudden i felt that BIG tug from within.15 minutes of pure uncontrolled
      brain tugs..i asked myself WTF is this all about...then it clicked..the monster is trying to pull me in his world again...sat myself down and had a talk...."DAMN that bastard almost had me.....
      but not today he wont"
      as soon as i realized what was happening and TOOK CONTROL of MY thoughts it passed just that fast.
      Hey Fixit Guy - I soooo admire that and aspire to the way you handled that situation:wave:
      Don't tell me it can't be done until I'm finished doing it.


        Just made it...

        hooray everyone! it's so uplifting to read about your struggles followed by successes. i'm on day 12 meself and going the second night without sleep help. i've faced the demon more than a few times and -hooray- faced him down. i've driven past the liquor store several times without succumbing to the dumb beast in me that says "why not just pull in, it's cheap, it'll make you feel good". and i so relate to the experience of the anticipation taking over, and the happy excited sometimes manic feeling that comes from knowing pretty soon i'll be buzzed. (toward the end of my drinking, i even used to spike some soda w vodka to get that buzz going as soon as i left the liquor store. ouch. that's hard to admit, but i'd bet you all can relate to the urgency i was feeling...) anyway, tis always helpful to read here, to know i'm not alone (though i feel it sometimes!).
        let's keep winning, beautiful people! it feels SO GOOD.


          Just made it...

          Shanny5;1040633 wrote: Hey Fixit Guy - I soooo admire that and aspire to the way you handled that situation:wave:
          Shanny, lol
          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


            Just made it...

            I hear you

            Hi Change

            I just posted a very similar message in Newbies nest. I saw an ad for some booze in a magazine and went into a reverie about how lovely it was to have some wine with friends over dinner and in that moment, thought 'there's no way in hell I'm not ever having that feeling again!'. But then I realised that the scene i was picturing was complete fantasy. I did used to drink with friends but more often on my own. And it wasn;t the glamourous and controlled happy buzz, it was frantic, sipping from a vodka bottle hidden in my cupboard or gulping glasses of wine from a box. And getting through those boxes WAY too fast.

            I'm just over 2 weeks AF and this is probably the worst craving I've had so far. Good job it's almost bedtime. I really really don't want to go back to the whole cycle again and how it makes me feel but tonight I miss the fact I won't feel that buzz you get just before everything gets messy again.

            Oh well. What do I want. AL or Life?
            LIFE, for sure.
            Well done on riding your own craving out. It helps to know others are having the same feelings and managed to get past them.


              Just made it...

              Bean;1040714 wrote: I'm just over 2 weeks AF and this is probably the worst craving I've had so far. Good job it's almost bedtime. I really really don't want to go back to the whole cycle again and how it makes me feel but tonight I miss the fact I won't feel that buzz you get just before everything gets messy again.
              Bean, that's exactly what it is, a spin cycle. It's never going to get any better, it's always going to be that cycle you talk about. Just ride it out, just think of that hangover tomorrow, yuk! Get out of the house if you have to.

              Interesting thing: got a craving tonight as i drove past bottle shop, but then thought i've got to get up early for work tomorrow. Gotta love it when your self-respect wins out over self loathing :goodjob:
              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                Just made it...

                I do think the cycle gets better but it's not going to happen as quickly as we would like. It will take time. Alcohol for me was a fair weathered friend for 25 years, kicking it out of my mind just isn't going to happen in two weeks. With each passing day I think about it less often and that is what I call progress. Progress is what makes the cycle better.
                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                  Just made it...

                  Change;1040738 wrote: Gotta love it when your self-respect wins out over self loathing :goodjob:
                  Absolutely! I'm loving your progress, change! Bravo!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Just made it...

                    Gotta love it when your self-respect wins out over self loathing >>

                    A-MEN! :goodjob:
                    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                      Just made it...

                      Congratulations Change on overcoming your cravings!!


                        Just made it...

                        This thread made me smile. You guys are great!
                        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!

