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Can't get past 5 days

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    Can't get past 5 days

    If you must on day 5, remove yourself from your normal environment, go stay with a friend who doesn't drink, take drastic measures to change your triggers, once you get past day 5 it will build confidence in you, eventually as you keep saying no your will power muscles will grow and grow it will get easier and easier. Good luck.
    Where ever you go, there you are


      Can't get past 5 days

      dased and confused

      Laurel74;1042932 wrote: Woke up at 3 pm and thought it was the morning. This is my last wasted day. I HATE ALCOHOL!!!
      hi 74,:goodjob:just by being here and trying,i found weekends the hardest,everyone drank on the weekend,or did they,then the mornings got hard,whats the difference having a couple of beers rather then 6 or 8 cups of coffee,in the morning,addiction can take us to new highs in our life s or real lows,remember many of us have or had been tranquilising ourselves for years,so now it will have affected our minds,retraining the brain,there are many ways of battling this opsession with al and drug abuse,research,and i found most of all coming here and just reading and at times just leaving for whil and having a rest from here,:thanks:i wish you well gyco


        Can't get past 5 days

        On day 5 again and so far so good! Home after work and got my baclofen today! Honestly my cravings are nothing right now. My AL brain tried to get to me when I got home but I told it to F*#k O#f!!! Got plans to clean put my garage tomorrow and I would never do it if I drank tonight. I am going to sleep so good tonight! ODAT


          Can't get past 5 days

          God job, Laurel. It sounds like maybe you made it to Day 6.
          I'm on day 12 now, and for some of those days I barely gave alcohol a thought, so I thought it was getting easier. Last weekend was a breeze, but this weekend I've had to fight the mental battle again to stop myself buying a bottle.
          We decide to give up drinking not once, but several times a day. It sometimes helps to sit down with a glass of water and imagine yourself buying the grog, pouring a glass and ask yourself whether you can stop at one, and if not how will you feel tomorrow. Each battle with yourself that you win helps you feel stronger and raises your self-esteem.

          One thing I'm doing is stringing together some glass beads - one for each day AF. It's a visual aid that encourages as it grows. But it has also helped to stop me from drinking, as I'll have to unstring the beads and start again.


            Can't get past 5 days

            Hope you're kicking it this weekend Laurel.
            Dancingon I love your bead minder idea!

            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

            St. Francis of Assisi


              Can't get past 5 days

              Day ten today. Fight the urges every minute tonight. I like the bead idea. I am going to do it too. Tonight I will put 10 beads on and feel very proud of myself for my accomplishment! ODAT....this evening...OminuteAT


                Can't get past 5 days

                One of the things thats helping me is to look at the celebration posts in the general discussion board-You know the ones that say 1 year Af today! Well I have read so many of them that I am tired of being the reader. I want to be the one posting it some day. You know the saying "always the bridesmaid-never the bride" -well thats how its starting to feel for me. Now how to reach this elevated state? Well its a no brainer isnt it-dont drink for 365 days just like they did. Thats how you get to post one of those celebratory posts. The slogan that is working for me and driving me through the cravings at the moment is -If you dont change, your clean date will. I like it. It speaks to me somehow.
                I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                  Can't get past 5 days

                  Laurel, good job! I am on Day 16. I know how much of a struggle it can be. Just go moment-to-moment.

                  That said, I'm having my own struggle right now. It's Friday night and I'm on here to keep myself distracted. I guess the best advice I've seen on here is "Don't give up." Every minute I don't drink is a victory. I think both of us need to allow ourselves to feel good about that.


                    Can't get past 5 days

                    Coal - I like that...if you don't change your clean date will...hmmm...yeah it would be good to be a one-year celebrator this time next year. Thanks.


                      Can't get past 5 days

                      Can't last more than 5 days

                      I'm sitting here at 1.50pm on a sunny afternoon in Melbourne Australia. I'm drinking a glass of wine - this brings it to 1 and 1/2 bottles for the day. My usual consumption is 2 bottles a day 7 days a week. My last AFD was about 18 months ago when I was in hospital for a week (non alcohol related).

                      I wake up every morning having no memory of things from about 5pm onwards although people don't believe it.

                      I have decided to do the FEBFAST - the no alcohol in February. I'm not sure how I'll go, I'm now a bit worried that I'll go through nasty withdrawal which I haven't before. My partner (who drinks little) has signed up with me. Wish me luck, If I can't get through February without a drink there's not much hope. By the way I have been doing this for over 10 years, can't believe how resilient the body is.................


                        Can't get past 5 days

                        Dog Lover -

                        Good luck in February. I know where you are at right now. If you haven't experienced alcohol withdrawal before, hopefully you won't this time. But if you start to, please get medical attention.


                          Can't get past 5 days

                          Tell yourself that if you get through today, then you can drink tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, tell yourself that again. It truly is one day at a time, but don't look at like Never. All I can say, is I have said this in the past, and it has helped.


                            Can't get past 5 days

                            I can't get past four days it seems How you doing Laurel did you make it past 10 days?
                            Taking it ODAT

