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Hi I'm new

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    Hi I'm new

    I am nursing my 3rd hangover for the week, embarassed about driving (please do not say anything about this... I KNOW) and I have to take an entire day off each time to recover.
    It's over. I'm over it. I have been trying to quit for a couple of years and it is just getting worse. I got through NYE and the next night without drinking and then caved a week later.
    For my birthday at the end of this month I am giving myself the gift of my new sober life. Looking good. feeling good. getting healthy physically and mentally and moving forward with my life.
    It's just amazing howmany people in my life say "Don't quit altogether ... just stop at 3" I want to strangle them. There is no stopping at 3. people just dont get it.
    So I'm not telling people anything this time. just you guys.
    hugs xx

    Hi I'm new

    Welcome Nik p , take plenty of fluids, lemon water and try to eat. the first few days are hard but its really worth it.
    AF 5/jan/2011


      Hi I'm new

      Nik P;1043048 wrote: There is no stopping at 3. people just dont get it.
      So I'm not telling people anything this time.
      Neh, don't tell them anything. Actions speak louder than words. I haven't told my friends. Oh hang on, i told one, but it fell on deaf ears. I am going to get on with my life and leave the stragglers behind.
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        Hi I'm new

        Hi NikP, and welcome. It sounds like you really want to start a new sober life. I am like you, I don't want 3 drinks, I want 16 drinks - some people don't understand that.

        Certainly you have every right to your privacy in regards to your sobriety. You don't have to make a public declaration, nor do you have to ask peoples opinions. Read and write lots. There are many caring people here who can help.

        Is you goal total sobriety? Is today day one?

        There are lots of posts that deal with urges etc, you should read them, since you are just starting out.

        All the best,
        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


          Hi I'm new

          Thanks guys, for the lovely welcomes and encouragement
          Yes I want total sobriety since the many times I've tried to cut back are just not working. Yes I guess today is day one.
          My goal is to really feel AF by my birthday I guess which is end of the month. I think i can do it



            Hi I'm new


            Welcome and yes just not telling anyone is a good move. Going AF can make others defensive about drinking, but plenty of people choose not to drink so you don't have to either.

            Holding out over New Year is a common one, well for me anyway. Then you breathe a sigh of relief and let yourself go.

            Just stick in here and have a read around. Plenty of good advice.


              Hi I'm new

              :welcome: nik,

              What a lovely b'day present to yourself. And it's great that you already recognise that you will NOT stop at 3 - it's good and saves a lot of heartache early on. i remember spending a long time trying to moderate and not understanding why much more often than not I failed. you have the right attitude, which is great.

              good luck and I hope to hear of your journey on the forum,
              K x
              Recovery Coaching website

              "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

              Recovery Videos


                Hi I'm new

                Hi Nik,

                Welcome to MWO, this is a good place
                Congrats on your decision to quit drinking. Living a sober life is the only way to go!

                Have you read the MWO Book yet? You can download it from the Heath store here.
                I highly recommend the Hypno CDs as well. They helped me learn to relax without AL & change my thinking about AL.

                Also take a look in the for good ideas to help you make your plan for success. Drop in the Newbies Nest thread & say hello

                Wishing you the best on your journey!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Hi I'm new

                  Hi Nik - my birthday is the end of the month too - well, 1st Feb and although I only have 1 or 2 a night I will go AF with you. I have been thinking about going AF again anyway so this is a good chance to do it - want to? I was AF for 8 months last year then blew it and have been modding but think I would be better AF - so, feel free to PM me or we can just chat here - let me know. Hugs to you, huge welcome too - it isn't easy - check out what Lav said about the book and the Toolbox - lots of good stuff there.

                  Hugs, Sun x
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    Hi I'm new

                    Welcome Nik, some good words of advice above. Well done on taking the first step.
                    Keep safe
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Hi I'm new

                      Welcome nik, you have come to a great community with lots of support & advice,keep posting your thoughts & feelings, you are not alone as we can all relate to what your going through.

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        Hi I'm new

                        Welcome! You have come to the right place. I can't moderate. Now or probably ever. One is just never enough. Read, post and learn. That is what I did and I am over two months wine free - which I never thought I could do. Could not have done it alone though. I took Kudzu and other supps, stayed close and drank tons of lemon water. It works. I feel better in every way. Not that I don't get a thought of moderating - I do, but then I look back on what I left in that wine-induced haze life, and I know it would not be worth it. Best of luck to you - you can do this and we will be here for you!
                        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                          Hi I'm new

                          Hi Nik,
                          Welcome to this amazing site. It's very active and many of the members on here will give you all the support you need.
                          Seven months ago I was a daily drinker and most weekends I was drunk..I never dreamt that it was possible for me not to drink. But I am doing it..apart from the odd ocassions, I dont drink. I have many sober days so the impossible is possible!

                          Keep working at it. x
                          Be strong-
                          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                            Hi I'm new

                            Hey Mario's sexy eyebrows are back!!
                            Be strong-
                            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                              Hi I'm new

                              :welcome: Nik,

                              I hear ya. I kept trying to cut back and it was like a horrible job. I was relieved when I found MWO and finally some support. "I kept hearing that just have 3 and stop there", "One won't hurt you", "Don't stop all together just drink socially", "are you still not drinking", "you don't have to get drunk when you drink... just have a few" etc... the list goes on and on. People who say these things either really don't understand... or just really don't want to drink alone. I had a ton of anxiety in the beginning about telling people about my decision not to drink. I'm pretty sure it had to do with my resolve. Deciding not to drink was a very personal life changing decision and I couldn't handle anyone questioning it. Do what's best for you. I'm glad your here, and look forward to getting to know ya!


