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Don't Mind Me... at it again !! Quitting that is.

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    Don't Mind Me... at it again !! Quitting that is.

    Trying again. Went for five days then posted a thread "Yikes it's Friday". I had reason to be scared. The demon attacked and I didn't have a plan to fight it. Lost the battle that time but I am in for another round.

    Must have a plan !! This is my plan.

    I will check the toolbox daily for inspiration and ideas on how to fight cravings.
    I will buy some more L-Glut and take my supplements
    I will bounce on the mini trampoline a few times a day
    When cravings hit I will watch them grow from the outside looking in Analising them all the while.
    I will write a list of pros and cons of drinking. Here goes !!

    Pros: the taste is OK (red wine), like the initial buzz, it gets hubby and I chatting, enjoy the ritualistic component ie. opening, pouring, topping one's glass up, makes the other drunks look normal; not annoying, it's cheap as we make our own, etc...

    Cons: it's fattening, it constipates me, it gives me bad breath, it damages my brain cells and my liver (Hello !!!), I need more to be satisfied as time goes on, it's not a good example for my new grandchild or my adult kids, I wake up in the middle of the night hating myself and feeling so dehydrated, my pee smells funny, I say things I would not normally say when drinking, it makes sex less intense, I can't read or do anything useful while drunk, I feel physically unwell the morning after, it seems to control me rather than the other way around.

    I have to grab this bull by the horns. At 54 years old, I need to conquer this beast before it conquers me. So far I have been lucky. I am at the bottom of the scale when it comes to amount consumed. That's the reason I keep giving myself to continue. It's only a bottle of wine. Bull Crap !!

    My trigger is while cooking supper. Restaurants too but we eat a lot of Asian food and tea is a great alternative which I seem to have no problem with. Hubby supports me but when I say in my whiny voice after abstaining for 5 days "I reeeaaalllly feel like a glass of wine.." he always says "You deserve it." and opens the bottle. That's like opening Pandora's Box. That first night is heaven but we continue then to drink at least a bottle every night after that until I say ENOUGH!! Then it starts all over again.

    I feel stupid for even posting since my track record is dismal. But this is my journey and this is my journal. Tonight won't be a problem. My first problem will arrive with my sister from out of town who looks forward to her weekends with us because she gets to drink our homeade wine and let loose from her non-drinking life. I think I will buy some cranberry juice which will take her mind off my not joining her. That is a big issue with me; what other people think and say. I am a Libra. We REALLY care what other people think.

    My immediate goal is six weeks of abstinence. Then we leave for our motor home vacation to Key West Florida. Imagine being 10 pounds lighter and not bloated on the day we leave. That is a great incentive. OK that is enough for the first day of this well intentioned journey. It's 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday and for the record: I DON'T DRINK!!

    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu

    Don't Mind Me... at it again !! Quitting that is.


    Looks like you've thought things through & you know what you need to do.
    I turned 57 last month & will soon be 2 years AF. I say do this NOW for yourself, don't keep putting it off. Changing your thinking about AL will help you reach your goal. Be firm in your commitment!

    Wishing you the best
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Don't Mind Me... at it again !! Quitting that is.

      Thanks for the advice Lav. I think it's now or never. I am not in menopause yet and when that happens who knows where my last shred of willpower will go. There's nothing too attractive about a bombed Granny. GREAT for you that you were able to stay off for the past two years. I really want to do this. To stop talking about it and actually follow through with it.

      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
      ? Lao-Tzu


        Don't Mind Me... at it again !! Quitting that is.

        Good for you for getting a plan tipplerette - hope it works. it is a good idea to be very aware of your cravings and to maybe write down a craving diary, detailing what you were doing when it hit, how strong the craving is on a 1-10 scale, how long it lasted. See if you can pinpoint what triggered it if anything and then write out what you did afterwards instead of drinking. it's always good to have a list of activities to hand that you can do when cravings strike - whether that's going for a walk or watching some tv or whatever helps you really.

        Be aware, too, that cravings sometimes occur when you are hungry or thirsty (for a non-al drink of course!), so trying to have a snack or a cuppa will often help ease it. I don't like going this particular route myself, but many people swear by eating or drinking something sugary to ease cravings - so you could have a bit oc choc or a cookie, or even just a cup of tea or some hot milk with some sugar in. I find this makes my cravings worse over all, but I think I am a bit odd as no-one else seems to have this experience! It usually helps.

        Good luck!
        K x
        Recovery Coaching website

        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

        Recovery Videos


          Don't Mind Me... at it again !! Quitting that is.

          Tip my trigger is supper also, I now go home, take a bath or go to the gym before I cook and while I cook it have a diet sunkist (my replacement AF drink that I only drink when I would have drank AL) and I have a snack of anything I want, chips, cookies, pudding, cheesecake whatever because no matter what I eat it will not be as bad for me as drinking AL! I snack on it slow so that it lasts the whole time I cook or until I've had my fill and then I'm fine! I also take 2 L-Glut at 3 and if the cravings get bad 2 more at 6. Friday nights are still hard because I feel so weird but I distract myself by doing abnormal things
          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            Don't Mind Me... at it again !! Quitting that is.

            Great advice. Thanks. Just what I need to refer to in the evenings when the cravings rear their ugly heads. I will treat myself to all that forbidden stuff. My leftover Christmas cookies that are in the freezer will be taken out and munched on when I start having THAT conversation in my head. Good plan.

            I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
            ? Lao-Tzu


              Don't Mind Me... at it again !! Quitting that is.

              Hi Tipp,

              I also had a hard time with the cooking thing -- loved to sip wine while I cooked! Now, I do similar to Jenny, except my new "drink of choice" is a diet rootbeer. I also love Tea, so I usually brew a pot after dinner and sip tea. Also, like Jenny I really am not into denying myself food or other things that will distract me from drinking right now. My focus is purely on reducing Alcohol intake for the moment!!

              Hope that helps. Good for you to get a plan in place!

