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Hi, new to the board

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    Hi, new to the board

    Hi everyone,

    Well I did post once but otherwise a newbie.

    I've been lurking a couple of days and wanted to say. You all know why I'm here - my drinking is out of control. I think I'll join the 48 hour thread for starters. If I aim for a 30 and fail I can't help but get really discouraged and depressed which leads to more self-destruction. I have a week of AF days this month and shooting for more. I read My Way Out several years ago and right now I'm reading MM's book. I'll be giving kudzu another go. I'm taking some other herbs as well.

    I did okay today. It's about 6:00 p.m. and I'm AF today. I'm drinking sweetened tea the rest of the evening. I'm off to read around the board. Thanks for listening.


    Hi, new to the board

    Hey Bluejay - welcome!!! I think it is great that you are planning on joining the 48 hour thread for starters. I know so many times I tried to quit, drank, then felt so miserable I stayed away from here for weeks or months. FInally two months ago something in my big fat head clicked and I started reading, posting, drinking gallons of lemon water and taking a few of the supps and it worked! I am over two months and have this place to thanks. It looks like you are set to do this and seem to have a plan. The plan is key. WIthout it I would have failed miserably again. Best of luck to you friend. Watch - you wll get past that 48 and you wlil be amazed how you feel. Keep us informed of your progress! The people here rock.

    Your friend, Waggy
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      Hi, new to the board

      Hi BlueJay and welcome. (I am a BlueJays's fan in Major League Baseball). It is a good thing that you know that you have a problem, and that it is time to address it. Certainly any sober days you have are great.

      What is your goal? Moderation? Stopping drinking for good? Read and write lots, there are many caring and insightful people here who want to help you. Hang in there,
      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


        Hi, new to the board

        Hi Bluejay,

        Welcome to MWO!
        Use the great ideas in the to help you make your plan to reach your goals.

        Drop in the Newbies Nest & introduce yourself

        Best wishes on your journey!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Hi, new to the board

          Welcome Blue Jay! Good for you on the 48 hour pledge! You can do it!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Hi, new to the board

            Welcome BlueJay,
            as the others have siad, you've taken the right step, keep reading & posting.
            GoodLuck & stay strong
            Progress, not perfection!!!
            A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


              Hi, new to the board

              WELCOME! See you on the back 48!!!!!

              "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                Hi, new to the board

                Welcome Bluejay. See my recent post! This place has been a lift to me in the past several weeks. Hope we can be the same for you. It is a fight, though -- stand firm! Stay tough! Post lots. We'll look forward to hearing more from you.


                  Hi, new to the board


                  Hi Bluejay

                  I'm a newbie too on my second AF day. Am finding this site invaluable at the moment!
                  Good luck x


                    Hi, new to the board

                    Bluejay & Chelsea :welcome:
                    Please read lost of posts and keep posting! It really helps. Lots of support here - just remember, you aren't alone - we are all here because we admit that our drinking has gotten out of control and we want to STOP!
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                      Hi, new to the board

                      Hey Waggy, Hill, Lav, Blonde, Witchy, Guy, Sona and Chelsea,

                      I really appreciate the warm welcome and thanks for all your encouragement. This is a great board and it seems filled with supportive, kind folks - like you!

                      I hope to see you around the boards.


                        Hi, new to the board

                        Hey Jolie,
                        Thank you.
                        You snuck in while I was typing my
                        Hope to see you around.


                          Hi, new to the board

                          Hi BlueJay and welcome to MWO!


                            Hi, new to the board

                            :goodjob: on wanting to get you life under control, bluejay! I see Lavande recommended the tool box. I'd like to point you to this thread as well.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              Hi, new to the board

                              Thanks Bardot and greeneyes,

                              Yup - I've been perusing the toolbox and joining threads and plan on chatting tonight.

                              Have a good day!

