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New BF and still drinking

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    New BF and still drinking

    Hi Hunni, welcome back.
    first i want to congratulate you on finding a new decent man and to the moving in together.. how exciting!
    As for your drinking... i believe like many peopleon this site that stoppping drinking is something YOU need to do for yourself. Only when YOU truely believe that this needs to end will you find it in your soul to fight and stop.
    However, having a boyfriend who doesn't drink is a good thing for you (i believe anyway) I always found surrounding myself with sober people when trying to stop drinking helped a lot where as putting me with people who drank everynight would make me crave big time.
    I hope this relationship works out well for you but you do need to stop drinking as it will cause problems in a relationship where your other half doesn't drink... i know... i'm in one. They don't understand the addiction and although my hubby was supportive, he was on the verge of leaving me until i manged to get a hold on everything.
    So start a new life... get rid of the old you and start again... Stop with the excuses and look at all the happy possibilities ahead of you.
    I wish you nothing but the best of luck!!!!


      New BF and still drinking

      hi jewels.
      people are giving you great input, as usual. i'm glad you have the wherewithal to hear it! i'll just chime in to say that i recently, before quitting 21 days ago, got bombed on vodka (similar to bean's experience), and my guy hung out and i don't remember a thing. after that, it was never the same. he withdrew what little affection he initially showed, told me that with any other woman he would've never seen me again. (NOt similar to bean's experience!) ouch. we've since broken up, and i'm just thrilled that i didn't make that drunken mistake with a guy i would've wanted to really be with long term.

      good luck on your journey. keep us posted if you please.


        New BF and still drinking

        Hey Jewels - welcome back. The advice you have been given is great. One question in my mind is, how can he not know you drink? Even though we think we can't smell the booze, others can. I found this out AFTER I got sober. Also, when you are still drinking, it clouds your thoughts so much - drinking and being hungover. To see if this is really the love of your life (as I hope it is) you need some TOTALLY SOBER TIME to get to really know him without the AL haze. This is just my opinion, but I know from experience.
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!

