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new guy saying hi

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    new guy saying hi

    Hi there,
    Another curious newbie here. Found the site while looking for info about managing sleep problems related to (probably entirely due to) alcohol. Day 7 AF for me today, with no major symptoms apart from the sleep issues. With alcohol, I'd fall asleep quickly, then waken and reawaken several times, finally giving up after maybe five or six hours. I have dragged my butt through so many days I couldn't begin to count. Trouble is, even after nearly a week, I'm not sleeping any better.

    Started GABA and L-glut a couple of days ago (1 gr each daily, divided). No noticeable difference but it's early days. What discourages me is that poor sleep weakens my resolve, I know my pattern.

    But hey, the important thing is that I'm getting through today, and tomorrow is another day,right?!

    cheers. You seem like a nice bunch of folks.

    Resisting all Magical day at a time

    new guy saying hi

    Hello RedJib and Welcome!

    A lot of people on this site have experienced sleep issues related to AL and then stopping AL. The only thing I can say is that to me one of the GREATEST benefits of not drinking is the wonderful restful sleep I get. You might want to look on the Holistic threads for sleep aids. Also the meditation CD's work wonderfully!

    Have a great day!


      new guy saying hi

      Hi, RedJib! :welcome:

      I am a day over three weeks AF, and although I still feel like I have some major sleep issues, I am looking better and overall I'm feeling much better too.

      AL would be my sleep aid. For me, after blacking out I tended not to wake up until it was time to go to work -- although I went through a phase where I woke up, walking around in a blackout phase, scaring my wife, peeing on the floor, all kinds of stuff -- and then not remembering anything about it until she brought it up the next morning.

      I could've gotten five hours of sleep like this, but I'd look like I was only getting 2-3 a night. Not to mention that I felt like sh*t, and was constantly tired.

      I am having a hard time going to sleep these days, but it's begun to catch up with me. When I first went AF a few weeks ago I was going to bed at 3 am, even later, a few times actually staying up all night, and getting up at 7am to get the kids off to school. Now I am falling asleep somewhere around 12:30 or 1 am on the couch, and eventually I wake up and drag myself off to bed. I think I got close to six hours of sleep last night, but it's taken over three weeks AF to get to that point. I'm hoping this continues. Like I said, I look better, and the bags under my eyes are going down. I've even felt comfortable enough to wear my contacts instead of my glasses (the glasses hide the bags better), so I must be slowly getting something right.

      I am only on kudzu, so I can't help with any of the other remedies. But I thought I'd share that time does improve the sleep issue -- at least it seems like it does for me, and makes sense that it should.

      Hope you can stay on the path with us! :goodjob:


        new guy saying hi

        Hi Jib!

        Welcome to MWO & Congrats on your 7 AF days - great work!

        I think almost everyone of us have experienced sleep problems during this journey but your sleep will improve. It takes a while for the body to heal. A lot of folks including myself find relief with OTC melatonin products, Calms Forte, etc.
        The Hypno CDs were very helpful for me as well. I still use them occasionaly after almost two years.
        I think when we pay attention to everything - quitting AL, good diet, some exercise & supplements it all comes together

        Wishing you the best!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          new guy saying hi

          Hi Red,

          I slept really badly for a while. Cant remember how long sleep pattern is absolutely fine now.
          It will pass. Good luck!
          Be strong-
          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


            new guy saying hi


            RedJib;1045307 wrote: Hi there,
            Another curious newbie here. Found the site while looking for info about managing sleep problems related to (probably entirely due to) alcohol. Day 7 AF for me today, with no major symptoms apart from the sleep issues. With alcohol, I'd fall asleep quickly, then waken and reawaken several times, finally giving up after maybe five or six hours. I have dragged my butt through so many days I couldn't begin to count. Trouble is, even after nearly a week, I'm not sleeping any better.

            Started GABA and L-glut a couple of days ago (1 gr each daily, divided). No noticeable difference but it's early days. What discourages me is that poor sleep weakens my resolve, I know my pattern.

            But hey, the important thing is that I'm getting through today, and tomorrow is another day,right?!

            cheers. You seem like a nice bunch of folks.

            hi Red,:welcome:you ve found a great place,sleep problems,think about it,you doused the fire so long,the brain needs time to heal,it s lashing out and saying what f... you doin to me,hahahah,after time you l lern to make this Al thing a joking matter,think again were suppose be the most inteligent species on this planet, and we cant figure out how to say NO,hahahah:upset: the sleep will eventually come back,i no there s health pills out there that seem to help some,rather then the drugs doc s tell you to take,i wish you well gyco:thanks:


              new guy saying hi

              RedJib - :welcome:

              Awesome job on 7 AF days! Have you ever gone this long before? I'm on 18 myself and I'm here to tell you that the first week or two were hard - I think there was one night where I really don't remember sleeping for more than 1 hour - constantly watching the clock. Please give it a little more time - it will get better. I used to be the first person to say sleep is overrated but now I'm getting some decent zzzz's, waking up without guilt and feeling like a loser because I yet again drank myself into a stupor the night before. It's great and so worth it - you will see. Hang in there and come back here often - post and read - it's helped me so much!

              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                new guy saying hi

                Hi Redjib,

                It was on day 7 that I finally had about 4 straight hours of sleep, the other 6 nights were sleepless. Even now on day 25 I will only get 6 hours but they are a decent 6 and I jump out of bed in the morning feeling great. The sleep issue is very common, don't let it get in the way of your resolve.
                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                  new guy saying hi

                  Hi RedJ
                  I think I was like you, using AL to "get" to sleep, I have never been a great sleeper, but for me now, after 15 days AF, a bads nights sleep is still better than drinking mysself asleep & I am looking at getting some OTC herbal sleeping tablets & getting into a proper sleeping pattern.
                  stay strong, its so worth it.
                  Progress, not perfection!!!
                  A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                    new guy saying hi

                    Hi Red, and welcome. Yes, like you state, the imporant thing is getting through today sober, one day at a time. Read and write lots, there are many caring people who can help you here. For me, I take vitamin d, and omega (fish oil) supplements - normal from the drug mart supplements, and it helps my sleeping. Exercise of course will help sleeping. Don't forget, other ideas are to say no to caffeine after lunch time (in food like chocolate or in pop/coffee etc), and don't eat for several hours prior to going to bed. Hang in there,
                    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                      new guy saying hi

                      Hiyah Red! Welcome to MWO. I had some serious sleep issues as well when I was drinking. After I stopped I noticed my sleep patterns started to normalize about 5-7 days then, within 3 weeks I was having the best sleep I had in years and I still am. It's amazing what drinking does to mess with our bodies.


                        new guy saying hi

                        Hey...Sorry to hear about your sleep issues. I know only too well what that was like. When i'd pass out from drink, i'd keep waking in the night hating myself then when i finally quit i still couldn't sleep. Good news is that... IT DOES get better. Just hang on in there. Keep reminding yourself that IF you drink you WILL have to go through this all again...
                        You're doing great!!!


                          new guy saying hi

                          I had the same problems with not sleeping. I used melatonin 3mg and worked great for me, and dont feel groggy the next day. Now I sleep better than I ever have..Thats just one of the many benefits of being free of the monster!!
                          AF since 10/14/2010...


                            new guy saying hi

                            Thankyou all for the encouragement and the reminders that I can do it, and it will get better. I really needed to hear that, and I keep going back and rereading what you've said. Thanks!

                            Day 8 AF now. Maybe 5 hours sleep last night, but it still feels like almost none (that doesn't make sense, I know, so it must be something about the quality of the sleep.) I'm groggy..., spaced out actually. Tried upping the GABA at bedtime, so maybe I took too much in total yesterday (2 plus grams altogether, I'd say). Have taken most of the other vitamins recommended for nearly 20 years, so I think I'm okay there.

                            Yes, I've done 8 days AF many, many times before, and my longest was around 10 days. I have an unusual work schedule, and long ago discovered that any AL on work days was going to lead to bigger problems than I already had. The result has been a longstanding binge pattern. When I was younger, my body protested, but it was overall not too bad. Now? It's screwing up my health and my peace of mind.

                            Got a big test today, where I have to attend an event that's going to involve colleagues in celebration mode, at a tavern. I've made a strategy for myself for how to get in and out quick, with a reason why I'm not drinking. Hope it works!

                            Thanks again, folks.
                            Resisting all Magical day at a time


                              new guy saying hi

                              Hi Redjib, you know what they arrive late leave early and the sleep will come well done on 8 days
                              AF 5/jan/2011

