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    Hi all, I've been away from this site for a few months now and went straight back to where I was after doing four months AL free. I don't know why that is, I just know that when I got up the courage to come into this site again I read my own story in your threads over and over again. I was just4me when I was posting but couldn't work out how to come back as just4me again, so here I am as 'hereagain' and hopefully I'm going to find my way back to where I was. Sounds confusing? It is!!

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    welcome back hereagain. i'm here again, too, from years ago and i don't remember my alias. hope you find your way back to where you need to be. here's a good starting point, so it seems to me.
    our stories mesh, don't they? well, good news is, the sober stories overlap in their joy and renewed vigor for life. wee haw.


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      i remeber you from when you were Just4Me, I to took an extended break from sobriety & am now on day 16 & couldnt be more happier, we have a thread Jumping thru January, why dont you join us, there might be some more peeps you knew from before,
      well waht ever you decide to do, well done on getting back on hte sober ride
      Progress, not perfection!!!
      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


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        Hey Hereagain (Just4me), and welcome back. It sounds like you want to reflect on your drinking again, and the power relationship between you and alcohol. Have you figured out your goal or what you would like to do? Let us know, so we can help.

        Outside of issues with alcohol, I hope that things are going well, and it is nice to have you back.
        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


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          Welcome hereagain,

          We both have similar stories. I went 10 weeks dry at the beginning of 2010 then buckled and started my quit again the day after Christmas. The one thing I have found, just like when I started drinking again and I basically picked up where I had left off, once I started the quit again - the sober habits from before kicked in where I left off too. This time around has been smoother and I haven't had too many of those horrendous mental ping pong matches (should I? shouldn't I") like before. Also, this time has been smoother because I really want it. Good Luck
          2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


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            I was Hairnet, way back when, but because my email changed couldn't get my password sent to me! Sooooo....I am now BrownHairnet! I like this site because it offers lots of options and encouragement.


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              Hereagin - :welcome:

              Good job for you on coming back - this site is wonderful.

              I think just going 4 months AF is awesome! I'm on day 20 and that's the most I've ever done. This is also my 3rd time back here at an attempt to go AF. Modding will not work for me (1st and 2nd time proved that) so I am here with 30 days (and beyone) as my goal. I agree with Allswell - this time has been a lot smoother because I really, really want it and I just don't want to go back to all the negatives that come with drinking - especially waking up at 3:30 in the morning with tremendous guilt and self loathing for having drank too much the night before - AGAIN!

              Good luck to you and hope to see you around the threads!

              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


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                Thank you to all of you for your kind words. For me it is the problem I have of drinking alone. I can go out with my husband for dinner and have just two glasses and then go home and go to bed and that is it. The problem seems to be that when I am home alone I drink (alone) and it always becomes a bottle of wine a night. Although I have gone the four months last year and felt wonderful for that, I still have the voice in my head that got me back to where I am again, ie. just have a couple etc. I would like to think I can say to myself that I will not allow myself to drink at home, just when I am out - I don't go out much! I drink to take away thoughts of disappointment and frustration but all it gives me are more thoughts of disappointment and frustration. IT is good to back in touch with you all. Thank you.:


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                  Welcome back. I changed my screen name to Wagoneer when I came back since I was on and off the wine wagon so many times. That damn voice is LOUD sometimes. Good for you that you found your way back. I am on day 81 today and I am much much happier sober. Good luck to you friend. This place is a blessing and a half.
                  February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                  When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


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                    As I've said on another post today, had the usual urge for a glass of wine yesterday late afternoon as I was cleaning out some cupboards, made a cup of herbal tea, hung out until 5.45 p.m. and then caved in and had (just one) whichof course by the end of the night was a bottle. I am starting day one today. I keep reading that phrase in other's postings 'self loathing and guilt' and I think yes, yes, yes. I want to get rid of that more than anything. Thanks for being there all of you.


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                      We are all one drink away from day one. The pull is strong, grasshopper. I wish you strength. Try again, and we will be here for you to give you support.
                      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


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                        I've started to think of this place as a drug necessary to fight alcohol, taken 3 times a day. Don't feel bad love, your smart to return here! Welcome back.
                        Where ever you go, there you are

