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Some things that have helped me

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    Some things that have helped me

    Back again. Some of you I know and some are new to me, but I look forward to getting to know you.
    I was on here some months ago, but after a painful separation after 21 years of marriage and an ex who was alternatively abusive and begging me to take him back, I couldn't quite maintain my equilibrium and stay off the alcohol. Not that drinking helps solve any of our issues, but many of us have tricked ourselves into believing it helps us cope - LIES!!!

    So what is helping me this time? I decided I needed a structured programme. As AA doesn't appeal, I decided to go for a programme that provides structure but looks at something other than alcohol. I joined Weight Watchers. The fact that I am recording everything I eat and drink, and all exercise helps me to get some order in my life. It also shows me why I put on weight as two glasses of wine equals about the same points as my average evening meal at the moment. Coupled with that I would always feel the need to stuff myself with carbs the next day to calm my roiling stomach. Recording exercise means that I feel the need to go and do some, which also helps when you're trying to stop drinking. The fact that I have paid up front for 4 months of WW, also helps me to forget having a drink as it would waste the money I've spent and sabotage my weight loss. So far I've lost 3kg, I'm eating healthier, exercising and feeling good.

    Reading encouraging books helps and taking notes or writing quotes from them to read in those tempting moments.
    Drinking - A Love Story, by Caroline Knapp has some great observations

    I'm also stringing together glass beads - one for each day AF which serves as a visual encouragement. Every 7th day I thread a large one to mark the end of the week. I'mup to day 12. It hangs behind my door and I'm looking forward to the day it reaches the floor.

    Some things that have helped me

    Hi dancingon,

    Welcome back & congrats on your 12 AFdays - terrific!
    It's great that you have found something to help you stay motivated & on track
    You have a great plan there - keep up the good work.

    Best wishes!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Some things that have helped me

      Hi Dancingon, and welcome back. It sounds like you have got yourself organised and ready to rock - great work. I hope the glass beads eventually become a curtain.
      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


        Some things that have helped me

        Great idea Dancing, and good job with your 12 days!


          Some things that have helped me

          :welcome: back Dancingon
          I personally cant wait till your beads are all the way round the room and out the door!
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Some things that have helped me

            Thanks guys. The dreaded day 13 looms, but I don't feel like drinking today. Wishing everyone an enjoyable AF day.

            I've just decided that reading too many alcoholic testimonies can be a tad depressing. There are some really helpful ones, but I've had a few lately that have been about people who had really shocking, neglectful upbringings which caused them to turn to drink. In the most recent, the author is now AF but admits that she has no tolerance for alcoholics and their "weakness", which is kind of sad when it was someone who looked past her "weakness" that helped save her.
            I had a good childhood, and only starting abusing alcohol in mid-life but there are few books written from that angle, so I can't always identify. I much prefer books that give some helpful ideas and observations rather than just tell a sad story. So I've decided now to vet them more closely and stop reading if they aren't insightful. I could stop reading such books altogether, but kind of feel that it helps to keep you mindful of getting too cocky. What do you think?


              Some things that have helped me

              Hello DancingOn,

              I am really inspired by your bead idea...I might have to steal that one! Or maybe another form of craft that I can create that symbolizes each sober day. When I first started posting here a few weeks ago, I posted that I was giving myself daily treats for each day sober. Small ones, like a music cd, a bottle of nail polish, etc. I also bought myself a new perfume, which I am referring to as my sober scent. It is bright and happy and makes me smile and feel grateful everytime I apply it. Kind of along your idea of the beads in a way. Congrats on the success on WW...I have heard great things from that program. I am on a low carb diet myself and that has been helping with cravings from AL I think. Your statement that 2 glasses of wine equal the points for a whole dinner, that is quite powerful stuff. Same with me on low carb as I have to count my carb total for the day...a few glasses of wine would outdo the whole carb count for one day, especially when my wine glasses hold a half a bottle each!

              Good luck and thanks for sharing your story with us. We all learn, grow and support each other here!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Some things that have helped me

                Hi DancingOn! I hear you with WW - what an awesome program! They have improved it even more so I hear. I'd love to go back on the program in ernest but we don't have and extra two nickels to rub together right now. Congrats on your 12 days and what a wonderful idea about the glass beads! You will have quite a necklace in a few months!
                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  Some things that have helped me

                  I love your bead idea, Dancing- and also recording what you eat and weight loss- is a good idea-I am running out the door to the craft store, to get some beads-
                  Thanks for such a great suggestion!:h
                  It's always YOUR choice!


                    Some things that have helped me

                    I bought a thin silver chain and a bunch of pretty beads to add to it can't wait to put my first bead on it tomorrow- can't wait to see it fill up-and then wear it!
                    It's always YOUR choice!


                      Some things that have helped me

                      Good idea, Fluff. I thought I'd make a wearable one at first, but decided that might cause a problem because my 12 year-old daughter would probably then want to make one for herself and all her friends, which could get expensive.

                      Another idea I had was to take smaller steps and do a 7 day bracelet, a 2 week necklace or a 30 day strand. That way you tie it off and celebrate your achievement, even if you subsequently have to start again - a way of showing yourself that if you could do it once you can do it again.

                      Wagoneer, WW can be expensive if you buy all their food, but I just use what I've got. The weekly fee was cheaper paying for 4 months up front, but it was a bit of an outlay. However, the weekly amount is still way less than I was spending on alcohol, so hopefully it will pay off. They have improved the programme so now the points are worked out on the total amount of protein, carbs, fat and fibre. All fruit and vegetables, except the starchy ones are point free, which means you can eat as much of these as you like. This has certainly made me eat more fruit and veg, as you're more inclined to reach for a piece of fruit to snack on if you no it adds no points . You can also use your exercise points to buy more food allowance if you want, but as my goal is to lose weight I haven't used them yet. I went out for a business lunch this week, though, and ended up with a pasta that had a really rich creamy sauce. I lost about 4 pounds last week, but suspect I won't be losing much this week.

