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I have done it again!

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    I have done it again!

    Really meant to stay sober last night but yet again I managed to get completely drunk and can't even remember why I slept in my DD's bed (she was at her dads) but DH is mad with me this morning (unsurprisingly) and went to work looking sad I hate myself for being like this I know I am ruining my marriage I MUST stay sober from now on, I am going to make a point of posting on here every couple of hours to remind myself why I am embarking on this new life!! (so apologies if I bore you all :H )
    Taking it ODAT

    I have done it again!

    Hi Mauritiusdodo (love the name)
    You wont bore us, posting lots is one of the things that helped me get sober and stay that way for 2 and a half years.
    Honestly mate, there is life after boozing. And it can be good
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      I have done it again!

      There's not one of us that haven't done things we regret.
      Your heart is in the right place and you want to beat this thing. If you're determined you will.


        I have done it again!

        Hi mauritiusdodo:

        Do not give up.

        I made a plan and slipped the start date many times, but finally made it.

        All the best for a great start.:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:


          I have done it again!

          Thanks everyone, I feel so down today and sorry for myself and what's worse is I know it is my fault - soooooo stupid!

          Went back to bed earlier when DS needed a nap (he has a cold poor Lil dude) and feel less hungover now, just waiting for my grocery delivery from Tesco should be here between 10 and 12 then I am going to go out and get some fresh air - a walk in the park with DS should do us both good I have ordered lots of juices and fizzy drinks so there will be something nice to drink this evening when the alarm bells start to ring!
          Taking it ODAT


            I have done it again!

            Hi Mauri, it sounds like you are starting to get a grasp of what may be at risk if you keep drinking. You and I may be quite similar. I have a family, and I was cutting it way too close with the drinking. I was riding the fine line, and I almost lost everything; I could not have come closer, thanks to alcohol and the stupid things I do when drinking. Alcohol did rob me of a lot of dignity, which I am working hard at rebuilding.

            You can do it Mauri, it is not easy. I love your new signature. Remember, one day at a time for now. You don't have to think down the road too far. You know your goal, as long as you don't drink today, you achieve it. The urges will come, expect them. Ride them like waves, "surf them". Some will be bigger, or last longer, but they will all pass. Fight.

            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              I have done it again!

              hugs ((((mmmmm))),

              I have been where you are so many times. Today is day one for me again too. I've gotten lots of support and love here. You are not are going to be okay. Keep yourself busy with things you enjoy, healthy things. You can do this!



                I have done it again!

                Hillside thanks, it helps me seeing your signature - in fact anyone who has managed a long time sober is an inspiration to me

                FF I have far too much to lose to let myself fail again and I bet you do too, best of luck for your day one and I hope we can help each other along the rocky road ((hugs))

                Been out for a walk in the sunshine with DS, had to wipe his nose at least a hundred times LOL but it was nice to get out, just having lunch now (healthy baked potato with cottage cheese) then it will be time for his nap and I might tackle my ironing mountain!
                Taking it ODAT


                  I have done it again!

                  Welcome Mauri. You have taken the first big step and are now getting down to business. Great job!! This is an amazing site with such wonderful suppportive people, When you feel the urge, pour yourself and AF drink, get a comfy seat and jut read, read, read. I have learned so much in the first month since I have found this site. You can do this.
                  Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


                    I have done it again!

                    Right I have made it past my 'danger zone' and I am now going to enjoy doing some sketching ready for my Mehndi class on Thursday (need to practice before I get let loose on the actual henna paste) It feels good to be doing something constructive this evening instead of tankiing down the wine!!!
                    Taking it ODAT


                      I have done it again!

                      Good for you Maur.......stay strong, you have almost made it through the day. Celebrate your victories. :goodjob:

                      I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

                      AF since Oct 23,2013

                      I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....


                        I have done it again!

                        Almost nine pm now and not an alcoholic drop has passed my lips, just off to make a cup of tea and have a biscuit before bed and giving myself a pat on the back - day one under my belt and I feel proud of myself:thumbs:
                        Taking it ODAT


                          I have done it again!


                          You're doing great. Hang in there, it is so worth it. Just concentrate on today.


                            I have done it again!

                            Well done!!!!!!
                            Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


                              I have done it again!

                              You go girl !!!!!!!! Day one is already behind you. :goodjob:

                              Stay close to the website........we'll help you through day 2 !!
                              I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

                              AF since Oct 23,2013

                              I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....

