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I have done it again!

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    I have done it again!

    mauritiusdodo;1047332 wrote: Really meant to stay sober last night but yet again I managed to get completely drunk and can't even remember why I slept in my DD's bed (she was at her dads) but DH is mad with me this morning (unsurprisingly) and went to work looking sad I hate myself for being like this I know I am ruining my marriage I MUST stay sober from now on, I am going to make a point of posting on here every couple of hours to remind myself why I am embarking on this new life!! (so apologies if I bore you all :H )
    Oh wow, I also wanted to remain strong yesterday, but leads to 2 and so on. I know exactly how you feel...I have felt like beating myself up all day. I am debating telling DH that I drank all his beer last night but I simply can't bear the disappointing look of his face....
    AF July 6 2014


      I have done it again!

      christyacc;1047937 wrote: Oh wow, I also wanted to remain strong yesterday, but leads to 2 and so on. I know exactly how you feel...I have felt like beating myself up all day. I am debating telling DH that I drank all his beer last night but I simply can't bear the disappointing look of his face....
      I know the very feeling Christy, my DH was so disappointed that I had slept in the spare room again for no reason other than I was drunk and being horrrible :blush: and I have had to confess to having drunk the rest of his red wine on numerous occasions when I have run out of white! Not good! Hope you are better today?
      Taking it ODAT


        I have done it again!

        WineBGone;1047834 wrote: You go girl !!!!!!!! Day one is already behind you. :goodjob:

        Stay close to the website........we'll help you through day 2 !!
        Thanks wbg I will do, I love your signature btw!
        Taking it ODAT


          I have done it again!

          [QUOTE=mauritiusdodo;1048010]I know the very feeling Christy, my DH was so disappointed that I had slept in the spare room again for no reason other than I was drunk and being horrrible :blush: and I have had to confess to having drunk the rest of his red wine on numerous occasions when I have run out of white! Not good! Hope you are better today?[/QUOTE

          Thanks for replying. I don't spend as much time on these boards as I should but always check, read up, and thankfully find people like you.

          I feel better today, maybe a little under the weather...tired, maybe coming down with a cold.

          You made it through Day one, good for you!!!!! I am still torn about moding or not, but I am planning on taking a break for a little while.
          AF July 6 2014


            I have done it again!

            Hi again Christy, I don 't know if you have tried to mod before but I have on numerous occasions and I just cannot do it, the calling for me is just too strong and if I give myself an inch I will take a mile and even allowing myself one day to drink will escalate into all week bingeing as usual (finally I have admitted this to myself!) Good luck if you do decide to try though, I know it can work for some people
            Taking it ODAT


              I have done it again!

              Hi Maur,

              How has day two been ?
              I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

              AF since Oct 23,2013

              I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....


                I have done it again!

                Hi WBG, was ok thanks although I stressed myself out to the top of the tree trying to crochet! Decided I would have a go to try and get a new hobby but it is impossible!!! Anyway I did get through the day AF so I guess it served some purpose - my hands were too busy to pick up a glass LOL thanks for thinking of me
                Taking it ODAT


                  I have done it again!

                  You can do it mauritius! x
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    I have done it again!

                    Thanks for your welcome.

                    Hi mauritius you were the first to welcome me here and would just like to give you a big hug at the moment. Still on my rocky road journey and have had some total blow outs and some good days of sobriety under my belt. I am finding if I dont give myself a hard time is it easier to stay sober the next day after falling down on the rocky road. Just get back on the horse the next day. Stress is a killer for me so being hard on myself lifts the stress levels big time!~

                    take care xx:


                      I have done it again!


                      Why not change that "must not" to "won't" or "don't need to" or "dont want"?

                      Must not is more of a telling you off term, and only leads to rebellion!


                        I have done it again!

                        Hey Missabby hope you are ok today

                        Ukblonde I am very rebellious and you are right, I do need to rethink my attitude to not drinking in order to succeed
                        Taking it ODAT

